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Employment Outlook


A number of different opportunities exist in the field of animal behavior, and it is an area that is growing quickly, Wright says. Flexible hours and the variety of work environments make it highly attractive. Even though the field is growing, there is stiff competition for jobs. Positions are available with government and private research facilities, with conservation groups and zoos, and at colleges and universities. Those who have a PhD will have the best opportunities. Self-employment as a counselor for pet owners is another option.

Income varies tremendously, depending on location and the demand for such services. For behaviorists working for someone else, salaries generally range from $35,000 to $90,000 per year. Behaviorists who are self-employed may earn more or less than this range, depending on their location, skills, and ability to promote their businesses.


 American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, www.avsabonline.org/avsabonline

 Animal Behavior Society, www.animalbehavior.org

 Animal Behaviour (journal), http://asab.nottingham.ac.uk/pubs/journal.php

 ASPCA Animal Behavior Center, www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca_animal_behavior_center

 Association of Animal Behavior Professionals, www.associationofanimalbehaviorprofessionals.com

 Bucknell University, Animal Behavior Program, www.bucknell.edu/AnimalBehavior.xml

 Companion Animal Sciences Institute, www.casinstitute.com

 Emory University, Neuroscience and Animal Behavior, www.psychology.emory.edu/nab

 Indiana University, Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, www.indiana.edu/~animal

 International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, www.iaabc.org

 Journal of Comparative Psychology, www.apa.org/pubs/journals/com/index.aspx

 Patricia McConnell, www.theotherendoftheleash.com

 University of North Texas, Department of Behavior Analysis, www.pacs.unt.edu/behavior-analysis

Careers with Dogs

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