Читать книгу Born Evil - Kimberley Chambers - Страница 17



AS SHE LOOKED at the dried-up turkey and stone cold veg lying on top of the clapped out oven, Debbie knew she was in Shit Street and wished she had taken up her brother’s earlier offer.

It was now nine p.m. and she still hadn’t heard a dickie bird from Billy. She had guessed he had a strop on when he stormed out earlier, but she’d fully expected him to come back with Andy for his dinner. Debbie knew from past experience that silence from Billy was a bad omen. Worried, she reached for her purse, took out the screwed up bit of paper and dialled her brother’s number.

‘It has not been possible to connect your call,’ a woman’s voice announced. Unable to think straight, Debbie headed for the fridge and opened the bottle of Liebfraumilch that was to have accompanied their completely ruined festive dinner. She hadn’t touched a drink all day, but now needed one desperately.

Born Evil

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