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Albie Butler hadn’t expected his family to go into meltdown over him supposedly staring death in the face, but he had thought Roy and Michael would have shown a bit more concern. Nearly two weeks it was now since Albie had been invited to dinner at Queenie’s house, and he had not heard hide nor hair from any of his family since.

Counting out the loose change in his pocket, Albie shuffled despondently towards the bar. He only had enough money left for a couple of drinks, and once that had gone he would have to suffer starvation and dehydration until he got his unemployment benefit handout on Thursday.

‘The usual, Albie?’ the barmaid asked.

‘No, just a pint today, love. Times are hard at present, so no more chasers for a while. Big Stan not been in today?’ Albie asked, hoping the man was about. Ever since he had told him that he had cancer, Stan bought him a drink or two virtually every day.

‘No, not seen him today. ’Ere, ain’t that your son just walked in, Albie?’

Albie looked around and was shocked to see Vinny walk towards him. Roy or Michael, he might have expected to pop in and buy him a pint, but not his eldest.

‘Get me dad a chaser. I’ll have a large Scotch on the rocks, and have a drink yourself,’ Vinny ordered the barmaid.

‘Thanks, son. It’s a nice surprise to see you, I must say. Was you local? Or, did you make a special trip to see your old dad?’

Ordering his father to sit down at a table, Vinny sat opposite him and smirked. ‘No, I was local. Popped over the hospital to see a pal of mine, who just happens to be a doctor there. Was worried about your illness, you see. But, you ain’t got one, have you, Dad? I knew when you stuffed two big bowls of Mum’s lamb stew down your gullet there was fuck all wrong with you, and surprise, surprise, the hospital you are supposedly having regular treatment at has never even heard of you. What a devious, wicked old fucker you are, eh?’

Knowing he’d been caught like a kipper, Albie Butler hung his head in shame. ‘I’m sorry, Vinny. I just missed yous kids so much, I said it out of pure desperation. I knew none of yous would have agreed to see me unless you thought I was dying. Have you told your brothers and your mother yet? They will hate me more than ever now, I know they will.’

‘Nope, and I might even keep your despicable lie a secret if you do something for me in return.’

‘What? I’ll do anything, boy, anything you want, providing you don’t tell anyone what I did. I will never be able to show my face round ’ere again if you do.’

‘Well, this is the deal. Tonight, I am holding a joint surprise engagement party at the club for Roy and Brenda. Unbeknown to Roy, I’ve invited his fiancée’s family over from Ireland. I want you to have a quiet word in the mother and father’s shell-like. Tell them that Roy is a ladies’ man. Say that he’s never been faithful to any bird in his life, and you have good reason to believe that he’s already cheated on Colleen, blah, blah, blah. You know what to say, being a serial womanizer yourself, eh, Dad?’

Albie didn’t like the sound of his task at all. Roy wasn’t a bad lad, and it was obvious that Vinny wanted to ruin his brother’s relationship for his own selfish means. ‘Can I ask why you don’t want Roy to marry this Colleen?’ Albie asked his son.

‘After what you’ve done, you don’t really have the right to ask me anything, Dad, but I will tell you anyway. I don’t hate Colleen, but Roy has changed so much since he met her. He has little interest in the club, our family, or bettering his life like he once did. If he gets hitched and starts banging out sprogs, then things will just get worse. Apart from a bit of help from Michael, I will have to run the business nigh-on singlehandedly, and I ain’t willing to do that.’

Albie sighed wearily. He hated the thought of ruining his son’s happiness, but what choice did he have? ‘The thing I don’t understand, Vinny, is when Roy and the rest of the family find out what I’ve done, they will hate me anyway. I don’t stand to gain much, do I?’

‘You gain them never knowing what a wicked old con-man you are. I mean, what type of father tells his four children he is dying when he isn’t? As you said earlier, your life is over in the East End if that one ever gets out.’

‘OK, I’ll do it,’ Albie said, thoroughly miserable.

‘Good! I also want you to tell Colleen’s mum and dad the story of you being hospitalized that time with all your broken bones. Tell ’em it was Roy who beat you up though, not me. Anything you can think of which will make the family want Colleen to end her engagement to Roy, you tell ’em. Then in return, in a few weeks’ time, I will tell the family that I went to the hospital with you and your cancer is now in remission, OK? I will also try and smooth over what happens tonight for you. Your excuse for your outburst will be that you have more tests at the hospital tomorrow, and you were so worried about being told you only had weeks to live, you got plastered and didn’t know what you were saying. With a bit of luck Colleen’s family won’t make a fuss at the party, and will speak to their daughter on the quiet, so what you said might not ever come to light anyway.’

‘What time do you want me to get there?’ Albie mumbled.

‘Seven o’clock, and take that to have a drink or two before you arrive,’ Vinny ordered, throwing a twenty-pound note at his father. Then, without a backward glance, Vinny strolled casually out of the pub.

When Nancy got home from work she immediately knew that something was wrong. The mood indoors had been very frosty ever since she hadn’t come home one night last week, but today she could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.

‘Sit down, Nancy,’ Donald growled.

Her mum and Christopher were sitting opposite each other in the centre of the dinner table, her dad at the head, so Nancy sat down on the chair opposite him. ‘Have I done something wrong?’ she asked anxiously. Since making love to Michael, Nancy had wanted to shout their relationship from the rooftops, but somehow she couldn’t find the right time or words to tell her parents. Michael hadn’t told his family yet either, but that was only because Nancy had insisted she wanted to tell hers first.

Donald cleared his throat. ‘Your little secret is out in the open now, Nancy. You and your fancy-man were spotted canoodling in a flash American car. Now, who the bloody hell are you courting?’

‘Just tell us the truth, love. We won’t be angry with you, but if you’re serious about this lad, we will want to meet him,’ Mary said, squeezing her daughter’s hand to reassure her everything would be OK.

Christopher, his arms folded, was glaring at her. He had an evil glint in his eyes and reminded Nancy of a python waiting to strike. It was at that point that she knew it was now or never. ‘OK, I will tell you, but please try not to be too angry with me. Michael is the loveliest, kindest lad I have ever met, and what happened in the past had nothing to do with him.’

‘What do you mean, what happened in the past? Do we know this Michael?’ Donald asked impatiently.

‘Just tell us who he is then, love?’ Mary urged her daughter. Nancy was now crying and Mary hated seeing her so upset.

‘It’s Michael Butler,’ Nancy wept.

Feeling like he had just been shot through the heart, Donald was too stunned to even speak. The name Butler was enough to put the fear of God into him, on its own.

‘That isn’t one of Queenie’s sons, is it?’ Mary asked her daughter, in total disbelief.

When Nancy nodded miserably, Christopher banged his fists on the table. ‘How could you be so stupid to have got involved with that awful crime-ridden family? You know they ruined our lives, so how could you be so bloody selfish? You are no sister of mine any more, Nancy Walker. In fact, you truly repulse me.’

Usually, Mary would always stick up for her daughter, but today Nancy had gone one step too far even for her liking. ‘You have to finish with Michael immediately, Nancy. You cannot get too involved with that mob.’

Knowing that there was no point in lying any more, Nancy shook her head. ‘I can’t, Mum. I love Michael and he loves me.’

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Donald leapt out of his chair. ‘You have two choices, Nancy. You either end your relationship or you pack your bags and leave our home immediately. Now, what is it to be?’

Seeing all three family members looking at her with a mixture of disgust and disappointment on their faces, Nancy knew she only had one choice.

‘Where’re you going?’ Mary cried, as Nancy stood up.

‘To pack my stuff. I’m moving out.’

Not wanting there to be any trouble in front of Colleen’s relations, Queenie decided to have a quiet word with Roy to tell him what Vinny had planned.

Roy breathed a sigh of relief that his future in-laws had been invited. It wouldn’t have been fair if it was just his family there, and perhaps now that he had been spared the aggravation of organizing his own party, he might take Colleen away for a weekend somewhere nice instead.

After Roy left, Queenie and Vivian spent the whole day cooking and preparing food. Vinny had wanted to hire professional caterers, but Queenie and Vivian had been outraged by his suggestion. ‘If you think I’m allowing my family to eat a load of old shit that’s been prepared by a bunch of strangers who have the cleanliness morals of a pole-cat, then you’ve got another think coming,’ Queenie told her son.

‘And you’ve got all them migrants coming over here now. Lots of them work in catering and they’re dirty bastards. Most of the countries they come from ain’t even got proper khazis. They shit in a hole in the ground, so you don’t think they will wash their hands before they make the sandwiches, do ya?’ Vivian added.

Vinny had just left them to it after that, and as Queenie stood with her hands on her hips studying their handiwork, she turned to her sister and smiled. ‘Well, that’s it. All done we are, I think.’

‘I still ain’t sure we’ll have enough grub, Queen. Vinny said earlier there could be anything up to seventy or eighty people there now, and we ain’t got enough for that amount. My Lenny eats enough for fucking five people alone.’

‘Stop worrying. We’ll have plenty, trust me. Vinny’s ordered a load of seafood as well. Right, I think I’ll ring Michael and get him to come and pick this lot up, then me and you can get ourselves looking all glam. I still can’t believe I’m celebrating not one, but two of my babies getting engaged. It only seems like yesterday that I was wiping the pair of ’em’s shitty arses.’

Sitting approximately thirty yards from the nightclub on a Kawasaki motorcycle, Johnny Preston watched the comings and goings with interest. He was behind a lorry, so nobody could really see him, and even if anyone did, the road was a main one, and there were always cars, bikes, vans and lorries parked near the club.

Worried about his daughter opening her mouth and the shit hitting the fan back home, Johnny couldn’t wait for Graeme’s pal to get back from holiday and exchange their clapped-out van, so had decided to go it alone. Graeme was still going to help him dispose of the bike and gun, but other than that he was totally on his jacksie.

Johnny felt his heart start to beat faster as he saw Queenie Butler and her sister get out of a bright red Mustang. He’d had a feeling earlier that there was some private family event at the club tonight and he had obviously guessed right. Feeling sweat dripping down his face, Johnny didn’t know if it was the heat under his crash-helmet causing it, nerves, or a mixture of both. What he did know was that Mummy’s boy, Vinny Butler, would most definitely see his mother into a car later, or he might even take her home himself. To shoot Vinny in front of Queenie would be the crème da la crème of all murders. If Johnny could pull that off, not only would it avenge Dave’s death, it would also put him on the gangland folklore map for many years to come.

Vivian beamed with pride when she spotted her Lenny standing on the stage behind a DJ console. He even had earphones on and looked ever so professional. ‘Look at him. Reminds me of that Tony Blackburn, don’t he you?’ Vivvy said, nudging her sister.

‘Aw, bless him. I notice he’s playing Elvis. You have told him he’s got to play alternative stuff other than just rock and roll, haven’t you, Michael?’ Queenie asked.

‘Yep. Champ knows what he’s doing. Now come and sit down. This table has the best view in the club which is why Vinny wanted you and Auntie Vivvy to sit here.’

Queenie sat down and as she glanced around to see who else had been invited, she very nearly fell off the chair in shock. ‘What’s your fucking father doing here?’ she hissed at Michael.

‘I don’t know to be honest. I didn’t even know he was coming until he bowled in about half an hour ago. I think Vinny must have invited him.’

Vivian pursed her lips to show her disapproval. ‘He spent most of Roy and Brenda’s childhood gallivanting with other women, or propping up the bar in some grotty pub, yet he has the cheek to show up at their engagement party like the doting father. What a fucking liberty.’

When Queenie clocked Vinny, she leapt out of her chair and marched towards him.

‘Look, I know what you’re angry about, but I just thought seeing as Dad is dying it was the right thing to do. My father is the last person I would want at my club, but for once I decided to put Roy and Brenda’s feelings before my own. It is their engagement party, and the way I saw it was if Dad is found bloody dead in that bedsit of his next week or sometime soon, they might never have forgiven me for not inviting him.’

Queenie stared into her son’s eyes. She knew her eldest better than he knew himself at times. ‘Don’t take me for a fool, Vinny. I know you’re up to no good. It had better not be something to do with Roy and Colleen, because if it is I won’t be happy at all.’

‘What do you take me for, eh? I try and make a bit of an effort and throw a nice party at all my own expense and this is the thanks I get. Well, cheers, Mum. Thanks a lot. I even got in touch with Colleen’s work pals and invited them.’

‘OK, I’m sorry,’ Queenie said, aware of how hurt Vinny looked.

‘Dad. Uncle Michael says Brenda and Dean are outside,’ Little Vinny said, tugging his father by the sleeve of his suit jacket.

‘Tell Champ to turn the music off, Mum, and get ready for the big entrance. He knows what he’s got to do. I’m gonna keep Bren and Dean outside until Roy and Colleen arrive. I want them to all walk in together.’

After Queenie gave Lenny the heads-up, she sat back down opposite Vivian.

‘I hope you had a go at Vinny for inviting Albie. What on earth was he thinking of, eh?’ Vivian asked.

Queenie shrugged. ‘Oh, for fuck’s sake. Albie has spotted us and is coming over.’

Vivian glared at her ex-brother-in-law as he plonked himself on a seat next to her. ‘Jesus, you smell like a fucking brewery and the party ain’t even started yet. How many you had?’

Dreading doing what Vinny had ordered him to do, Albie had been merry on arrival. Vinny had then served him up a few large brandies. ‘I’m a dying man, Vivian. Is a man staring death in the face not allowed to have a few drinks?’ Albie slurred.

‘Well, hurry up and croak it then,’ Vivian muttered.

‘The bleedin’ state of you, Albie. You haven’t even had a shave and the collar of that shirt is filthy. Looks crusty, it does. Don’t you dare introduce yourself to Colleen’s parents. They’ll think their daughter is marrying into The Beverly Hillbillies,’ Queenie remarked.

‘I’ve already met Colleen’s parents. Very nice people. They’re standing up by the bar.’

About to scold Albie for embarrassing the family name, Queenie was stopped by Lenny’s voice booming out over the microphone. ‘Surprise! Congratulations Roy, Colleen, Brenda and Dean. This party is for you and so is this record.’ He then proceeded to play the Dixie Cups’ ‘Chapel of Love’.

‘Always reminds me of our wedding day this does, Queenie. One of the happiest days of my life, that was,’ Albie said wistfully.

‘Oh, shut up, you silly old bastard. This record didn’t come out until the bleedin’ sixties. We’d been married donkey’s years by then,’ Queenie spat.

‘I ain’t sitting here listening to this old bollocks. Come on, Queenie, let’s go and say hello to all the guests,’ Vivian said.

Queenie stood up. ‘And don’t you dare do anything to ruin the evening, Albie. I know what an arsehole you are in drink.’

When Queenie and Vivian walked away from the table, Albie felt like crying. He would have liked to have attended the party in a nice suit, celebrated the joyous occasion with his children, behaved himself and done them proud. Yet here he was, resembling a tramp, three sheets to the wind, all because his eldest son was an evil bastard and was using him as a pawn in his latest game. Albie put his head in his hands. A brave man would walk away now rather than ruin his own son’s engagement. But Albie was a weak man, who would do anything to save his own bacon, and that had been his biggest downfall.

Mary Walker was begging her husband to calm down and think sensibly. ‘If we let Nancy go, Donald, she will be married and pregnant in no time, then we will lose her forever. We have to stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life. Perhaps if we allow her to see Michael, their relationship will fizzle out in a matter of months. But, if we force her to leave, and she moves in with them Butlers, we might as well have handed our own daughter over to a hungry pack of wolves.’

Donald was devastated, but extremely angry at the same time. For years he had worked his bollocks off to provide his children with the best possible start, and Nancy had just thrown everything he had ever tried to do, including teaching her good morals, back in his face.

Mary let out a traumatized sob when Nancy bounded out of her bedroom with a suitcase in her hand. ‘Please don’t go, darling. You will regret this for the rest of your life if you end up a part of that family. You’ll be pregnant and trapped before you know it.’

Wanting to hug her wonderful mum more than anything else in the world, Nancy knew that she couldn’t. If she did, she might not ever leave, and she loved Michael too much to give him up. If she did stay, it would be like living in a prison cell and her overbearing father and brother would watch her every move to make sure she never set eyes on the love of her life again. ‘I’m sorry, Mum, but I have to leave. I’ll be in touch soon, I promise.’

‘Oh, no you won’t. If you walk out that door and choose those Butlers over us, we want no more to do with you, do we, Dad?’ Christopher stated.

‘Your brother is correct, Nancy. For your mother’s sake, I will give you one last opportunity to apologize to your family and stop all this nonsense once and for all. Because if you don’t, I swear on the Bible you will vacate our lives forever.’

Not wanting her obnoxious father to see her falter, Nancy picked up her case, stormed out of the door, and did not cry until she had reached the pavement outside the shop.

‘Donald, do something. Please, go and bring her back,’ Mary sobbed.

Donald held his hysterical wife in his arms and did his best to comfort her. ‘None of this is our fault, Mary, so let’s not blame ourselves that Nancy has turned out to be a bad apple. We have given that girl everything, and for her to throw it back in our faces like she has is thoroughly appalling. It will be difficult, but from this moment on, Nancy doesn’t exist any more in this household. My old mum used to say, “If you lie down with dogs you catch fleas.” Well Nancy will be infested with those fleas for life now, and as much as it breaks my heart, we have to say goodbye and good riddance to her.’

Johnny Preston was well aware of his hands physically shaking when he replaced the receiver on its cradle in the phonebox. He had just rung Graeme to update him on what was happening and how he felt it in his bones that tonight was the night.

Spotting an off licence, Johnny headed towards it. His nerves were jangling and a half-bottle of Scotch should help to calm him down. Trying to shoot Vinny with trembling hands was a no-go. He would probably gun down somebody else by mistake.

Ten minutes later, Johnny was parked in a secluded alleyway off the Mile End Road. He took the bottle of Scotch from the inside of his jacket, unscrewed the lid, and drank half of it in one gulp. Immediately feeling more calm and confident about the task in hand, Johnny decided to stop at another off licence on the way back to the club to purchase another bottle in case he needed it later. With a few Scotches inside him, Johnny felt as though he could conquer the world, and that’s exactly what he needed to pull this one off successfully.

Glancing at his watch, Johnny re-started the bike’s engine. Hopefully, in the next few hours, Vinny Butler would exist only in memory.

Back at the party, Colleen’s parents, Rosa and Eugene, were in total shock as they listened to what Albie Butler had to say about their future son-in-law. ‘Go find Colleen, Eugene. Bejesus, I can barely believe what I’ve just been told. No way is she marrying into this family now,’ Rosa said to her husband.

‘So, you’re telling us that Roy broke both your legs, plus some ribs, and put you in hospital for over a month?’ Eugene asked Albie. Before he took Rosa’s advice and forced Colleen to cancel her engagement, he needed to get his facts straight. Roy had seemed such a decent chap.

‘Yep. He has a violent temper, does my Roy. You should warn your Colleen never to upset him. He will definitely get violent with her if she does,’ Albie continued. The horrified expressions on Colleen’s parents’ faces were enough to make him feel dreadful, but then when he saw Vinny grinning at him from a distance, Albie knew that for once he would rather face the music himself than ruin Roy’s life. Albie tore his eyes away from his eldest son and stared at his tatty shoes.‘Ignore everything I just said. It isn’t true. It was Vinny that put me in hospital, not his brother. My Roy is a good boy and he will make your Colleen very happy,’ Albie said, walking away from an open-mouthed Rosa and Eugene.

Knowing that he would rather admit his awful lie to Queenie himself and explain why he had said it in the first place, rather than let Vinny expose his secret, Albie went in search of his estranged wife. He hadn’t walked more than ten steps when Vinny collared him though. ‘That was a quick conversation. You better have told Rosa and Eugene everything I asked you to, otherwise you’re in shit street.’

‘I did start to tell them, boy, but then I saw you watching me and it put me off. I will have another bash again later,’ Albie replied, playing for time. He already knew what he was going to do. He was going to speak to his family one by one, and explain why he had pretended to be at death’s door. He would also warn Roy about Vinny’s cunning plan. He just hoped that Roy would show some gratitude in return by bunging him some money so he could leave the area. He wouldn’t be able to live locally after disobeying Vinny’s orders, that was for sure.

Vinny sneered. ‘If you let me down, I swear I will jump on that stage, grab the mike, and tell everybody what a despicable lying old cunt you are. Oh, and then I will have to kill you, Dad. Now, do we understand each other?’

Albie nodded sadly. He knew without a doubt that Vinny wasn’t bluffing. His first-born was toxic. In fact, he was more than that, Vinny was rotten right down to the core.

Kimberley Chambers 3-Book Butler Collection: The Trap, Payback, The Wronged

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