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“Are you going to let me do it this time?”

He waited with his breath held, waiting to see if she’d find his desires kinky and tell him to go straight to hell.

She didn’t say anything, only looked at him from the corners of her big brown eyes, and he knew better than to rush her. The last time he had, she’d done exactly what he was afraid she’d do this time. She’d told him to go straight to hell. It was all a part of the game.

“Do you think you’re ready for that, Davis? Are you ready for me?” she asked from behind the large desk, across the room from him.

He stood and slowly walked over to her and looked down at himself as he did so. Judging from the raging hard-on he had, he’d say that was a definite yes. He took the base of his penis in one hand and stroked down to the end of its his bulbous, cum-filled tip and lifted his eyes to watch her as he did so.

The quick breath she inhaled, coupled with the swipe of her tongue against her lush bottom lip, showed Davis that she liked what she saw and was ready for him.

She sat behind her desk, wearing one of those wraps of fabric she loved to wear, one leg planted on the floor, the other over the arm of the chair, swinging back and forth, pendulum style.

As he stood within a foot of her, he was surprised to see her skirt was much shorter than what she normally wore. It was so short in fact, he could see the dark, tight, curly thatch of hair surrounding her glistening pussy as it played peek-a-boo with every swing of her leg.

She loved to tease him. Loved to see how far he’d allow her to take it, before he lost it and demanded she give him what was his. He knew it, but played the game anyway.

She was ready.

Davis could tell from the way her small breasts heaved, the look in her pretty brown eyes…and the glistening of cream easing down the inside of her smooth brown thigh. He bent his head, leaned in and inhaled.


The scent of her pussy was a pungent combination of hot chocolate and peppermint. Heady and sweet, just like her. He reluctantly lifted his head.

“You’re always ready for me,” she purred. “Physically.”

When she amended her statement, he felt the first stirrings of unease.

The uneasiness turned into a more demanding churning in his gut with her rebuttal.

“But what about Gail?”

“Damn it! She has nothing to do with this. With us! This is between you and me, and my wife has nothing to do with it!” He pressed her unresisting body down onto the desk.

With a determination born out of frustrated desire, he pulled her short skirt higher. Grabbing the backs of her thighs, Davis lifted them over his arms. He leaned into her mound and stroked her, deeply, with his tongue.

In satisfaction he watched as she nearly bucked him off her small body with the first touch of his mouth against her silken folds.

“Oh god, Davis…what are you doing to me?” she panted.

“It’s not what I’m doing to you, but what I have planned to do to you, that you have to worry about. What we both have to be worried about,” he promised grimly and leaned back in, prepared to give her what she’d been wanting, what he’d been craving, for nine long months.

Ringgg. Ringgg.

Davis was jerked awake when the jarring sound of his BlackBerry rang. He wanted to roar in anger and frustration with the interruption. Fuck! Even though it had been a dream, he’d been so damn close he could smell her distinct scent in the aftermath of the dream.

He reached over and picked the cell phone up from the nightstand and stabbed the talk button viciously.

“Hello.” His voice was scratchy from sleep and his dick was hard as a damn rock due to the familiar, erotic dream he’d been snatched out of reluctantly.

“Davis? Are you okay?” a soft feminine voice asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Just was asleep is all. What’s up, Mil?” he grumbled.

“I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?”

He heard the doubt in his sister’s voice. He was so predictable, it never crossed Milly’s mind he might actually have a living, breathing woman in his bed.

By all rights, he should have one lying beneath him, limp and fully satisfied, instead of the dream lover he’d bedded. And even in his dreams, he’d only gotten a small sample, Davis thought in disgust.

“No, it’s fine. I needed to get up anyway.” He looked over at the alarm, surprised it was already seven a.m.

“I can give you a call back, once you’re awake,” Milly volunteered.

“Just give me a few—make that fifteen—minutes so I can shower.”

“You’re not running? Things change since I’ve been gone?”

Milly had only recently returned from an extended time away from both the town of Stanton and Strong Construction, the family business.

“No, I don’t have time today. I need to get out to the site in a couple of hours. We break ground today and Rodney can’t make it,” he said, mentioning his operations manager.

Usually Davis ran three miles every morning without fail, but the dream had kept him enthralled so strongly his internal alarm hadn’t gone off.

“Okay, I’ll give you a call back in a bit,” she agreed and they hung up.

When Davis disengaged the phone, he reluctantly got out of bed and made his way, barefoot, to the adjoining bathroom. After adjusting the showerhead, he allowed the water to heat before he stepped inside the steaming, black-tiled, roomy stall. He turned his body fully into the hot, stinging spray and rubbed both hands over his face.

He’d had the dream again. This time, he’d almost gotten a real taste of her, this time he had been determined to shut his brain off and allow his libido to take over.

No thinking about the past, present or future. No thinking about Gail, his late wife.

Not this time.

This time he was going to fulfill the desires he and his dream lover had been flirting around with for the last nine months. This time he wasn’t going to think, even if it was just a dream, about anything but the pleasure two willing bodies could give each other.

He turned his face upward, allowing the invigorating spray to wash over his face, and thought about the woman who played the starring role in his dreams.

Candice Cain.

The kids called her Miss Candy. Her name alone was silly and immature.

He had no damn business thinking of the young woman constantly, not to mention the wet dreams where she’d been cast in the starring role. Dreams reminding him of his adolescence they were so graphic. Hot and so damn real he woke up hard as hell, dick in hand, with cum splashed against his thigh.


He was too old for her. He was almost forty years old and Candice couldn’t be any older than her early twenties. Not only that, but she appeared to be the exact opposite of Gail.

He’d always been careful, sexually, with his wife. Before she’d been sick, she’d been the same way. When they’d made love, Davis had always been forced to hold back.

And it had been damn hard to do.

He was a man with a strong sex drive. After one disastrous time when he’d been less than…gentle, Gail had made him feel like a pile of shit. From that time on, he’d refrained from deviating from the norm with her, the sex had been done straight missionary style, and once he came, Gail quickly eased her body away from his.

He definitely never thought to ask her to do some of the freaky shit he’d had on his mind of late, when he saw or thought of Candy.

Damn, it was getting worse and worse every day. With everything going on with his daughter, it was a complication he didn’t need.

He didn’t know what had come over his Aunt Mildred when she’d suggested to the board to hire Candy as the center’s director.

Candice Cain had come barreling into his life nine months ago and things hadn’t been the same since.

Aunt Mildred had been in the process of turning the reins of the business over to him and his sister, Milly. She’d told him she’d found the perfect replacement for the previous center’s director, who’d retired.

Girls Unlimited had been one of Mildred’s projects and she’d held a position on the board for years. The board members respected her, just as they appreciated her sizable donations to the center. Therefore, when she’d found a replacement they’d eagerly accepted the young woman without hesitation.

But Davis had enough reservations for them all. There was something about Candy, besides her youthful appearance, that made him question his aunt’s judgment.

She was an intelligent young woman—she had a bachelor’s as well as a master’s degree in psychology and early childhood development. The girls seemed to like her and she’d made some noticeable improvements already in the time she’d been the director.

Still. He wasn’t going to bring Candice into the picture and ask for her help with his daughter. To do so would be a set-up for disaster. He had enough problems with Angelica without adding the complications of Candice.

“I don’t know what the hell is going on with Angel, Milly. What would you do? I’m at a loss. I freely admit it.”

Davis held the receiver propped between his ear and the top of his shoulder as he searched the fridge for something decent to eat.

His housekeeper was on vacation and he hadn’t bothered to go shopping for groceries since his daughter, Angelica, had been spending the last few days with her great-aunt Mildred, after her latest bout of trouble.

With pure disgust, he noticed the refrigerator was all but bare. There was nothing in its hollow caverns but a quart of milk, butter, a half-dozen or so eggs, juice and a carton of vanilla yogurt. He needed to eat something more substantial than yogurt, so he opted for the eggs, milk and butter and hunted for bread.

“French toast will work,” he mumbled after scanning the refrigerator.

“What? Who are you talking to?” his sister asked.

“No one. Who else would be here other than me anyway? Anne’s on vacation and Angel is with Aunt Mildred. It’s just me, myself and I.”

“And I thought I had no sex life.” Although she spoke low, in an aside, Davis heard the comment.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” As he spoke, he deftly cracked the eggs into the Pyrex bowl and added milk.

He moved to the center of the kitchen and removed the pan hanging above the butcher-block island counter, placed it on the stove and added the half-stick of butter.

“Damn…I’m out of real vanilla!” he scoured the cabinet, looking for the spice.

“And I suppose you don’t have any of the fake variety, like a normal man would, huh?”

“Fresh is best. Doesn’t taste right, otherwise. I think I have some nutmeg, that’ll have to work.” He added the powdered spice to his mixture.

He brought out the wire whisk and beat the eggs, milk and spice to a frothy blend before he dunked the thick bread slices into the mix and carefully placed them into the sizzling pan.

“I can smell it through the phone. Just what me and my hips need,” Milly groaned.

“Thanks…but don’t think I forgot your little comment.”

“What comment?”

“About my sex life…or lack of one,” he mumbled and sucked his thumb when he burned it after flipping the French toast over by hand.

The hot butter popped from the sizzling skillet, landing on his bared chest. Uttering a low curse, he jumped away from the stove.

If Milly could see him using his hands and not a spatula, she’d probably revise her opinion about how “uptight” he was.

He knew the impression he gave, to his sister, along with his daughter: that he was conservative, uptight and, if Angelica was right, a stick-in-the-mud.

But what the hell else would any nine-year-old say after she’d been busted skipping school and her father wasn’t jumping up and down cheering over the fact?

He’d done the exact opposite and had gone off in nine different directions, beyond angry she’d done something so stupid.

It made him wonder if he was doing a good enough job with her. Maybe what Anita Watson, her school principal, intimated, was true. Maybe she needed a stronger female presence in her life.

Then again, he knew damn well Angelica’s well-being was not the reason for Anita Watson’s concern.

“My sex life isn’t up for discussion, Mil. Angelica’s behavior is what’s paramount on my mind right now.”

“I know. It’s what’s on mine as well.”

“Did Angelica tell you why she did it?”

“We didn’t talk about it when I spoke with her. I didn’t think it’s was a good idea to talk about it at the time. I think she’s been punished enough.”

“I disagree. I don’t know what the hell to do. She’s skipping school and her entire attitude is changing. It’s like I have a different child, and I don’t like it, Milly. Gail is probably turning over in her grave,” he said and flipped the French toast onto his waiting plate.

“Davis, you’re doing fine. You’ve got to expect this. Most kids go through a rebellious stage; don’t beat yourself up. And Gail isn’t turning in her grave. I don’t think Angel’s behavior has anything to do with her mother being dead. I think if Gail were alive, it would be something else.”

“Yes, I know. You’re probably right, Mil, but lately, I keep remembering what Gail asked me, before she died.”

“That you make sure Angel has a black female role model?”

“Yes, I think maybe she was right.” He thoughtfully chewed the French toast. “Until now, I never gave it much thought. She has you and Aunt Mildred as good role models, so it’s not as though she doesn’t have any females in her life. But when you left, she didn’t have anyone. She lacked a mother figure to talk to and I think it was hard for her. She’s not as close to Aunt Mildred as she is to you.”

“God, I’m sorry, Davis. I didn’t realize the impact on Angel when I left. I was being selfish,” Milly replied, sadness in her voice, and Davis instantly wanted to retrieve his words.

He still wasn’t clear on the reasons Milly had decided, several months ago, to take a hiatus from Strong Construction. She’d left Stanton to visit friends on the west coast for an extended visit, saying that she needed to get away. She’d only recently returned and they hadn’t talked about her reasons for leaving.

“No, Mil, that’s not what I’m saying. It wasn’t your fault. You and I both know Angel started behaving differently before you left Stanton. Besides, you needed to get away,” he replied. “But maybe it’s time for her to have someone around her who can help her with things you and I can’t.”

“Davis, I never thought about that, honestly. Not until Gail said the same thing to me before she died.”

“I didn’t know she had.”

“Yes, she did. She thought it was important for Angel to have a black woman in her life. I agree with her.”


“It’s important. There are some things she’s going to need help with. Things you or I won’t be able to help her with. Life is harsh, Davis; you know that. And the reality is there are some people who aren’t color-blind, and can be cruel. Just like there are people who treat people with disabilities differently.”

Although Milly spoke from experience, because of her own disability, Davis remained silent. More than anything, Milly despised sympathy.

“Someone who was a good role model, maybe even worked with young girls. Maybe Angel would feel free to open up to her. But who? Who do we know that fits those criteria?” When her last few words sunk in, Davis grew wary.

“Don’t even try it, Mil. I know what, or who, you’re referring to.”

Davis felt the clench in his gut, the same reaction he had whenever the woman his sister was none-too-subtly referring to was mentioned or in his general vicinity.

The same woman who he’d convinced himself over the last nine months of their acquaintance was not an ideal woman to supervise the girls at the center.

The same woman who flitted through his mind with irritating regularity from since the first moment he’d laid eyes on her.

The one who’d been the cause of and starred in more wet dreams than he’d had since he was a randy seventeen-year-old adolescent.

He wasn’t a kid anymore. He was a grown man with responsibilities. And one of those responsibilities was to raise his daughter the best way he could. This meant having reservations about her being around someone who threw convention to the wind in her manner, dress and overall…presence.

“What do you have against Candice, Davis? Really. What is it?”

He damn sure couldn’t tell her he found Candice to be the wrong choice as the director of the center. She was way too free-spirited to guide and counsel a slew of impressionable young girls, his daughter included. But he still wanted to fuck the woman so badly it was all he could do not to howl at the moon in frustration.

Self-imposed frustration.

Because although she was very subtle, he knew the instantlust attraction he’d felt for Candice was reciprocated. Yet, he had no intention of letting her know that. It was hard enough keeping himself in check when he was around her. If she knew what thoughts were in his mind, and she was game to follow up, they’d end up screwing like bunnies for a solid week, without coming up for air once.

Or at least that’s what he’d want to happen. Whether she would be game or not, he didn’t know. In his fantasies, she was a willing participant.

No, it was better little Miss Candice thought he found her anything but attractive. Coupled with his desire, he felt guilt about it. His wife had been dead for seven years and their marriage had been anything but perfect, but the guilt was there.

He and Gail had known one another for years, had flitted in and out of each other’s lives from the time her grandfather had worked for Strong Construction when she was a young girl. Upon her return on break from university, no one had been surprised when they’d gotten together.

She’d always had a quiet way about her, always seemed to hold her emotional cards close. They’d flirted back and forth, yet Davis was surprised when she returned from school during her summer break and immediately insisted they take their relationship to the next level.

When she’d shown up on his doorstep, slightly intoxicated, he’d invited her in. He’d initially resisted, hadn’t wanted to take advantage of her inebriated state, but had eventually caved in and made love to her.

Six weeks later she’d told him she was pregnant, and they’d gotten married.

She’d never shown him as much desire, had never been so determined to make love to him, as she had during that time. Davis wouldn’t know for several months later why.

Once he learned the reason, he shut down his emotions around her. He’d kept his feelings tightly in check. Tried to make the best of it for Angelica’s sake.

“I promised Gail I would make sure Angel had a black woman in her life. And more importantly, I think Angel could benefit from it. And I will find one. A positive, nurturing, mature woman. But it won’t be Candice,” he stated, emphatically.

“What?! Oh come on! What are you going to do? Put an ad in the newspaper? ‘Help Wanted: Black woman who is positive and nurturing to be my daughter’s friend?’”

“Whatever I do, it won’t be to approach Ms. Cain. End of subject.”

Candy Cain. Just like candy, I can see it when you walk, even when you talk, it takes hold of me… he hadn’t been able to get the old ’80s song out of his mind from the moment he first laid eyes on her.

“I don’t know what I’ll do, but I’ll figure something out. Now when are you coming back to work? The place isn’t the same without you,” he quickly changed the subject.

There was a pregnant pause and he prompted her. “Mil? What’s going on? Is there something behind you leaving the company and Stanton besides you needing a break?”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Davis.”

“Are you sure? I’ve been so caught up in Angel and her theatrics I think I’m missing something with you.”

“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Davis,” she repeated. “You know I’m a big girl now. I don’t need for you to jump in and fight my battles for me,” she replied, her voice nonchalant.

Davis held back his desire to probe deeper, knowing his sister was stubborn as hell and wouldn’t listen to him.

Just as all the women in his life seemed to be, he thought and munched moodily on his cold French toast.

Just Like Candy

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