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“I want sex,” Sarah blurted into the receiver


Houston sat upright in bed. When he’d come back into town, he’d anticipated picking up where he and Sarah had left off—spending his nights burning up the sheets with her. Unfortunately, she hadn’t been of the same mind. Until now.

“You want to have sex,” Houston said, just to make sure he’d heard her correctly and this wasn’t just an extension of the very erotic dream he’d been having.

“Not plain old sex. I want it in a shower, a movie theater, a public rest room and an elevator. It’s unfinished business. Once we finish, things will get back to normal.” He could hear in her voice that she felt the same heat he did, burning her up from the inside out.

“Which means we should get started right away.” His body throbbed at the prospect.

“We’ll start tomorrow.”

Tomorrow? There was no way Houston would make it through another hour without her, much less an entire night. He wanted her and she wanted him, and they’d both admitted as much.

As far as he was concerned, there was no better time than the present.

The Fantasy Factor

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