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I have a few dedications, so bear with me.

First, to my amazing kiddo, Hannah. She is, and has always been, an amazing young person. It’s my true blessing to see her grow up into such a wonderful young lady. Even when she thinks I’ll let her wear my stilettos. Not even... ;) Momma loves you, baby girl!

To my fans. I’m a blessed woman to have some of the BEST, sexiest, funniest, craziest and, most of all, supportive reading divas! You all are, absolutely, the best. After having major surgery, I was knocked off my feet for nearly a year. There were days I wanted to scream as I dealt with recovery, physical therapy and everything that goes along with major surgery. I received so many beautiful emails from you all, emails that often helped me power through the pain and finish this story!! I’m better, and now back to writing full-time again. And so, of course, that means I have so many Wildes in my head yelling at me to tell their story, and I plan to write them for you. I love you all!

I’d like to also dedicate this to two people who were patient, understanding and just plain awesome as I went through some hard days recovering, when I just didn’t feel like writing. Glenda Howard, my amazing editor, and Ethan Ellenberg, my equally amazing agent. I have no words for how supportive you two were. I do have them, but I don’t want to cry and mess up my makeup. A diva has to keep her composure!

Last, but not least, to two women who are more like sisters than friends: Yolanda Turner and Marvenette White. I don’t know what I would have done without you two...and you know why. Don’t worry...I won’t tell, lol!

To Claim a Wilde

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