Читать книгу English in Inclusive Multilingual Preschools - Kirsten Birsak de Jersey - Страница 21

3.4.3 Preschool teachers’ disposition to teach English to their groups


The next question aimed at finding out whether those preschool teachers who felt that they could not imagine teaching English (→ question 4c) had the general readiness and disposition to teach English to their groups if appropriate support, including language support, was provided. Data referring to this issue resulted from the following question:

Would you teach English if appropriate support were provided? (Würden Sie mit der notwendigen Unterstützung anfangen Englisch zu unterrichten?) (question 4c-2).

A high percentage of preschool teachers who responded to this question indicated that they would not want to start teaching English even if appropriate support was provided (76.7%) (→ statistical data 20).

Figure 21:

Statistical data 20: Teachers’ disposition to teach English if support was provided

When reviewing the explanatory comments that preschool teachers gave to why they would not teach English in their groups even if support was provided, it became apparent that their dispositions towards teaching English were strongly influenced by taking their children’s perspective rather than their own as prospective language teachers – even though this part of the questionnaire clearly referred to themselves. The majority of the reasons related – yet again – to the contextual circumstances that German as a second language was an issue in their preschools and therefore, they would not start teaching English:

“Kommt auf den Standort des Kindergartens an. Wir haben zum Beispiel 80 % Ausländeranteil und das ist deshalb für mich nicht vorstellbar. Kinder lernen teilweise schon schwer die deutsche Sprache” (4c-2:no).

“Fast alle Kinder haben Migrationshintergrund. In unserem Kindergarten spricht fast kein Kind Deutsch, wenn es kommt. Deshalb ist es nicht förderlich sie mit einer weiteren Fremdsprache zu konfrontieren” (qu. 4c-2: no).

“Zusätzlich nicht mehr → die Anforderungen sind für die Kinder schon hoch genug” (qu. 4c-4).

“Wäre eine Überforderung der Kinder” (qu. 4c-2: no).

Nevertheless, there were teachers (almost a fifth) who said they would teach English if they were provided with the necessary support:

“Ich würde gerne eine Fortbildung besuchen um wieder sicherer zu werden, oder auch externe Angebote in Anspruch nehmen!” (qu. 4c-2).

English in Inclusive Multilingual Preschools

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