Читать книгу Magic Motivation - From Stuck to Success In Days - Kirsten OSB Long - Страница 6

I just don’t feel like it!


Journal work

Cast your mind over the last week. Write down everything you did that you did not feel like doing. Your list might include the following:

♦I did the laundry.

♦I wrote that report on Friday afternoon.

♦I cooked dinner.

♦I went to gym.

Describe what it feels like to be doing these things. Where do you feel this in your body?

Journal work

Think back over the last week and write down everything you did that you really enjoyed. Your list might include:

♦I cooked a special dinner for my best friend.

♦I gave a presentation to the board.

♦I spoke to my Mom on the phone.

Describe what it feels like to be doing these things. Where do you feel this in your body?

So often you let yourself off the hook by telling yourself, “I don’t feel like it.” Have you ever felt so tired at the end of the day that you didn’t even feel like brushing your teeth? You probably still brushed them.

You are VERY capable of doing things that you don’t like or feel like doing. You do it all the time. Not doing something because you don’t feel like it, is a choice. You are choosing not to do it. In that moment you are also choosing to believe that you can’t do it. This is not true. It’s convenient!


Every day this week, consciously do one thing you don’t feel like doing. It’s important that you acknowledge your feelings. Say to yourself, “I don’t feel like doing this AND I’m going to do it anyway.” Then do it. Notice how this allows you to feel empowered.

Here’s the crux: you can practice doing the things you don’t feel like doing and can get quite good at it. No matter what career you’re following or what you do for a living there will be times in your life when you have to do things that you don’t feel like doing. That’s life. There are however, ways to reduce those tasks through delegation, outsourcing and saying no.

Then, acknowledge your emotions – these are important messages that give you vital information about what is going on in your life. Get into the habit of acknowledging your feelings as opposed to invalidating them. Never say phrases like: “I shouldn’t feel like this.” Your emotions are your truth in that moment. Learn to listen to your feelings and what they’re trying to tell you!

If most of your day is spent doing tasks that you hate – take heed. This may mean that you should be doing something differently. Ask yourself, “If I’m still doing the same thing in 10 years time, will I be happy?” If the answer makes you feel like jumping off the planet – it’s time to take action and make a change. Set a goal and take the necessary steps to bring you to a more fulfilled place. Get the support of a Life Coach if you really don’t know what else to do or how to do it.

You may believe that you have to be motivated first, and then follow with action. Your belief is that you’ll work when you’re motivated. But, motivation is actually a luxury. You DON’T have to have it! You may find that once you sit down and start something, you only then begin to feel motivated. A more true statement is that you will feel motivated once you begin the work. Adopt this belief and you’ll get much more done!

The reason you can do things you “don’t feel like doing” is simply because you decide to do them. When you’re exhausted at night you DECIDE to brush your teeth even though you really don’t feel like it. It’s a choice you’re making.

There may sometimes be a person who is expecting you to do something. You allow yourself to be accountable to others. But what about being accountable to you? It’s much more difficult to do something if you’re doing it for yourself. Planning to write a book? Lose weight? Start a business? Do you find it difficult to get going because you are not motivated? You could wait for years until you feel motivated. The consequences of waiting until you’re motivated are.... nothing. Yes, that’s right – nothing will be achieved if you’re waiting for motivation.

“Don't wait until everything is just right.

It will never be perfect.

There will always be challenges, obstacles

and less than perfect conditions.

So what?”

Mark Victor Hansen

The way to overcome this inertia is twofold:

♦Get your mind right! Understand that motivation is a luxury and a choice. You know how to start something even if you “don’t feel like it”.

♦Then, train yourself to do something small each day that you don’t like doing but that has to get done. Notice how you feel once it’s done. Now tackle bigger projects. Soon you’ll discover that you’re getting things done without noticing whether you’re motivated or not. Acknowledging that you don’t feel like doing something and doing it anyway is a winning mindset.

This is how you teach yourself to be accountable to yourself. Once you are accountable to yourself, you can tackle those projects you’ve been thinking about for years with ease and grace.

“The truth is,

motivation doesn't just appear.

Force yourselves to go

to the gym at first –

over time your body will actually crave a workout!”

Chris Crocker

Key ideas

♦You’re capable of doing something you don’t feel like doing.

♦Empower yourself – acknowledge your feelings AND take action.

♦You’ll feel motivated once you begin the work.

♦If you don’t feel like doing what you should be doing most of your day – take the steps to make a change.

♦You can train yourself to do things you don’t feel like doing.

♦ Motivation is actually a luxury. You DON’T have to have it!

♦ The reason you can do things you don’t feel like doing is simply because you decide to do them.

♦You allow yourself to be accountable to others.

♦You can train yourself to be accountable to you.

♦The consequences of waiting until you’re motivated are.... nothing.

♦ Get your mind right. Acknowledge that you don’t feel like doing something and do it anyway – it’s a winning mindset.

Magic Motivation - From Stuck to Success In Days

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