Читать книгу Sabotage - Kit Wilkinson - Страница 2

Distracted, Derrick almost missed the two police cars heading for the barn.


And the television news van that followed.

Quickly, he dismounted the horse, handed the reins over to the evening stable hand and dashed to Emilie’s office. But already two policemen were escorting her through the front doors of the stable. One of the officers held up a hand, indicating for Derrick to stay back.

Emilie lowered her head and looked away. “Call my lawyer. And my father.”

“And tell them what?” Derrick’s voice cracked through the tense air.

“Can’t you guess? I’m being arrested,” she said, trying to sound bravely unaffected.

Derrick could see she was close to tears. “For what?”

“For the murder of Camillo Garcia,” one of the officers answered.


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