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Chapter Nine


Mavis walked silently home beside her mother, expecting her to rant and rave again, but instead she didn’t say a word. She had sort of understood what her mother had told her, but didn’t know why boys shouldn’t touch her. There had been mention of dire consequences, of them making her pregnant, but her mother hadn’t told her exactly how it happened.

They were home and in the kitchen before her mother opened her mouth, but only to say gruffly, ‘I expect you’re hungry. I’ll bank up the fire first and then heat up some stew.’

Mavis wanted to ask questions, to understand how babies were made, but was too scared to bring up the subject again. She took off her coat, hung it up on the hook behind the back door, and then she sat at the table, still looking warily at her mother.

‘Mrs Pugh said you did well today.’

‘You … you’ve seen her?’

‘Yeah. I went round there looking for you. Don’t you ever do that again, my girl. When you’ve done your hour for Mrs Pugh, I want you to come straight home.’

Mavis nodded, unable to ignore the growl of hunger coming from her stomach. She’d been too scared and upset to eat the stew her grandmother had offered, but now watched avidly as her mother brought the fire to life before going to light the gas under a saucepan. On the few occasions she’d eaten school dinner, she got just a bit of bread and jam or dripping for her tea, but now she’d have two hot meals in a day.

Of course, it was down to the five pounds her dad had left, and Mavis prayed he’d keep his promise. If he did, she wouldn’t have to take the pram out any more, and with less time on the streets it would be easier to keep out of Larry’s and Tommy’s way. But what about Larry’s threats? One hadn’t worked. Thanks to Gran, her mother didn’t believe him, but there was the other one looming over her head, making her stomach clench with fear. He said he’d make it worse for her if she opened her mouth and she’d done just that. Mavis felt a wave of nausea. What would Larry do now?

‘Here, get that down you,’ Lily said as she put bowls of stew on the table.

Mavis picked up her spoon, but her hand was shaking and as she took her first mouthful she found it difficult to swallow. Should she tell her mother? ‘Mum, I’m scared.’

‘Scared of what?’

‘Larry said that if I told anyone, he’d make it worse for me.’

‘He said that, did he? Well, don’t you worry about him, my girl. I’ll sort him out in the morning, and his friend Tommy. I’ll also have another few choice words to say to their mothers.’

On hearing this Mavis slumped with relief. But, just to be on the safe side, she’d be extra vigilant when she went out. She tucked into her stew again, looking up when her mother spoke.

‘After I’ve had a word in their ears, I doubt those boys will have the nerve to come near you again, but if they do, make sure you tell me. You should have come to me in the first place, and from now on, no more secrets, Mavis. Do you understand?’

‘Yes, Mum,’ Mavis agreed.

There was silence for a while as they both continued to eat, but then Lily said, ‘I must say, from what I saw of it, Edith Pugh has got a nice place.’

Mavis found her eyes widening. Her mother was talking again, but this time making conversation. She never did that! ‘Yes, but she’s really fussy,’ Mavis said eagerly. ‘She’s got cream furniture in her living room and I had to wash my hands before I started work.’

‘Did you now? And what cleaning did you do?’

‘Mostly hoovering, but then I made a cup of tea and peeled some potatoes before I left.’

‘Gawd, Mavis. Did you break anything?’

‘No. I was really careful.’

‘Thank Gawd for that, but you know what a clumsy cow you are. If you start smashing her china the job won’t last five minutes.’

Mavis again found her throat constricting again. Yes, she was clumsy, useless, and how would Mrs Pugh react if she broke one of her precious ornaments? Would she go mad like her mother? Would she sack her on the spot? Yes, probably, and then her mother would be furious.

Lily was so full of guilt that she was glad when Mavis went to bed at nine o’clock. Without bothering to hear her side of the story, she’d thought the worst of her daughter. She’d believed those two little sods! What sort of mother was she? Lily didn’t like the way she was feeling and fought to find excuses. With a daughter like Mavis, was it any wonder? No, of course it wasn’t. The girl should’ve had enough sense to know it was dangerous to be alone on the common with boys, but unlike other girls of her age she was as daft as a brush.

There was a knock on the door and, sighing heavily, Lily went to answer it. ‘Kate, come on in.’

‘I know it’s a bit late, but Sandra’s still upset about Mavis. I said I’d come round to see how things are going.’

Lily didn’t want to paint herself in a bad light, so instead of telling Kate the whole story she said shortly, ‘It’s all right. She’s fine.’

‘Did you sort those boys out?’

‘Yeah, but the little sods have convinced their mothers that Mavis led them on.’

‘Huh, well, I’ll put them straight. According to Sandra they tried it on with her too. If my Bill finds out he’ll kill the pair of them.’

Lily stared at Kate, her mind in turmoil. Sandra was a sensible girl, a clever girl, but it hadn’t stopped those two little buggers. Any lingering doubts that Mavis had led them on were now swept aside in another wave of guilt.

‘What is it, love?’ Kate asked. ‘You’ve gone as white as a sheet.’

Unable to hold it back, Lily said, ‘I … I believed them. I went for her, Kate. I gave Mavis a good hiding.’

‘Oh, the poor kid.’

Once again Lily didn’t like the way she was feeling, and said in defence, ‘Yeah, well, she shouldn’t have been on the common with them. Maybe a good hiding is the only way to make her see sense.’

For a moment Kate looked annoyed, but she only bit on her bottom lip momentarily before saying, ‘Have you spoken to her about the dangers now?’

‘Yeah, and I just hope she took it in.’

‘I’m sure she did.’

Lily lowered her eyes. Kate was always saying that she didn’t give Mavis enough credit, but at least she could say something in her favour now. ‘I must admit that Edith Pugh was pleased with her work today.’

‘Work! Mavis is working for Edith Pugh? Since when?’

‘She’s just started and is doing an hour’s cleaning for her after school.’

‘Blimey, how did that come about?’

Lily told her, and then said, ‘You never know. It might lead to something when she leaves school.’

‘I think Mavis can do better than cleaning, especially for an uppity cow like Edith Pugh.’

‘Now you sound like Ron and, as I told him, there isn’t much Mavis can do. At least the woman thinks she can train her, and if she can do that, it could lead to other work.’

‘Yeah, I suppose so,’ Kate said doubtfully, but then she stood up. ‘Sandra will be waiting to hear so I’d best get back.’

Lily stayed where she was, just calling goodbye as Kate left. God, what a day. She felt worn out and decided on an early night. Her mind shied away from Mavis and the unjust punishment she’d meted out, instead turning to her mother. Indigestion my arse, Lily thought. There was more to it than that and, like it or not, she was going to make sure that her mother saw the doctor.

It wasn’t until Lily walked into the bedroom that it hit her. Alone! She’d be sleeping alone. With all the nights down the race track or the pub, she was used to going to bed before Ron, but this was different. There wouldn’t be the feel of his body climbing into bed when he came home, his arms wrapping around her as he snuggled up for warmth. ‘Oh, Ron,’ she whispered. ‘I miss you already, but, please, let it be worth it. Don’t let me down.’

Ron sat propped up, a pillow behind him as he rolled a cigarette, his eyes scanning the hut with disgust. God, it was like being back in the army training camp with a row of beds on each side of the room. Even the orphanage he’d grown up in had more comfort. ‘Blimey, Pete, when you said the contractor would arrange lodgings, I wasn’t expecting this.’

‘I know it ain’t much, but it’s been done up, and if that dinner was anything to go by, we’re bound to get a decent breakfast.’

‘Yeah, it was all right, but what about this dump? What was it? The cow shed?’

‘I dunno, mate, but it’s dry, cheap and warm. Anyway, what does it matter? With the hours we’ll be working, it’s just a place to crash at night.’

Four other men were sitting at a table close to the stove, one letting out a loud fart as he shuffled a deck of playing cards. He laughed, but then turned his head to call, ‘Sorry, boys. It’s that bloody cabbage the old girl gave us for dinner.’

‘Yeah, Gerry, I know what you mean,’ Pete called back.

‘Fancy a few hands of poker?’

‘No, thanks,’ Pete replied. ‘Maybe some other time.’

Ron stood up and ignoring the warning shake of Pete’s head he strolled down to that end of the room. He’d met the four blokes when they’d returned to the farm after work, all of them sitting round a large, wooden, well-scrubbed table in the farmhouse kitchen. They didn’t seem a bad bunch and he and Pete would be joining them on site in the morning. Gerry was another bricklayer, Eric his hod carrier, Martin was a plasterer and his younger brother, Andy, was there to learn the trade and knock up.

‘What about you, mate?’ Gerry asked. ‘Do you fancy a game?’

Ron eyed the money on the table. He could only see small coins and was tempted. It would give him a chance to see how they played, and, if they weren’t up to much, on payday he could up the stakes. He was about to answer, but then Pete called from the other end of the room.

‘Ron, can I have a word?’

‘Maybe later, Gerry,’ he said, annoyed at the interruption as he walked away.

‘What the fuck are you playing at?’ Pete hissed as soon as Ron reached his side.

‘Playing at? What are you on about?’

‘Poker! Gambling!’

‘Leave it out! They’re only playing for pennies.’

‘Yeah, now maybe, but I know you and it’ll soon turn to pounds. You’re supposed to be giving it up, or have you forgotten that already?’

‘It’s only cards, Pete. It ain’t the dogs.’

‘It’s still gambling and if you lose your money as usual, don’t expect me to pick up the pieces.’

‘That won’t happen. I’m good at poker and I can take them.’

‘Yeah, like you’re good at picking out winners down the dog track.’

‘Bloody hell, Pete, it sounds like you’re gonna turn out to be a bigger nag than Lily.’

Pete’s eyes narrowed with anger. ‘That’s it, Ron. I’ve had enough. You’ll never change and our first night here has proved that.’

‘Look, if it upsets you that much, I won’t play poker.’

With a shake of his head, Pete said, ‘Please yourself, Ron. I ain’t here to be your keeper and if you want to gamble your wages away every week, that’s up to you. I’m here to work, to earn enough to set up a decent future. I need a partner who’ll be reliable, one with a bit of ambition, and that obviously ain’t you. I’ll find someone else.’

Bewildered, Ron slumped onto the side of his bed. All this bloody fuss about a penny card game! Yet even as this thought crossed his mind, Ron knew that Pete was right. As soon as he had a few bob, he’d planned to up the stakes, so sure that he could win. With a wry smile he looked up. ‘I don’t blame you, mate. I know I’m a lost cause, but I really do want to change.’

‘Yeah, so you’ve said, and so many times that I’ve lost count.’

‘Don’t give up on me, Pete. Give me one more chance.’

Pete gazed back at him, about to answer when Gerry called out again. ‘Ron, do you want in on this game or not?’

‘Nah, sorry, mate, leave me out. Gambling’s a mug’s game.’

There was a choking sound and then Pete began to laugh, doubling over with mirth as he gasped between guffaws. ‘A mug’s game. You said it’s a mug’s game. Blimey, Ron, you’re priceless.’

Ron joined in his laughter, but as they sobered he appealed, ‘Don’t start up a business with someone else, Pete. We’re partners, you and me. Come on. Give me one more chance.’

Their eyes met, Pete’s hardening as he said, ‘Yeah, all right, but it’s your last one.’

He meant it, Ron could see that. This really was his last chance—he’d have to make sure he didn’t blow it.

Lost & Found

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