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Chapter Twenty-Two


Amy woke up on Saturday morning, her eighteenth birthday, wishing that she didn’t have to go to work. At least the shop would be busy, and she’d made friends with Doreen, who’d been taken on when Linda had been sacked. Doreen was funny and they shared a few laughs when they got the chance, so with any luck the time would pass quickly and then tonight she would be going out with Tommy. Though it wasn’t a big occasion like a twenty-first birthday, Tommy had told her earlier in the week that he had planned something special.

After yawning and stretching out her arms, Amy got out of bed. Her parents didn’t work on Saturdays, but when she went downstairs Amy found that they were both up and seeing her, they smiled.

‘Happy Birthday,’ her mother said, giving her a hug, which was followed by one from her father.

Amy was then given a birthday card and a flat box tied with a ribbon. She eagerly opened it, smiling with delight when she found a pretty silver bracelet inside. ‘I love it. Thanks Mum, thanks Dad,’ she said, kissing them both.

‘I’m glad you like it,’ her mum said.

Amy then read her card, misty-eyed at her parents’ words of love. Breakfast followed, and they had only just finished eating when there was a knock on the door, her mum letting Mabel in.

‘Happy Birthday, Amy,’ she said, passing another envelope and package. ‘I wanted to catch you before you left for work.’

‘Oh, thank you,’ Amy enthused, quickly reading the nice card and then opening the package to find a manicure set in a small tapestry case. ‘This is lovely and just what I need,’ she said, hugging her.

‘That’s good,’ Mabel said, ‘but I’d best be off.’

‘Thanks again,’ Amy called as the woman left. It was all a rush then to get ready for work, and after her parents hugged her again, Amy hurried out of the house, only to hear a voice calling her. She turned to see Carol, still in her nightclothes as she beckoned from her doorstep.

‘Happy Birthday,’ Carol said as Amy hurried up to her. ‘I’m sorry, but now that my dad has lost his job, money’s really tight and I couldn’t afford to buy you anything. Unless he finds another one soon, I’ll have to be the one who goes out to work.’

‘I don’t think we need anyone at the shop, but I could still ask the manageress if you like.’

‘Yes, all right,’ Carol agreed.

‘I’ll let you know what she says, but I’ve got to run or I’ll be late.’

‘Thanks,’ Carol called as Amy rushed off.

Though she liked Doreen, Amy still missed working with Carol, but doubted there were any vacancies. She hurried to the top of Lark Rise and then decided to hop on a bus to the Junction.

Thankfully Amy made it just in time and arrived to see the manageress opening the shop. She waited until they were inside and said, ‘Mrs Jones, my friend used to work here and she’d like to come back. Are there any jobs going?’

‘Not at the moment, I’m afraid,’ she said as the door opened and the Saturday girl arrived.

Amy was disappointed, but it was the start of what turned out to be a busy day, and as Amy had hoped, time flew as she ran to the stock room again and again to find mainly summer sandals.

Amy measured a lot of children’s feet too, sandals in demand again, but at last the working day came to an end and Amy was on her way home.

Frank Cole was in a foul mood. What he wanted was another drink, the need gnawing at him, but he’d only been able to cadge one pint at lunchtime. With no money, the regulars at the Park Tavern were fed up with buying him drinks. When there was a knock on the door he left Carol to answer it and after chatting to someone for a minute or two she closed it again.

‘Who was that?’ Frank asked.

‘It was Amy. She came to tell me that there aren’t any vacancies in the shop.’

‘Who asked her to find out?’

‘I did,’ Carol said. ‘You haven’t been looking for another job so I thought I’d go back to work to bring some money in. In the meantime I suppose we could find a few things to pawn.’

‘There’s no need for that. I’ll find a job next week.’

‘Dad, even if you do, unless you stop drinking so heavily you’ll never get up for work in the mornings.’

‘Yes I flaming well will,’ Frank said, annoyed when there was another knock on the door. ‘Whoever that is you can tell them to sod off!’

Carol opened it, but then stood aside to let Davy and Paul in. Frank calmed down instantly. Both his sons were working so he should be able to tap them for a few bob. ‘Hello boys. How about taking your dad out for a couple of pints?’

‘Sorry, Dad, we’ve got plans for tonight,’ Dave said. ‘We’ve been up the King’s Road and only popped in on our way home to see how you’re doing.’

‘If you’re after a meal, forget it,’ Carol said. ‘There’s hardly any food in the cupboards.’

‘Why’s that?’ Paul asked, frowning.

‘Dad lost his job.’

‘I haven’t managed to find another one yet, so is there any chance of a few quid to tide me over?’ Frank asked.

‘Yeah, all right,’ Paul said taking out his wallet, and Dave did the same.

Frank eagerly took the proffered notes. ‘Thanks, boys. I’ll pay this back as soon as I can.’

‘There’s no hurry,’ Paul said and Dave nodded in agreement.

Now that he had money, Frank was inwardly willing them to leave. He couldn’t go to the Park Tavern though, as after scrounging from the regulars they’d expect him to return the favour when they saw he had funds. There was a way round that though. He’d go to a different pub, and with a good few quid he’d be able to afford a few whisky chasers.

‘Have you heard anything from Mum?’ Carol asked her brothers.

‘No,’ Dave said shortly then adding that they had to leave.

‘You’ve hardly been here for five minutes,’ Carol protested.

‘Yeah, I know, but we’ve got to get ourselves togged up for tonight.’

They had no sooner left than Carol said, ‘Dad, can I have some of that money? I need to get some food in.’

‘The shops are shut now so it can wait until Monday. Now I’m off out,’ he told her, and before Carol could say another word he left, heading for a pub on Lavender Hill.

At the top of the Rise, Frank recalled Carol saying that they could pawn some stuff. He hadn’t liked the idea at first, but now realised that it could raise a good few bob. He was hardly in to watch it so he could sell the television too, ensuring that when this money ran out, he’d have plenty more.

Amy was in her bedroom, almost ready and wearing a pretty, blue flowered summer dress that flared at the waist and ended just below her knees. She was just putting on her make-up when she heard a knock on the front door, and after hurrying to apply a shade of pink lipstick, she ran downstairs to find that her mother had let Tommy in.

‘Hello,’ he said, smiling when he saw her. ‘Happy Birthday, you look nice.’

‘Thanks, but as I don’t know where you’re taking me, I wasn’t sure what to wear.’

‘That’s fine,’ Tommy said.

‘Phyllis, do you remember what you were wearing when I …’

‘Shut up, Stan.’

‘Oh yeah, right, sorry.’

Amy looked at her parents, puzzled by this exchange and her father’s shamefaced expression, but she didn’t have time to dwell on it as Tommy said urgently, ‘If you’re ready, let’s go.’

‘I’m ready,’ she smiled, saying goodbye to her parents.

Tommy opened the van door, and as she climbed in he said, ‘I wish I could take you out in a nice car, but one day I hope to own one.’

‘This is fine and far nicer than walking,’ she replied and when Tommy got in behind the wheel she asked, ‘Are you going to tell me where we’re going now?’

‘No, not yet, but you’ll soon see.’

Amy was puzzled as Tommy drove off, but it wasn’t long before she saw Battersea Park ahead of them. ‘Are we going to the funfair?’

‘Yes, and I hope that’s all right with you.’

‘It’s fine,’ Amy replied. She hadn’t known what to expect, and though she loved the funfair, it was the last place she’d thought about when Tommy said he was taking her somewhere special. He turned his head to smile at her, and she smiled back, thinking that she really didn’t mind. She was with Tommy and that was all that mattered.

Once parked, they walked along a path, the bright lights of the funfair clear in the night sky. Soon they were going through the funfair’s turnstiles and inside, where Tommy urged her towards the big wheel.

‘Let’s go on this before it’s replaced by the new one,’ he urged, saying something then to the man operating that Amy failed to hear. Moments later the wheel stopped and they climbed on, sitting side by side, with a bar put across the rocking seat which Amy thought nervously was to prevent them from falling out.

As the wheel began to turn, soon reaching the top, Tommy held her hand and Amy was enchanted by the views of the funfair stretched out below them. On the descent, Amy’s stomach did a little flip, but around they went and up to the pinnacle again. The wheel came to a stop then, Amy finding it a little frightening to be suspended so high up, and when the seat they were in swung, she was unable to stifle a little yelp.

‘Don’t worry, you’re safe,’ Tommy said, placing an arm around her.

‘I’m all right,’ she said, laying her head on his shoulder. ‘It’s wonderful up here, Tommy. It feels like the two of us are alone on the top of the world.’

‘See those stars, Amy,’ he said, pointing up to the sky. ‘I can’t bring one down to slip on your finger, but I can give you this instead. Will … will you marry me?’

Amy could barely see the box that Tommy had flipped open with one hand, but even if it had contained a plastic ring her answer would have been the same. ‘Oh, yes, Tommy. Yes please,’ she said, flinging herself into his arms.

The seat rocked, but this time Amy didn’t scream and Tommy’s lips met hers.

‘I love you, Amy,’ he husked.

‘And I love you,’ she said as they began to move on a downward descent again.

They drew apart and Tommy smiled ruefully. ‘I asked the chap who operates the wheel to stop it for a minute or two when we were at the top, but I didn’t expect it to scare you.’

‘I was only nervous for a moment. It was a wonderful place to propose, so romantic, magical, and something I’ll never forget,’ Amy said and meant it. She was eighteen, engaged to be married, and for Amy at that moment, everything was just perfect.

Kitty Neale 3 Book Bundle

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