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01 | Perfect and optimal


Since mechanization, humanity has been striving for an enormous level of perfection;

it is tangible in all areas of life.

Today control is the most accurate expression of perfection,

of monitoring people, of restraining them like a beast,

bestial is the right word for it - what the beast and its friends

have in mind for humanity.

We should defend ourselves against striving for control by perfection!

LIBERTY is extremely valuable for every person in the world!

Whether its scanner cash registers, chemtrails or satellite,

whether digital payments or GMOs,

one of these days the fun will come to a grinding halt.

A grinding halt, since love is the most powerful force in the world

and what is INside us is more powerful than what is OUTside us.

Perfection finds its only prototype in nature -

have fun tinkering with that ...

The only thing that really works perfectly is the system of love,

because it grows exponentially,

never gets lost and is as righteous as honest sowing and reaping!

Distorting the world around us into perfection

and then being one’s own slave - it just doesn’t work!

Rounding and pronouncing the word “optimal” bodes well for the highest good;

it contains a type of acceptance,

a way of letting go and a form of thankfulness.

“Optimal” is good and allows a freedom of coincidence

so that we learn by small increments.

Perfectly made things will fall apart one day

and then the learning curve will be very, very steep!

Leading an optimal life is good,

liberty, letting go, acceptance, thankfulness and love,

neither thieves nor pirates will have the good pleasure

to steal such treasure.

The optimal thing about love is, however, that even the world’s strongest man has no lever; this treasure is yours forever!

Santaklaus EVOL 2

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