Читать книгу Santaklaus EVOL 1 - EVOL 4 - Klaus Peter Wagner - Страница 10

05 | Rock or water


A rock is the hardest thing on the planet,

I would ask you to think about that!

A steady drip carves the stone,

this piece of wisdom is well known.

A tree does better to bend

and turn with the wind!

We dream of standing as strong as a rock,

but the water carves its hole and we barely take stock!

Whether we want to go through life

as a rock, or water, or a tree -

both the cross and the peacock in our hearts we should rightly see.

If we fill with water our heart,

there won’t be very much love in that part.

It flows in our blood;

in our heart no shadows should be cast,

then the thoughts in our mind will be pure at last.

The human hand can create so much,

it should act the same way that water flows

and not like an animal, goodness knows!

The flow of the water shows beautifully

the pattern of its path -

or would I rather be a rock

in the stream that runs through the paddock.

To wait until you have passed away,

to stem yourself against the flow,

to make the white water show!

Through the rapids I race -

passing them, effortlessly, I pick up the pace.

I watched the intensity of this flowing energy,

until it finally got to me!

When the others are all busy with their dreams,

someone will come and clean the bed of the streams.

You should simply let life flow by,

then it will overtake your fear in the blink of an eye.

I would rather be the fear myself and have everything pass by quickly.

But, hey, hey, hey, again and again it will catch up to me.

To sense the others at their goal causes envy, that is clear,

yet don’t forget you sometimes swayed them with your fear!

If, from the depths of your soul, you look fear in the face,

you can be certain: it will break!

Yes indeed, swim towards it straighter than ever,

and you will race by it fast, now or never!

To exchange love for a person’s fear,

will make your heart leap into high gear.

When love from the heart can flow

past the fear, past the rock at full speed you’ll go!

To keep my dreams I am fully inclined,

all I need to do is switch to love in my mind.

You should take the path that’s right for you,

then love will bubble up from your heart ‘tis true

and with a pure conscience you’ll have followed your dreams.

Because when clarity in your thoughts is underlying

no one will ever distract you from flying.

Whether in the water or in the air,

you can feel and taste the freedom only there.

The fear of the rock has now disappeared -

oh, beloved freedom, how you are revered!

What rock should I build my church on now?

Or maybe it would be better for those human souls to stir up the fear,

so they can feel themselves loud and clear?!

If I wish to manipulate and oppress them,

the wise men will walk on the water

and cross the seven bridges!

Ordained by God! No, my Lord, this is not your game!

The material created it and greed the same!

After all, the Messiah said,

“Lift a stone and you will find me,

split a piece of wood, and I am there.”

In the face of the truth you will feel shame,

I gave you nature as your teacher; so listen to its claim!

You chased after people for thousands of years,

you proclaimed them holy, it brings me to tears.

You neglected Mother Earth to a high degree,

and in the house on the rock you sung yourselves free!

You call that honesty?

Only wine from water was made by me!

Honest to honest should be for love the bottom line,

not the dance around the golden calf with treated wine!

Honest to honest lets Mother Earth’s gifts grow,

you must remember this, you know!

At long last, let love in your hearts reign, then Mother Earth will run properly again!

Santaklaus EVOL 1 - EVOL 4

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