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3. Contemporary Views on the Meaning of Life


Contemporary views on the meaning of life reflect the diverse cultural, social, and intellectual currents of the modern world. Here are some examples of contemporary views on the meaning of life:

– Scientific naturalism: Scientific naturalists see the search for meaning as tied to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the natural world. They argue that the universe is governed by natural laws and processes, and that human beings are products of evolution and biology. The purpose of human life is to discover and explore the mysteries of the universe, and to promote human flourishing through rational inquiry and technological innovation.

– Humanism: Humanists see the search for meaning as tied to the belief in human dignity, reason, and autonomy. They argue that human beings have the capacity to create meaning and purpose in life through their own efforts, without resorting to supernatural or religious beliefs. The purpose of human life is to fulfill one’s potential, seek happiness and fulfillment, and contribute to the well-being of others and the world.

What is the meaning of life? From ancient wisdom to modern insights: The meaning of life

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