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1. The Myth of the Single Path


Your experience

Have you ever been to a forest clearing?

Under water? To the sea? To the ocean?

To dense marshy forests? The ones they call taiga?

To the mountains? Green with woods or white with glaciers?

To a scorching desert with its seas of sand?

Or do you live in a city and have never left it? It doesn’t matter! For you still can see the city, you’ve been to many of its parts.

Just think of the diversity and abundance you’ve seen!

Of colors and shades.

Of flowers, plants, insects, birds, fish, people, buildings, constructions, creations, etc.

How many species. Thousands, millions. The abundance of diversity! The beauty of abundance!

And yet, there is a harmony in it…

And how many sounds? Poems, verses, songs? Discoveries?

The list could go on and on! We are lost in this abundance of diversity

Don’t you think so?

About the myth

A lot of religions, beliefs, and their prophets claim that the world was created by… God, Allah, Krishna, etc… Think of your own examples and study them thoroughly.

This is a task for you.

Yes, a real task. In some schools, Religious Education is a compulsory subject. Perhaps, you attended one of such schools yourself. But usually it is the study of one religion only.

And if it is some kind of a religious school, then, surely, they teach only one religion. That is why I suggest that you get to know all the options or at least most of them, at the very least – just look them through (though I do recommend some more thorough investigation).

It would be great to attend a school where all religions and beliefs are studied in one and the same careful manner. How about that?

But let us get back to the subject of this chapter and its very beginning.

In this case, we are all able to see and enjoy this abundance of diversity. So, upon what ground could some representative of the humanity get it into their head that there is a single path to God? And moreover, managed to knock it into others (with them happily accepting and agreeing to this!)? Only one?! And it is one and only path that is right and righteous! And what about others? For some reason, they are not. But it’s as if a single flower was announced right, while others or some of them were deemed wrong! Nobody in their senses would apply that to flowers, animals, birds, or fish.

Although, wait a minute. Do you remember anything of the kind? About cats? About black cats in particular? About crows? About pigs? About cows? About rats? Someone did apply that to animals after all… Influenced by their faith and prejudices. Or only by faith? Or only by prejudices? Let alone the path to God… I guess there is nothing wrong (another evaluation) in declaring someone or something sacred or right. Take cows, for example, a source of so much useful stuff for a human. So this approach can really be for the good – if it is used for the sake of protection and sheltering. And yet, the way I see it, we shouldn’t declare someone or something wrong, for this is to the detriment of both the declarer and the declared.

You are not interested in the diversity of flora and fauna? Then think of the diversity of nations and peoples, of cultures and human beings. Each of us is unmatched, unique, and special. What a bizarre combination! Some of us are exquisitely surreal, others – so earthly, so familiar, and dear. How can we deem one culture, nation, or people right and other – wrong? Being of sound mind and memory… Seeing one as better and another as worse? For one thing, they are completely different! And then again, whose point of view are we to take? Of those who push through the idea that benefits them in the hope to acquire a special status or possibilities (or rather, an excuse)? Of those who know it better?

It’s a shame few people consider this possibility: Perhaps, the One who created such a riot of species, forms of life, and civilizations actually had the trouble to provide people with plenty of paths and opportunities to come to Him. So that each of us could find our own path, our own way. But in this case, there have to be plenty of ways. An abundance of ways. An abundance of unique ways.

And yet a lot of people deem one path better than another. Perhaps, it’s their arrogance and the desire to belong to the «chosen», to the «right»? (But how can we talk about freedom in this case?) And what about others? Is there something wrong with them? But how can we be so sure that our path is right and all the others – wrong? How can we be so sure that what I’m saying here is right or wrong? If we deem something right and have an explanation or an excuse for that, the same can be done by others… So how can we tell who is right? Maybe the trick is not in finding out who’s right. Maybe we just need to accept that all the paths have one and the same source and lead us to one and the same home, however differently… And as for what path is right or what nation is better, it is not not up to us. It is up to the one who created it all.

Or, in this context, of the plurality of gods in all its forms, from paganism and shamanism to the entire pantheon of single gods. Too extraordinary? But what if we assume that is exactly the way it is? To be able to do that, you won’t need much. Just read on… For this book provides you with diversity and the foundation for peaceful co-existence. For this book is not so much about God as it is about energy. Or is it maybe about something else?

But let us get back to our Myth. How many tragedies! How much pain! How many wars! How much destruction! How many people have been killed? How many living beings extinguished? Talented, capable creatures. Once created by… yes, the old-fashioned… God, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, Zeus, Ra, spirits, the Absolute, the Universe, etc. It all went on for centuries and goes on and on even now. But why? Only because someone declared one path the right and righteous, claiming that all the others are wrong? And it doesn’t even matter whether we talk about religion, politics, nations, races, cultures, or genders!

What is the point of it? Of these categories of «right» and «wrong»?.. What is the point of such dualism? What is the point of this black-and-white dichotomy? Is it wars and extermination of others? Or is it integrity, unity, and cooperation? What is the point of dividing the world into «right» and «wrong», except that the winner gets the opportunity to boss around, to seize and capture, or rather, to plunder and murder with impunity, having an excuse for that! In the hope that no one, not even God, will notice the greatest sin – the murder of a living being in pursuit of one’s personal interests. Due to this odd excuse, our winner reaches absolute power and the warrant for their violence and moral depravity in the bargain! The power over those who share their path and over those who don’t. In a single go! The power over everybody… Those who rejoice at being a part of the «elite» don’t even realize that they are not the exception, that they are being controlled too. They understand it much later than those who aren’t in the «elite». Or maybe the reason for such division is a fractured mind that is unable to rise to the level of integrative perception of reality?

But what if it is not the way it all works? What if there are many paths and each of us can choose the one that suits us best, providing others with a chance to make their own free choice too? How do you like the idea? The idea of a meadow covered with all kinds of flowers where each of us can choose any flower (or even flowers) we want.

Come to think of it, lots and lots of religions and beliefs propagate the idea of a conscious, free, and independent choice… A choice that is not influenced by fear of reprisal or punishment (this kind of choice falls into the psychology of slavery). A choice that is not influenced by the desire to get an award (this is the psychology of mercenaries). But this essential and very unique detail somehow «disappears», «gets lost», and «fades from our memory». Does it happen for a reason or due to our ignorance?

Children and teenagers are not taught the diversity of paths in front of them. They are introduced to only one of them. And this single path is forced upon them, they are brought up within it and see it as the best of the best. Children are not provided with the right of choice and with the chance to learn more about the variety of paths. They are deprived of the possibility to realize their right of choice, the freedom of choice, even though it is deemed so important in many of paths. They are not taught to learn! They are not taught to integrate, unite, and probably even create something new. They are taught to divide, evaluate, and criticize. They are not taught how to be free and make conscious choices! They are hit with labels: This is the only right way. And then one is tempted to suggest that all the other ways are wrong. And thus, you are either right or wrong. You either fit in or you don’t. And you find yourself immersed in certain traditions and rites while all other kinds of traditions are called wrong, not just different. Sometimes defiers can be severely punished. And even executed.

But it is possible to follow your own traditions and yet treat others with respect, without labelling them «wrong». It is possible to just tell people more, show, explain, teach, and support. And there are those who do that! But isn’t it too time-consuming? It is indeed time-consuming and complicated, from the point of view of our mortal coil. We always want to achieve a quick result and we don’t care that aggressive methods are deprived of faith and don’t take into consideration the lives of those who were created by… the most divine being or beings. You can always just tell people more, show, explain, teach, and support. It’s not much, as far as our soul is concerned. And this is a much more careful and gentle way.

You should propagate your ideas not through violence. But by way of example. Sincerely! Because it is really good, because you like it. Because you do it out of love – not only towards yourself and your ideas but to those around you!

And yet we tend to stick to this old way that was imposed on us in childhood – so much that even when we grow up and seem to have an opportunity to do research and make a conscious choice, we reject it. Why? Because it is a revolt against the system! Why? Because it is scary. It is awfully scary to go against the system. We are afraid that the system treats us the same way we treat others. We are afraid that it will all come upon us. Why are we afraid? Because deep inside we understand that the system doesn’t care about individuals and their paths. The system needs followers who are ready to fulfill orders. Followers who won’t think much (for studying various paths inspires the ability to think, reason, feel, make conscious choices, and integrate). Followers who will just follow and take orders. Followers who were raised in the system and thus are willing to justify all kinds of its atrocities, even those that obviously contradict the declared ideals and values of the system itself. The system needs followers who are slightly out of their minds – just like those who are in charge of this system. The system doesn’t want reasonable and conscious people. A reasonable human being will ask too many tough questions. Moreover, such a human being is really hard to control and manipulate. You can hardly send him to war, for such a man or woman won’t kill other human beings who have a «wrong» eye color or have different thoughts and beliefs. You would have to talk to such person and negotiate.

Give it some thought.

And also think of how it is manifested in our everyday life. Surely, the scale is a bit different here. Our everyday goals are to make a point, to gain recognition and status in our community (among our family and friends), etc. How about some examples? Parent-child conflict is a conflict of different worldviews, different opinions, and different experiences that were acquired at different times and in different situations. Each of these worldviews has the right to exist… at least for its holder and in recognition of their reality. But parties of the conflict tend to forget about it and try to thrust their own opinion on each other, seeing it as the right and righteous. It can be a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, father-in-law and son-in-law. Each of these people has their own family history, experience, traditions and yet for some reason tries to force impose them as the right and righteous without pausing to think that this may be just an old habit. That there is not necessarily only one answer. This leads to conflicts, arguments, grudges, etc. What about the famous conflict between «physicists and poets»? It’s pretty much the same. The conflict between educational or upbringing systems, etc. You can make your own list.

There is an abundance of various paths and ways. None of them is perfect for everyone. There is always one that suits someone best. And yet others will find their own, special and unique way. Some paths are better for a certain period of time, for a certain country, or a certain person. Yes, it would be very convenient to have one path for everyone. But who benefits from it? The one who created it or the one who follows it? Surprisingly enough, having one and the same path for everyone is a way to self-annihilation of the system in general. The challenge here is not to lay our meadow down with one variety of flowers, however fabulous and beautiful. The challenge is to see beauty and wisdom in the generous diversity of creations and learn how to make your own choices while respecting the choices of others. The challenge is to learn how to live within this diversity, to create, integrate, unite, and supplement. And it’s not only about faith.

I provided some vivid examples, including historic ones. You can easily find plenty of others not as vivid, even in our modern-day society. Or you can specify these historic examples, adding some details: Year, country, people, religion, culture, political trends, persons, situations.

Put aside the myth of the single path in religion, politics, and the question of nations. Put aside the conflict of duality (either this or that) in all other matters. Then the excuse for wars will just disappear. But there is yet another problem. Those who want to have wars will come up with new myths and new excuses. It will go and on until the masses realize it!

In order to get beyond limitations you should first acknowledge the abundance of diversity and take interest in it…


Do research on various religions and beliefs (at least 15), learning about:

– their essence, mission, fundamental idea, and intended purpose;

– their rules, commandments, and principles;

– rituals, ceremonies, traditions;

– history of their origin, development, and perhaps ending, as well as their background.

This is a very useful method to broaden your outlook.

Do research of various political systems (at least 10) following the aforementioned algorithm.

Do research of various peoples (at least 20, preferably all from different continents) following the same algorithm.

Do research of family histories of various dynasties – those you know personally or not. At least 20.

Do research of various approaches to management – at least 10.

Do research of various approaches to parenting – at least 15.

Do research of various approaches to family relations – at least 15.

What else are you interested in?

What choice will you now make – in faith and religion, in political movements?

What will you now think of those of a different opinion? Of those who make different choices and act differently?

Key points

It would be great to attend a school where all religions and beliefs are studied in one and the same careful manner.

The One who created such a riot of species, forms of life, and civilizations actually had the trouble to provide people with plenty of paths and opportunities to come to Him.

The trick is not in finding out who’s right. We just need to accept that all the paths have one and the same source and lead us to one and the same home, however differently…

Those who rejoice at being a part of the «elite» don’t even realize that they are not the exception, that they are being controlled too. They understand it much later than those who aren’t in the «elite».

It is indeed time-consuming and complicated, from the point of view of our mortal coil. We always want to achieve a quick result and we don’t care that aggressive methods are deprived of faith and don’t take into consideration the lives of those who were created by… the most divine being or beings. It’s not much, as far as our soul is concerned. But this is a much more careful and gentle way.

You should propagate your ideas not through violence. But by way of example. Sincerely! Because it is really good, because you like it. Because you do it out of love – not only towards yourself and your ideas but to those around you!

The challenge is to see beauty and wisdom in the generous diversity and learn how to make your own choices while respecting the choices of others.

Surprisingly enough, having one and the same path for everyone is a way to self-annihilation of the system in general.

Put aside the myth of the single path in religion, politics, and the question of nations. Put aside the conflict of duality (either this or that) in all other matters. Then the excuse for wars will just disappear. But there is yet another problem. Those who want to have wars will come up with new myths and new excuses. It will go and on until the masses realize it!

In order to get beyond limitations you should first acknowledge the abundance of diversity and take interest in it…

The myth in a nutshell

There are many paths to God. Each person or a group of people has their own path. In different periods of time, there are different paths too. In different periods of time, there come different people who create certain paths.

A Soul Prayer for PEACE

Thou art the one who has many names and forms

To whom many paths lead

The one who lives in everything and yet everything lives inside thee

Who guides and always endows with freedom of choice

Help me understand thy intentions and lessons.

I am the one that remains eternal among the perishable

The one that stays real among illusions

The one that stays unchanged among all the changes

The one that is called to serve thee while being true to oneself.

Help me find peace and awareness.

Thou art the creator and true master of everything, so help me

Serve thee and take care of thy creations

In freedom from fears, passions, attachments, and sins

On the path of knowledge, gaining reason and goodness

In the revelation of love and compassion

In unity therewith, and therefore, with everything thou created.

The World. Myths of the Divine, Realities, and Awareness. Freedom. Love. Life

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