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Citizen and boy


The nameless hero enters Red Square on legs half-bent with fear and tries to scream at the top of his voice, but comes out somehow unconvincingly, almost in a whisper and for some reason in falsetto:

“I learned the truth about our government. It’s not real! We are ruled from abroad, and the main enemy is in the Kremlin. Do you hear me? Do you hear?

A citizen passing by stops and looks at the hero with surprise.

“Did you hear what I was shouting?” the hero shudders in fear.

“And then, every word,” confirms the citizen, “Every student knows this only. What are you so upset about? Do not believe? Let me prove it.”

He stops the first guy he comes across in punk clothes and asks:

“What do you think of our president?”

“Are you talking about this bald asshole in the Kremlin?” The boy spits at his feet with contempt, “So he is a bespontovy thief. I’d strangle the bitch if I could.”

And it goes on like that, as if nothing had happened.

“Well, I made sure that what you were shouting about is already known to everyone. So go home from here. Swell up and live like everyone else, pretending that everything suits you.

The disgraced hero leaves Red Square with his head held low.

And an hour later, the citizen and the boy stand at attention in front of the commandant of the Kremlin.

“Well done, comrade officers. Stopped an attempt at an unauthorized rally. Killed hope in another person. They prevented, so to speak, the birth of a hero in time. Well done.”

“We serve Russia,” a citizen and a boy shout at the top of their lungs.

Were not were

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