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Ivan lived. Not that he was a fool, but many considered him a jerk. He said that the Mother of God appears to him in a dream all the time. Well, it is and is. Who cares, tell me? Yes, but in what form! And she always appeared to him in a short red dress with a deep neckline right down to the navel, with loose hair and high-heeled leather boots. And everyone was invited to dance. And he kept refusing, until one day he took it, and agreed on his own head. And she swirled him in a dance. Has swirled. So, he completely lost his head from happiness. Clean. And in the morning he woke up, went to wash himself and sees in the mirror that he really doesn’t have a head. The body is there, but the head is gone. Died to hell. And how he sees himself now is completely incomprehensible. Some kind of devilry, God forgive me. He was scared, of course. Jumped out into the street and let’s scream. Say, save, help, lost his head! The people ran and surrounded. Everyone is surprised. They touch. They check. The police formed. She dispersed everyone with batons as participants in an unauthorized rally, and took him to the police station. As the organizer of the provocation. There he was tortured for a long time, where did he go. And then they let go. Investigator him, you see, compassionate caught. He explained that he did not have one head. And that without a head, they say, a nice person, you can easily live. So even better: no need to shave, wash, go to the hairdresser. And that all bosses, forces, authorities and thrones also have no heads at all. And nothing, thrive. And what he takes for their heads is all an illusion. Solid masks show. This is how he lives now. Ivan, our fool. Headless. As everybody.

Were not were

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