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Chapter 1: Rocky’s Pranks Begin


Rocky, the raccoon with a gleam in his eye,

Adored pranks that made people laugh and cry.

On each special occasion throughout the year,

He’d plan clever tricks that spread joy and cheer.

April Fools’ Day was his perfect chance,

To execute pranks that would make people dance.

He’d hide in bushes and giggle with glee,

As unsuspecting victims fell for his spree.

But Halloween was the best of them all,

A night when mischievousness would enthrall.

Rocky would dress as a ghost, so sly,

To scare kids as they passed by.

From door to door, he’d follow with glee,

Stealing candy, laughing with glee.

Oh, Rocky was the king of pranks,

Filling Halloween with playful thanks.

Raccoon’s Halloween Pranks

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