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– Did you eat the jam that I brought you yesterday?

– I was not alone, we had a feast.

– Feast?

– Yes.

– Who else was there with you?

– Two more lie next to me, so we gathered, we figured for three.

– Was the jam tasty?

– Delicious, I would prefer dogwood one, but with cherry it also approached.

– Last time you said that many magical people come to your grave, what do they ask for?

– They solve ordinary life problems, they want someone to be punished, and vice versa. Many of those who come are suing.

– Are they suing?

– Though that is not my specialisation. But for some reason they think that it is, they pass on something to each other there.

– And what can you do then, and what is your specialisation?

– I can write.

– There are many rumors about Mikhail Bulgakov, which are true person can hardly understand. Why did Bulgakov continue his stories and after his death, he is bot with us not, but he is. He tore up and partially burned the first manuscript of “The Master and Margarita”, is it true, three times you came to Bulgakov?

– No, we talked much more often with him.

– Was Bulgakov in a trance when he spoke to you?

– No, he spoke to me in the same way as you speak to me now.

– So it means, did you came to Bulgakov yourself?

– I had no choice, because he had works and it was necessary that they would be published, it was necessary to give those plots and to write them, but I won’t tell you which ones.

– It was harder for him than for me. It was easier for me because I was a court jester, and he was not a jester.

– Is it true about the “overcoat” stone? His request to you cover him with your overcoat?

– Yes.

– And the stone that lies on the grave of Bulgakov, was it

really brought from the Crimea by Aksakov?

– Is it true.

The Ghost of Gogol. Phantasmagoria

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