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Magical Dubai – 2

Collection of Short Stories

– stories of women

– people from CIS countries who came to this country in the late 90s and early 2000s… All the stories are based on real events, about women serving different terms of imprisonment in the city of Dubai.

Readers: it will be interesting for those who have been or want to visit Dubai!

Content of the book :

1 – ..............................Sandra and the suitcase.

2 – .................................Two Anush Mavsisyan

3 – ..…………Kolobok – Victoria /Child Support/

4 – ..................................Natasha and curlers.

5 – ……Zukhra Israilova is an incorrect surname

6 – …………Katka is an actress


Sandra and the suitcase.

Sandra was frowning. Sleepless nights in the police station, chattering bengals, huge African women taken for the transportation of drugs, always chewing hamburgers, suggested that they spent the entire fee for the goods to fill the womb, But most of all she was «finished off» by the grinning faces of the cops asking stupid questions about her suitcase.

And therefore, when she was brought to prison and put in the section, she went to the room indicated to her, immediately fell on the bed and fell into a sound sleep. After sleeping for almost half a day, she woke up, took a shower, drank coffee and crossed her legs on the bed, sitting in the lotus position, began to wonder how much she would be awarded for the suitcase, damn it…

When she came to Dubai in 2002 to look for a job, she found it almost immediately. At the hotel «Sharaton», at the reception. She was taken without hindrance. External data and age met the standards + good English. True, the salary is not very good, but for a novice employee, and this is not bad + bonuses and most importantly – she was given housing for which she did not have to pay. Besides, she really liked the UAE. The warm climate, the sea, though a desert, but with its charms in the form of a safari, as well as all kinds of projects under construction and growing like mushrooms after rain, called the 8th wonder of the world. And most importantly, people are residents and tourists from all over the world. Although she could see them mostly at her work, at the hotel. Sometimes, on weekends, she, along with those working with her, went shopping in spacious malls.

I went on a yacht a couple of times, celebrated the birthday of the hotel manager, Lebanese Hosni. This went on for about 3 years. The job suited her. Every half a year, money was added to her salary, she had free access to the jim room, was a frequent guest at Lady Knight’s parties. And everything would be fine, but as Sandra herself admitted, she was lonely. No, of course, she had sex once a week, with one of the attendants. But she wanted more: more money, more free time for herself.

Sandra got all her desires at once, but in a different equivalent…

One weekend, Monica, her friend, also from Romania, called her, as did Sandra herself. After chatting about this and that, I asked what she was doing tonight. Sandra replied that nothing, just lying on the couch and clicking the Internet. Monica suggested going somewhere to unwind. She, like Sandra, also worked at the hotel. Sandra agreed. After hastily taking a shower, making light makeup, she began to think about what to wear, Monica stressed that she should look sexy. And that meant a short mini dress and a high heel. Sandra had all this arsenal, since her statuesque figure allowed her to wear it all. Having met in the evening in one of the bars of a recently opened 5-star hotel, the friends, after exchanging compliments to each other, ordered cocktails and sat down on a spinning stool, began to slowly sip an invigorating drink and look at the invited guests.

The audience was similar to the one that Sandra constantly met and saw off, working at her hotel, at the reception. Nothing new and interesting. Except for one bald guy with nearsightedness glasses who had been staring at her all evening. After going to dance a couple of times on the dance floor, she saw him there, next to her and again staring at her. He himself was nothing unusual. «Tall, thin build, or European, or Scandinavian,» Sandra thought to herself.

She shared her thought with Monica. That, having examined the specified subject from all sides, slightly grinning, whispered to Sandra :

– He’s hitting on you.

– How is that? Sandra was surprised.

– Usually. Takes it for charm. They are sometimes filmed here.

«And the police?» Sandra asked.

– This is the 5th hotel. Halam-balam don’t come here. There are practically no cops here. Mostly businessmen stop by.

Sandra looked around. And indeed, the men around were either Europeans or Americans, judging by the pronunciation. There were almost no women. Besides them and Monica, there may be 5 more pieces for the whole bar, and then with boyfriends. Judging by the fact that he and Monica spent the whole evening together, the bespectacled man took her for a prostitute filming.

«He’s going to keep staring at me,» Sandra protested.

Let’s find out what he wants,» Monica teased her. – Go to the exit, if he rushes after you, he definitely decided to take you off.

Sandra decided to follow her friend’s advice. She was right. He really hurried after her and handed her a card with his name on it, offered to go up to his room, for good money, he added. During the conversation, he was constantly embarrassed and adjusted the bow of his glasses. Sandra was curious. Looking at him closer, she found that he was an ordinary guy, originally from Sweden. His name was Scott. Without knowing what came over her, she suddenly blurted out:

– 500 euros.

– Oh; kay. But problems. I’ll give you 1000,

Sandra was scared. What’s the matter with her?

«You can come up to my room,» he explained to Sandra. – I’ll go in first, then you.

«And the police?», – she was hedging her bets.

– O1 no problem. This is a new hotel. You look gorgeous and you will be allowed to see me without any problems, I will arrange it,» Scott reassured.

Sandra hesitated. Well, what is it to fuck once and earn cool money- 1000 euros? That’s half of her monthly salary. On the other hand, she remembered her manager’s instructions-one slip and you’re fired. Temptation struggled in her. Greed and curiosity won. Nodding in agreement, she returned to Monica and shared with her her conversation with Scott. She fully approved of her plan and nodded goodbye, threw after her :

– The main thing is not to get drunk. And don’t leave your room until morning. And then the cops will rake in at night.

– Yes, I understand, – Sandra replied and walked lightly to the elevator, where she pressed number 9 and a high-speed car took her to the desired floor in a minute. After walking across the thick carpet, muffling the steps, she knocked 3 times with her knuckles on the door, which immediately opened and Scott appeared in front of her, but no longer in a suit, but in Calvin Klein underpants. It didn’t bother Sandra.

Walking past him into the interior of the room, she sat down in an armchair and began to chat with one leg thrown over the other. Scott at that time went into the bedroom and stayed there for a while, took out a 1000 euro bill to Sandra. She folded it carefully into her purse. He went back to the bedroom and stayed there for a while. Being alone in the room, she suddenly noticed some movement in the corridor, at the door. Cautiously, she approached and saw that the tag from the key stuck in the keyhole was wobbling, quietly looked through the peephole.

She saw two Arabs in gonduras, apparently local, one of whom was trying hard to stick the key on the back of the door. But he was hindered by the one already stuck in from the inside. That’s why he was moving. Wondering why these two were trying to open the door when they could knock, Sandra returned to the room and, not finding Scott in it, opened the bedroom door a crack. Scott was at that time snapping the combination lock on a small suitcase. Turning around and seeing Sandra, he smiled at her and putting the bag inside the closet, went out into the hall. I opened the refrigerator, took out cold wine. whiskey, ice. He poured them into glasses and grunted: «chers!», downed the contents in one gulp.

And so on until the bottle was left empty. Sandra drank less than he did, but quickly got drunk. Flushed Scott and cheerful Sandra quickly found a common language and topics for conversation.

When she told him she wanted to take a shower, he nodded and got up with her from the table, went to the shower. Sandra, laughing, began to push him out, laughing and saying that she needed to do a pee-pee. To which Scott reacted like a conditional signal. He fell to the floor, stretched his arms at his sides and opened his mouth, pointing with his finger that she, oh horror! she can urinate right in his mouth. Sandra was taken aback! At first she thought he was joking and wanted to step over him. But he grabbed her leg with dexterous agility and began to pull on himself, showing that he was ready to swallow a stream from her «stream». Sandra was confused. But since the hops hit her in the head, and the client was persistent, she pulled off her panties, stretched her legs and began to piss in his mouth. Looking at the ceiling, she turned her gaze down to Scott, writhing like a snake, trying not to drop a drop of her «precious» nectar.

Crazy, Sandra thought.

Urine, as luck would have it, did not end, apparently she drank a lot of liquid. And Scott not only drank it, but also washed, closing his eyes with pleasure.

When the «process» was over, Sandra, sobered up and changed her mind about taking a shower, returned to the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. After a while, Scott joined her, carrying on a tray, as if nothing had happened, some kind of food. After «Sharko’s shower», for some reason she felt disgusted with him. And he, as an avid gentleman, tried to take care of her. She wasn’t hungry, and Scott, unlike her, had an appetite. He ate everything he brought and sprawled on the bed, began to snore and fart at the same time. Sandra jumped off the bed and went out into the hall.

Magical Dubai – 2

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