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Chapter 1: Meet Marlon and Dane


In the land of Canada, where beavers reside,

Two friends named Marlon and Dane, side by side.

Graceful swimmers in the river’s gentle flow,

Living freely as the country’s cherished show.

Their fur glistened in shades of brown so fine,

A symbol of strength, in nature’s design.

Marlon and Dane, with tails broad and strong,

Embodied the spirit of Canada all along.

They glided gracefully through water so clear,

Their skill and beauty, a sight to endear.

A carefree life they led, no worries or strife,

Captivating hearts with their joy and life.

The untouchable beavers, beloved and adored,

Representing Canada, they were truly treasured.

Marlon and Dane, in harmony they thrived,

Amidst the wonders of nature, they strived.

Beavers to the Rescue

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