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Chapter 1: Cheeky Raccoon Rockin


In a small town, where mischief grew,

Lived a raccoon with a cheeky hue.

His name was Rockin, a rascal quite bold,

Playing pranks on young and old.

With a mischievous glint in his eye,

He’d sneak around, oh so sly.

Stealing snacks and causing strife,

Rockin lived a wild, carefree life.

From stealing hats to knocking down bins,

Rockin’s pranks were met with grins.

No one could catch this nimble creature,

As he scurried away in pure delight and leisure.

So beware, all ye folks of the town,

For wherever there’s chaos, Rockin’s around.

But behind his antics and playful zest,

Lurked a secret that soon would put him to rest.

The Ghost of a Dead Raccoon on Halloween

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