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Chapter 1: Meet Hummi and Bonnie


In a cozy house lived Hummi the hamster,

And Bonnie the rat, both quite the pranksters.

Their home was with the Gomez family,

With dad John, mom Sarah, and their son Rick, you see.

Hummi was tiny, furry, and round,

Always scurrying and never making a sound.

He loved to run on his wheel all day,

Making the Gomez family smile in every way.

Bonnie, on the other hand, was sleek and clever,

With bright eyes that sparkled like a treasure.

She would dart through tunnels and explore,

Finding hidden nooks she wanted to adore.

Together they lived under one roof,

But often argued, causing a bit of a goof.

They’d bicker and squabble, oh what a sight!

Claiming they were the favorite, filled with spite.

Is a Hamster Better than a Rat?

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