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Meet Oliver, a curious and imaginative young boy who receives a special birthday gift from Sarah’s mom – a stuffed toy hamster named Hummi. But here’s the twist – Oliver truly believes that Hummi is a real hamster! He gives his new furry friend a cozy home, names him Hummi, and showers him with love and care.

As days pass, young Oliver becomes inseparable from Hummi, even taking him to school to share in every adventure and moment of joy. However, when Oliver’s classmates discover that Hummi is merely a toy, laughter fills the air, leaving Oliver feeling disheartened and alone. But Oliver remains steadfast in his belief that Hummi is alive, refusing to let doubt cloud their magical connection.

One fateful night, a shimmering fairy pays a visit to Oliver, drawn by his unwavering faith and pure heart. Touched by his deep bond with Hummi, the fairy grants Oliver’s wish, breathing life into the toy hamster. The next morning, Oliver awakens to find Hummi transformed into a living, breathing companion by his side – an enchanting testament to the extraordinary power of belief.

Is the Hamster a Toy or a Live One?

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