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3-4 персонажа

1. Riaba the Hen: – Good Morning, dear Grandmother! (Гуд монинг дия Гряндмазэ)

 Good Morning, dear Grandfather! (Гуд монинг, дия Гряндфазэ)

2. Grandfather: – Good Morning, Riaba the Hen! (Гуд монинг, Ряба зэ хэн!)

3. Grandmother: – Good Morning, dear Riaba! (Гуд монинг, дия Ряба)

4. Riaba the Hen: – I've got a surprise for you. (Айв гот э сюпрайз фэ ю)

5. Grandmother: – What a surprise, dear Hen? (Уат э сюпрайз, дия Хэн?)

6. Grandfather: – Look, Grandma! (Лук, Гряндма!) Riaba has laid an Egg! (Ряба хяз лэйд эн Эгг!)

7. Grandmother: – Oh, yes! (Оу, йэс) And it's not an ordinary egg. (Итс нат эн адинари эгг)

8. Grandfather: – But it's a Gold Egg! (Бат итс э Гэулд Эгг)

9. Grandmother: – I'll try to break it. (Айл трай тю брейк ит) (Beats the egg and can't break it).

 No way! (Нэу уэй!) Oh, I have so much work to do, Grandpa, may be you will try? (Эу, Ай хяв сэу матч уэк тю ду, Грянпа, мэй би ю уил трай?).

(Gives the egg to Grandfather and goes away).

10. Grandfather: – All right, Granny, let me try! (Ол райт, Грянни, лет ми трай) (Beats the egg and can't break it).

 No way! (Нэу уэй!) I have much work to do too. (Ай хяв матч уэк тю ду тю-у).

(Puts the egg onto the table and goes away).

11. Mouse: – Squeak-squeak, look out! (Скуи-ик – скуи-ик, лук аут!)(touches the egg by the tail and breaks it).

Oh, sorry! (Эу, сорри!) What was that? (Уат уаз зят?)

Oh, no! (Эу, нэу!) I'm so sorry! (Айм сорри!) I didn't want to! (Ай диднт уант тю!)(Runs away).

Grandfather and Grandmother come.

12. Grandmother: – Grandfather, look! What is it? (Гряндфа-азэ, лук! Уат из ит?)

13. Grandfather: – Oh, no, the egg is broken. (Эу, нэу! Зэ егг из брэукен)

Grandfather and grandmother both are crying.

14. Riaba the Hen: – Don't cry, Grandmother! (Дэунт край,Гряндмазэ!)

Don't cry, Grandmother! (Дэунт край, Грянфазэ!)

I will lay you another egg,

 not a gold one,

 but an ordinary one. (Ай уил лэй ю эназэ егг, нат э галд уан, бат эн адинари уан)

5 сказок на сцене. Английский язык

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