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Chapter 1: Sparkly’s Ocean Home


Sparkly lived in the vast blue sea,

His home so vast, so wild, so free.

Every day he swam with glee,

In the open Atlantic, he felt so free.

Sparkly was a brave dolphin, strong and bold,

With muscles rippling, he was pumped and controlled.

He practiced martial arts, with moves so swift and cold,

And everyone admired him, both young and old.

In Sparkly’s home was an array of life,

The ocean was full of wonders, never dull or rife.

He played with his friends, danced with his wife,

And enjoyed every moment, without any strife.

Sparkly’s energy and personality shone,

As he swam through the waters, all on his own.

But when danger lurked, he was ready to atone,

And protect his home, his family, his own.

Brave Dolphin – Savior of the Sea

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