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And then there was this one client who's been coming in a lot. He wanted his tummy, his face, and everything! Naturally, Nastya guessed that the reason was her.

And then, finally, he asked her out for coffee! The man was clearly older, though he looked very good. Probably about 46 years old.

He looked after himself carefully. His name was Yasha. Of course, Nastya was confused by the age difference, but, in general, she had never met anyone on purpose, and here she was invited somewhere. Why not go?

Yasha took her to one of the most expensive cafes in town. Downtown, of course. And it was nice. And the atmosphere was pleasant, and Yasha was generally talkative and quite an interesting conversationalist. He told a lot of things and about something. But, on the whole, it was not boring.

Then he invited her to the theater. And then, of course, they went out to eat – and again everything was expensive and beautiful.

And both times there was no hint of continuing the banquet – and this also bought Nastya off. A serious man, she thought.

Then they went to the exhibition. And then, after the exhibition, again to an expensive, very nice place. And then – well, it had to be like that! Literally leaving the restaurant, she somehow stumbled and … Shit – "I think I broke my ankle" – Nastya realized that she couldn't step on her foot anymore. "Well, how could it be," Nastya lamented. Yasha picked her up in his arms, took her to the trauma center, sat there, asked for the most comfortable cast, even paid something extra, took her home, took her up to her apartment, helped her with her bag and even offered to help her undress.

Here Nastya stopped him and told him that she could manage on her own and that the ankle fracture was not very serious and that she was quite capable. Yasha offered his help many times, but in the end, after Nastya's insistence that she could manage on her own, he left, but an hour later he called to ask how she was doing. Nastia had even managed to partially bathe, so she was doing fine. She had the painkillers, so she managed to sleep. Still from the trauma center, she sent a message to her landlady that she would definitely not be able to go to work tomorrow, but she would try in two weeks – she realized that in two weeks the bone would already be sufficiently healed and she, partially sitting on a chair, would be able to work.

The landlady, of course, was wildly upset, Nastya had a lot of clients hanging on her, but what was there to do – there was nothing to be done about the fracture.

Nastya slept for a very long time, she had her groceries and had a quiet breakfast without hurrying. And in the afternoon Yasha appeared again! With bags full of some goodies. And started to prepare lunch. And I must say, he did it successfully. It was nice. His caring was a nice touch.

The next day he didn't come, but he called and apologized wildly, although Nastya didn't understand why he should apologize at all. He showed up a day later and again brought groceries and again prepared lunch. After lunch they sat down to watch something, some television show. He covered her with a plaid and began to lightly touch her other leg. Nastya took his hand away. Somehow it didn't seem quite in time.

Of course, she realized that his interest extended beyond mere friendly participation. Of course, she realized that at some point he had to move to a more active role. But somehow, still, probably not now.

"Yes, yes, I understand," and Yasha hurried away, it was obvious he was having a hard time restraining himself.

But did Nastya need all this? It is very hard to say, because she had no one, not even girlfriends, in fact, she was alone in St. Petersburg, apart from Oleg writing from time to time.

She didn't let him know that someone was courting her – why should she? Why would he ask?

So – she was alone, not counting communication at work, which, by the way, was very friendly and pleasant – but still it was limited to work – everyone has their own families, someone already has children …

And Yasha's participation was very pleasant. And he was generally pleasant to her. He did not annoy her in any way.

And about ten days later, when they were sitting on her corner couch again, his stroking became very insistent. Nastya wanted to pull his hand away again, but he moved closer to her, and his hand was already in her crotch.

"Yasha, I'm afraid, I'm afraid for now," said Nastya, meaning, by the way, exactly that – "for now."

Yasha realized that, on the whole, it was almost a yes.

"Sunny, Nastenka, I'll do to make you feel good, I won't do anything else."

"Yasha, Yasha …" – But Yasha was determined this time, and for the strange first time, when he really did it for her only, she came. In general, it was strange, because it was not something that was peculiar to Nastya – to cum with half a kick, so to speak.

Nastya was very embarrassed and, in general, was ready for the same continuation towards him, but he said "No, no, don't, I understand, it's still difficult and uncomfortable for you" – although geez, what's so uncomfortable about that?

But still, he refused.

Nastya was really confused by this kind of behavior. It was the first time it had happened to her that man didn't want anything from her.

When two weeks later, already before going to work, it had already happened more or less fully on the bed, he stayed lying in bed with her and the conversation about what had happened during the hostilities came up. After all, she had already mentioned that she had lived alone and traveled alone. Of course, he brought the conversation to how she had survived it, and whether nothing "that" had actually happened.

For some reason, Nastya decided to tell him everything. For some reason it seemed to her that she had to be honest with him, if they were to have any kind of relationship.

Yes, she realized it could be shocking.

Somehow she felt like she couldn't hide it, so that if the relationship worked out, it wouldn't come up later. Although how could it "come out"?? It couldn't. Women are so stupid, what can I say?

"Yasha, I wanted to tell you, I don't know if I really should, but since you and I have developed a relationship, I think it might be important," she began.

"Yes, of course, Nastenka, of course, you can trust me, there is no way I would ever say that you did something wrong" – Yasha actually lurched as he didn't know yet what the conversation would be about.

"You see, before I left, there was an incident. There were three soldiers in my house" – Yasha's breath caught – "Wow, three of them," he thought.

"Sunshine, what did they do?" – Yasha looked into her eyes and stroked her hand with concern.

"You see, I was very frightened, I guess I was misbehaving too, but they … they …" – Nastya didn't know how to put it all into words.

"Sunny, come on, it's not your fault, are you saying they raped you?" – Yasha got to the heart of the matter.

"You can trust me, it's okay," he assured her.

"You see, I was so scared, I hardly resisted," she explained.

"Did they threaten you, hit you?" – Yasha clarified.

"No, but I was really scared, I guess I should have been more active in resisting somehow" – Nastya tried to justify the whole situation.

"My girl, it's not your fault at all, they had no right to touch you anyway," Yasha assured her.

He couldn't resist, however, and asked an additional question:

"Was it a one-time thing?"

"No, I had them for five days …" – replied Nastya.

"And all this time …?" – Yasha moved closer to her, goosebumps went all over his body, but it was actually arousal …

"Yes," a lump came up to her throat.

Yasha wanted to ask a lot more questions, but restrained himself.

"We can turn to the police, since there's really no statute of limitations on this," he suggested. Did he want to go to the police with her? Absolutely not! But Nastya didn't realize it.

"Yeah no, I settled down a long time ago. And they helped me with the money," said Nastya. She was not so shaken by the memories now.

"So – paid off?" – Yasha asked. And he mentally checked the box.

"It turns out I did. I really needed the money at that moment," Nastya explained. She wasn't embarrassed or ashamed, she just told it like it is.

"Oh, I understand, you're in such shock, I'm sorry for forcing things, I understand," he stroked her head, kissing her, but then his hand slipped lower. And he started caressing her there again, and then he did enter her.

Back then, Nastya had a flicker of an idea that it didn't shock him, but aroused him.

A glimpse and then it was gone.


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