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Chapter 4. Council of Necromancers


Duke Rigerd wrapped himself in a warm blanket and drank a hot infusion. Councilor Otraud entered the room.

– Why don’t you feel sorry for yourself, Your Honor?

– I hate autumn! – said the Duke. – Rains. Once you get exposed to cold streams while hunting, that’s all, for a couple of weeks you are a slave to the bed.

– I brought you medicinal herbs. Add them to the broth. It is not good for a ruler to skimp on health. You know. All you have to do is snap your fingers, and Seisil’s best healers will come to you.

– Do not you understand? – whispered the Duke. – I’m tired. I’m too tired. I want to rest. And illness gives you the right to a little respite.

– Blues – this is the main cause of the disease! How could I not have guessed. This is a disease that affects kings, but not the poor. They don’t have time to think about what could have happened but didn’t!

– You know, I sometimes envy the poor. I want, like them, a carefree life. Business, constant heavy thoughts – this is the destiny of the ruler.

– I dare to distract you from melancholy, this black bile. It looks like war can’t be avoided.

After these words, there seemed to be no trace of the Duke’s illness left. The eyes lit up with lively interest. And hatred.

– Tell me, Advisor.

«Please follow me into the throne room,» said Otraud. – I caught a new criminal on the borders with Suthering.

Rigerd put on clothes that should only be worn on special occasions. When facing an enemy, you always need to look decent.

Surrounded by Eldoran guards, stood a short young man. Despite his age, his face was already adorned with several scars.

– Your Honor, we caught this man trying to execute three people…

– Three witches! They are Zeymond-worshipping witches! – the young man shouted.

– So you now decide who lives and who doesn’t on my land?! – Rigerd was indignant.

– Not me. Emperor! Sun-Face himself gave me this right. You can look at my certificate. It is in your breast pocket. Take it and admire it!

Obeying the duke’s subtle gesture, the warrior brought a parchment, folded several times, that was in the prisoner’s pocket.

– What does he allow himself! – Rigerd shouted, angrily throwing the document on the floor. Otraud immediately bent down, picking it up.

«The bearer of this has every right to administer the Imperial Court in the name of the fight against evil spirits. All persons suspected of communicating with the dark must be subjected to the test of healing fire.»

– Still was a one-of-a-kind United King. The rulers of the lands gave him this right. And then a whole retinue of governors,» said Rigerd, walking around the hall, «And Gartaur decided to go further, declaring himself emperor.» He deprived the rulers of the lands of all privileges. Previously, we were called princes, but now even this has been deprived. Where has it been seen that I was a duke! What about the princely title? Perhaps he forgot that my family comes from kings? And if necessary, we will remember this!

– The Emperor is in his right. If necessary, he can execute you, Duke! If you resist the eradication of enemies.

– What right are you talking about? He is an emperor as long as the princes allow him to do so!

– He is the Bright Lord, the messenger of good on Earth. He foresaw that Morelia, an ancient ally of Antimonikos and other followers of Zeymond, would create obstacles. Therefore, the army will soon approach your borders.

An unknown symbol flashed on the criminal’s shoulder, and the man turned to ashes in a matter of moments.

– Seal of fidelity! «It can’t be!» Rigerd whispered. – I wonder if he was joking about the Bright Lord?

«His eyes didn’t lie,» said Otraud.

– Looks like it’s time to assemble the Necromancer Council.

– Are you sure, Your Honor?

– Is it possible to believe anything at a time like this?


That evening, the necromancers of Eldoras gathered for a large meeting.

«Hello, masters,» said Rigerd. His illness vanished as if by hand. «I gathered you today to tell you that war has been declared on us.» For a long time I was forced to hide you from the emperor, but he crossed all conceivable and unimaginable boundaries. I am equal to you in strength, oh masters. Therefore, I want to take a worthy place in your organization. Honestly, I want to become your leader.

– We need to check on you, Duke.

Green lightning streamed from the fingers of the gray-haired old man towards Rigerd. But the Duke repulsed them with ease, turning them into a fireball at the same time.

– Truly, you surprised me! – said the old man. «Few people are capable of blocking my blow.» We will take you as our Grand Master.

– Tell me, do you have any ideas about the battle with the Bright Lord? – asked Rigerd.

– The Night of the Spirits is coming, when the distance between worlds is thinner than usual. I suggest going to the ruins of the city and meeting the spirit of Antimonik.

Chapter 5. Spirit of the Past

It is unlikely that anyone would consider the ruins of the old town of Antimonika a welcoming place. In the middle of a forest that spread out in waves in all directions. Once upon a time there was a Magic Forest here, and the stone giants waged an endless struggle. However, with the departure of the elves, their magic also disappeared. Then there were clearings, but King Silver healed the wounds of the old forest, planting it with new trees that managed to stretch to the sky, blocking the sunlight with lush crowns.

However, an invisible line separated the place where the Dark City had once been located. There was no living space left from it; hundreds of experienced magicians ensured that they dispelled the witchcraft of this place. But not a single tree takes root beyond the unmarked line. Birds avoid the cursed place, except that sometimes vultures nest. The castle is destroyed, but there is an altar, still intact as it was centuries ago. How much blood did he absorb during the reign of the terrible masters of these lands that many hammers could not break him?

It was getting dark. Duke Rigerd’s detachment was approaching the ruins.

– Your Honor! It’s not too late to stop,» said Stuart, one of the masters. – There may be no way back!

– We must ask the advice of the ancient spirit.

Twelve men stood in a circle. Rigerd stood behind. He whispered an ancient spell that could open the door between worlds. Despite the late autumn, it seems to have become even colder. The men shuddered, but there was nowhere to retreat. In the circle outlined by magic, black smoke appeared, which acquired human outlines.

– My servants! You decided to awaken me! I’m flattered, thank you! – said the demon.

– I was happy early, Antimonik! We only called you for a while. We need advice, the progenitor of our lands!

– And what is the reason? I can’t see your face while I’m standing outside the circle. Let your sorcerers disperse, and I will fulfill any of your desires.

«It’s not time for you to appear again in our world.»

«Then I won’t say a word more.»

– We will dedicate our every action to you. Tell me, is this not enough? You left the world of the living many years ago. If you are not remembered, you may sink into oblivion. But our servants will call your name if you answer our questions.

– Okay, ask.

– Velzuvik is ruled by a crazy emperor who wants to exterminate all necromancers. He took the side of the Light, as far as I know. Tell me, what can we oppose to him?

The demon grinned.

– I can only advise one thing. Release me.

«No,» Rigerd said firmly.

– It’s a pity. Then one of you must become a Dark Lord in order to oppose the Light One, who has gone mad. Although, as I see now, he’s not that crazy. He sold Eldoras to the Duke of Suthering. He promised to marry his daughter to a Suthering nobleman. Beelzuvik and Suthering have united in the fight against you, unknown ruler of Morelia.

Rigerd clenched his fists.

– You are lying! You say this to incline me to Darkness, evil spirit. Moreover, how do you know who I am? I didn’t say I ruled Morelia!

– I don’t call myself honest. However, I cannot lie about the Bright Lord, no matter how much I want to. And you know this well.

The evil spirit really didn’t lie.

«So, the princess goes to meetings with my nephew, and in the meantime she has wooed a Suseringian? What a bitch!»

– Exactly, bitch! «Rebuild my old city,» Antimonik continued meanwhile, grinning with black lips, «The power that is poured in this place will help you protect yourself.»

The ghost was saying something else. But Rigerd did not listen. He, as if hypnotized, walked towards the sorcerers who kept the demon in the center of the circle.

«Free me!» – sounded in his head. For a while, reason returned to him. The Duke turned away from the dead man, so as not to even accidentally cross his eyes again.

«Stop it,» he said. «I will order the people, and they will close the circle.» Then you will sink into oblivion.

– Fine. I see you are a strong person. What is your name?

– I will not tell you a name, spirit of discord. I have one last question for you. What’s going on in the Ennian Lands? Who is the sorcerer who dares to scare my inhabitants?

Fear flashed across the demon’s «face.»

– This can’t be! I didn’t know it still existed! I sympathize with you if you encounter him!

– So who is «he»?

Antimonik did not answer. He disappeared into thin air, leaving the Duke’s main question unanswered.

– Well, at least one question was answered. Looks like we have only one way to fight Beelzuvik.

Rigerd knelt down.

– I renounce the Light. I dedicate myself to serving the Darkness, may it give me the strength to fight the omnipresent, all-powerful enemy!

It seemed that the Duke had disappeared for a while in the mirror of the world, dissolved like morning fog when the sun appeared. And then he appeared, but no longer as a tired old man, but as a man radiating strength.

Boredom of the immortals

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