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Chapter 3: Telling children about the legendary deer


One crisp autumn day, as the golden sun dipped below the horizon, two bold children named Steve and Elly found themselves embroiled in a spirited argument with their friends. The air crackled with tension as they boldly proclaimed that the spine-chilling stories of Edward the Deer were nothing more than fanciful tales spun to frighten the townsfolk.

Their friends scoffed and shook their heads in disbelief, warning them of the dire consequences that awaited those who dared to mock the legend of the haunted castle. But Steve and Elly stood their ground, their eyes flashing with unyielding determination. They were eager to prove their courage and put an end to the pervasive fear that had cast a shadow over their beloved town.

– We refuse to be cowed by mere stories, declared Steve, his voice resolute.

– We will venture to the castle on a moonlit night and confront this so-called scary deer. We shall see for ourselves if the legends hold any truth.

Elly nodded in agreement, her spirit undaunted by the ominous tales that had gripped the town in fear.

– We shall show everyone that there is nothing to fear but fear itself, she affirmed, her gaze unwavering.

With their hearts brimming with resolve, the two intrepid children set forth on their daring quest, their footsteps light but purposeful as they made their way towards the looming silhouette of the ancient castle. The silvery moon bathed the landscape in an otherworldly glow, casting long, ethereal shadows that danced across the cobbled path leading to the forbidding gates of the castle.

As they approached the darkened archway that marked the entrance to the castle grounds, a hush fell over the night, broken only by the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. The air was pregnant with anticipation, and a thrill of excitement coursed through Steve and Elly’s veins, mingling with the faint tremors of apprehension that tugged at the edges of their bravery.

Pausing at the threshold of the castle, they exchanged a wordless glance, each finding reassurance in the unwavering determination mirrored in the other’s eyes. With a shared nod, they stepped boldly into the moonlit courtyard, their senses heightened and their hearts pounding with a heady mixture of fear and exhilaration.

The deer of the ghost castle

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