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Chapter 5: Welcome Wings


Paul stepped into the dazzling paradise, he couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the vibrant colors and the sweet scent of flowers that filled the air. The lush forest stretched out before him, with towering trees that seemed to touch the sky. Excitement danced in his eyes as he took in the beauty around him.

Just then, a figure appeared before him, bathed in a golden glow. It was Michel, the archangel with wings as pure and white as freshly fallen snow. A warm smile spread across Michel’s face as he extended his hand towards Paul.

«„Welcome, young traveler,“» Michel said in a gentle voice. «„I am Michel, the guardian of this paradise forest. I am here to show you the wonders that lie within.“»

Paul’s heart leaped with joy as he eagerly took Michel’s hand. Together, they ventured deeper into the magical forest, their footsteps blending with the soft rustle of leaves underfoot. As they walked, Paul noticed tiny fairies flitting about, their wings sparkling like precious gemstones. They giggled and whispered secrets to one another, spreading joy wherever they went.

Amidst the trees, elegant creatures emerged from the shadows. Paul’s eyes widened with wonder as he saw majestic unicorns with glistening silver manes, grazing peacefully among the wildflowers. Their presence was so enchanting that Paul felt as if he had stepped into a dream.

Further ahead, they encountered a group of mischievous elves, their laughter echoing through the forest. These tiny beings were adorned in colorful clothes and pointy shoes, always ready for an adventure. They beckoned Paul to join them in their playful games, and he couldn’t resist their infectious energy.

The forest seemed alive with magic. Squirrels scurried along branches, their bushy tails swaying gracefully. Birds of every hue sang melodious tunes, creating a symphony of nature. The air was filled with a sense of harmony and tranquility, as if the forest itself was whispering secrets only known to those who listened.

As they reached the heart of the paradise forest, Paul gasped in awe. Before him stood a magnificent waterfall, its crystal-clear waters cascading down into a sparkling pool below. Rainbows danced in the mist, painting the air with vibrant colors. Butterflies fluttered around the water’s edge, seemingly unafraid of getting wet.

Michel smiled at Paul’s amazement. «„This is the Heartstone Falls,“» he explained. «„It is said to hold the dreams and wishes of all who come here. Close your eyes and make a wish, Paul.“»

Paul closed his eyes, his heart brimming with hope. He made a silent wish, breathing in the pure air and feeling a sense of peace wash over him. When he opened his eyes, he saw Michel smiling warmly.

Tiger’s Paradise

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