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Chapter 3 – The frog’s Invitation to the monastery


Impressed by Cayson’s courage, Eden invited her to join him in studying the art of the samurai at the monastery. Excited about this new opportunity, Kayson eagerly accepted the invitation.

The monastery stood tall and majestic at the foot of the mountains, its ancient walls steeped in history and wisdom. As Kayson and Eden approached the grand entrance, they were greeted by the solemn silence of the sacred grounds.

Eden led Kayson through the intricately carved gates, where they were met by the wise old master of the monastery, a venerable crane named Master Koji. His feathers were a shimmering white, and his eyes held the depth of centuries of knowledge.

– Welcome, young ones, – Master Koji spoke with a voice that resonated with authority and warmth.

– I sense great potential within both of you. If you are willing to learn and uphold the values of the samurai, I will be honored to teach you.

– Kayson’s heart swelled with excitement as she looked around the serene courtyard, imagining the countless stories and legends that were woven into the very fabric of the monastery. She knew that this was a rare opportunity, a chance to learn from the best and become a true warrior like her friend Eden.

Under Master Koji’s guidance, Kayson and Eden delved into the world of the samurai, learning the ways of combat, discipline, and honor. They practiced their swordsmanship under the dappled sunlight filtering through the ancient trees, their movements precise and graceful.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Kayson felt herself growing stronger, both in body and spirit. She found a new sense of purpose and determination, fueled by the teachings of the samurai and the bond she shared with her friend Eden.

Frog Samurai

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