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Chapter 5: A Hard day after the bar


On a clear Monday morning, Mateo the cat was heading to work, feeling a little overwhelmed after the events of the previous day. As he drove along the familiar road, his eyes were heavy with fatigue. Suddenly, a small squirrel jumped out onto the highway, its tiny paws moving quickly as it tried to cross to the other side.

Mateo’s sleepy eyes widened in surprise when he noticed a small creature in his path. In a moment of panic, he swerved sharply to avoid a collision with a squirrel, but lost control of his car, drove off the road and crashed into a sturdy tree on the side of the road.

The sound of the impact echoed in the quiet morning air, attracting the attention of passers-by. Pretty soon, the flashing lights of the ambulance and the wailing of sirens filled the scene. Concerned passers-by called for help, and firefighters arrived at the scene a few minutes later.

With tender care and expertise, firefighters and emergency responders carefully removed Mateo from the wreckage of his car. Despite his shock and confusion, Mateo found himself surrounded by kind faces and encouraging voices. An ambulance took him to the nearest hospital, where doctors and nurses were ready to provide him with the necessary assistance.

As Mateo lay in his hospital bed, thoughts of the squirrel and the accident raced through his mind. He was grateful to the rescuers for the quick reaction and warmth of their support. Even in the midst of a hard day’s work, Mateo knew that he was not alone and that help was always at hand.

I Сan Always Stop Drinking

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