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It was a dimly lit room hidden twenty-five meters underground. The bunker was surrounded everywhere by one-and-a-half-meter layer of monolithic reinforced concrete. A man of about forty in a gray suit entered the room. He stopped in front of the main table, but did not sit down, immediately starting to leaf through the contents of the folder that was with him. Without introducing himself to those present, he began to speak in a low voice:

– Please sit down. You have already been introduced to the essence of the work ahead. In view of this, I will not waste my time and steal yours, so I will get straight to the point. All research expeditions to the most closed places on our planet, as a rule, are initiated and financed by departmental structures, and the results of such research are stored in closed archives classified as «secret». This expedition is organized by the company «Best Technologies». It was initiated personally by the company’s president, Martin Hogan. Therefore, it is worth immediately bringing some clarity. All finds you discover and discoveries made during the expedition are the property of the company. The expedition is closed. Under no circumstances should it be known to third parties. Further. None of you has the right to publicize your discoveries or disclose any data directly or indirectly related to the expedition. Only the company has the right to publish information about certain discoveries and findings, while indicating the names of the people who had a hand in this. We determined the route you will follow in advance, taking into account data on points on the map where events of a strange and little-studied nature took place. During the expedition, if any valuable finds are discovered, a deviation from the heading is allowed, followed by a return to the original trajectory. From the beginning to the end of the entire expedition, you will report to the captain of the boat. Everyone acts in accordance with his instructions. Any of his orders is carried out without discussion. This is necessary both for the successful completion of the mission and to ensure the safety of all crew members. Questions?

There was only silence in response.

– Then that’s all. A helicopter awaits at the top, which will take you to Heathrow, from where you will depart to your destination. You will receive further instructions upon arrival on the island directly from the submarine commander. – Closing the folder, the man in the suit added: – Have a successful expedition to everyone.

At depth

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