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Chapter 2. Either a girl, or perhaps a vision


– Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! People, I’m dead! – Alina was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling. – Such a joke had to happen! I died!

She rolled over onto her stomach and, burying her nose in the pillow, continued to giggle hysterically.

– No, well, you had to be so clever! How I want to tell my friends about this!

Sighing heavily, the girl got out of bed, desperately trying to put on slippers. Oddly enough, two large white plush bunnies completely refused to stay on her feet. They didn’t even budge, contrary to all the wishes of their owner. It’s strange, if they are material, they don’t give in, then on what word of honor does a black leather miniskirt and a green turtleneck stay on her body, why doesn’t the blue denim baseball cap with the Nike emblem fly off her head, why on earth didn’t it remain lying on the bedspread shapeless a bunch of tights?

On the bed. Haha three times! Yes, if everything material had refused to accept her body, then she would not have been lying in bed, but would have found herself under the bed among dust balls and old worn-out shoes, which the girl was always too lazy to throw away.

Alina kicked her slippers, naturally, to no avail, and went to the mirror.

She decided that she had died, her body was probably lying in the refrigerator of the morgue, and this image that she somehow felt… what was it? She died. How did this happen? Why does she believe that what she has experienced is precisely death?

The girl arrived in the morning at the Sibirsky Bereg factory, where she had been working as a technologist for three years. Just think, the whole country ate crackers and beer snacks, the quality of which it controlled. In general, many technologists worked at the factory: two for each workshop. But in the fall, Alina was unlucky: her partner went on maternity leave, and the poor thing had to work for two until a replacement was found.

From birth she had a heart with a defect, that is, with a defect, and the double load did not benefit her health. In winter, the director, however, took pity on the unfortunate Alina who overworked and paid for her to go to a sanatorium for the Christmas holidays. Treatment and rest are wonderful, but when, upon returning, double work fell on her again, all the results of healing baths and procedures went down the drain.

The overworked technologist only dreamed of going on vacation to the Black Sea when she got to leave. It didn’t work out. Alina’s heart couldn’t stand it. It has always malfunctioned until today. There’s nothing you can do if you were born sick.

The last thing the girl remembered when she was conscious was the line for packaging fried kirieski. She stood by the belt and carefully watched as the finished product poured into a large basket, but suddenly her vision grew blurry, she clutched her heart, feeling someone stick a thick stake into her chest and turn it. A gentle male voice muttered in her head; at first she thought it was her brother’s, but he spoke not in Russian, but in some similar language. In Ukrainian, or something. The man repeated the same words. It seemed as if he was calling someone or weaving a spell. And then she saw him, a stranger: a tall, broad-shouldered, blond-haired man in something blue, like a sweatshirt, and tight leather pants, his gaze full of fear: his yellow eyes, distorted with horror, like those of an owl, looking straight at her, the victim. His gaze cannot touch, but at that moment it seemed to the girl that these amber eyes with black pupils see right through her, feel every internal organ, and it is because of this that her arms and legs refuse to move, not the slightest sound comes out of her open mouth, her lungs as if covered in cement, they stop breathing, and only the defective valve in the heart begins to work furiously. The stranger took her hand and whispered: «Calm down’… But the girl was still scared, and… opening her eyes, she found herself at home lying on the bed and for some reason immediately decided that everything that happened to her was death.

Why she thought that is not clear. Death is something that no one can describe. Everyone experiences her, but having met her, no one has ever had the happiness of returning to the living and telling their descendants about everything. Alina didn’t think long. There’s nothing to wiggle around here: a heart rupture, and that’s it, the end of life, and the foreigner in a long blue dress is an ambulance orderly who tried to pump her out. And now her soul, having remembered its last appearance, says goodbye to the house where she lived for almost a quarter of a century. How did the talkers broadcast on the radio? The soul wanders around the home for three days, walks around the world for forty, and then looks for a new body.

Mirror. Once upon a time it reflected her, a tall, thin, not very beautiful girl with an oval face, a narrow nose, and shoulder-length black hair with dyed strands. Now in the mirror one could only see jars of cosmetics, which Alina forgot to close in the morning: she was in a hurry to get to work. It’s strange why the mirror doesn’t reflect the tall, narrow-shouldered Tatar girl? Was she really dead? Is she no longer there? She will never turn on the TV on the opposite wall of the room, and the bed will no longer be useful to her, and in the family photo above her head, her brother will draw with a felt-tip pen exactly the same red cross as above her parents, aunt and grandparents.

Taking a breath, the girl went into her brother’s room. Anyone, he just has to look at her, living, breathing, talking, thinking. Even if she is not able to put on slippers or find her reflection in the mirror.

Afraid of making a lot of noise, Alina crept up to the chair where Kostya was sitting and put her hands on her brother’s shoulders. Wow, mother-of-pearl varnish, on the index finger of the right hand, slightly chipped. This is a small work-related ’injury’ after the girl tested the strength of a closed bag of crackers shortly before her death.

Alina’s twin brother, Kostya, a short, heavy-set brunette, very unlike his sister, by the way, was sitting at the computer, constantly distracted from his work. Typical gamer brother pose, however, this time something was different. In his left hand the guy was holding not a cup of coffee, but a half-drunk bottle of cheap vodka, and next to the keyboard lay three black crackers from the kind his sister had roasted in the oven a couple of days ago. It’s clear and without words – he tried to drown his grief in vodka.

The girl read the text of the message that was written by her own, yes, her brother.

You, friends, are probably waiting for a letter from Alina. Alas, there is no point in doing this. Because she is no longer there. She died. At work. She was very sick, and did not tell anyone about it, did not show her weakness.

Then she was unable to read and grabbed Kostya by the shoulders with both hands and tried to shake and scream: «What are you doing? Here I am! Next to you!» But… he didn’t even feel the touch of her hands?!

– Kostya, what are you writing? – the girl whispered, hopelessly dropping her hands, – I’m alive, Kostya.

But the answer to her was only the lines in the letter.

Now I have no last close person.

– Kostya, how can you?

Why doesn’t he hear? Why is he writing this! And he will also send it over the Internet to all of Alina’s best friends. And none of them will write a single line anymore, they will all suffer and cry for their untimely departed friend. But she is alive! Hello! Maybe we’ll even be able to have some fun when we get out of this strange story with invisibility. What if a magic cap or robe just fell on her at the factory. Everyone thinks she is dead, but she continues to live.

Alina sank to the floor right next to the chair where her brother was sitting and began to cry. But even her sobs were inaccessible to Kostya’s hearing.

Pity, bitterness, hopelessness… all this overwhelmed the girl. Why did fate treat him this way? For what? First the parents, and then she… Although, no, she is alive. Mom and dad aren’t around. They died when Alina and Kostya were nineteen. She remembered that terrible day perfectly… as if in reality, as if it was repeating itself in her memory even now, after the so-called death.

It was summer. Heat. Alina came back from her exam. She was then graduating from food college. Kostya is not a coward, he did not run away from the army, in those years he served Russia somewhere in the Ryazan region. So the girl lived alone with her parents. Having returned from the exam, she lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. A phone call woke her up. She immediately felt that he was not kind. That’s what it turned out to be: they called from the hospital – my father and mother crashed near Berdsk. Since then, she has already lived for four years with her only relative, her brother, earning a living, being in fact the head of the family. True, Kostya himself was also not known as a slob and got a job at the same factory as Alina, as a truck driver, delivering «Kirieshki» throughout Western Siberia.

After the death of her parents, the girl increasingly began to show strange abilities: as if she could see someone else’s future using cards, all the food she prepared had the desired effect, and, oh, horror, she learned to make fire by snapping her fingers. This is how Alina began to do without matches, the quality of which was simply skimped on by manufacturers. True, the girl began to use magic sparks only after the flashing fragment of one such match hit her in her left eye with all the ensuing consequences. And it’s not worth talking about cutlets with love spells and hangover cabbage rolls. And all these miracles are at the behest of the pike, Alinochka’s desire.

Remembering her extraordinary gift, the girl decided to try to set fire to her brother. If she succeeds, she will quickly heal him with the help of her own homemade jelly. But her magic turned out to be invisible, like herself. A fireball the size of a tennis ball flew through Kostya’s chest, and then through the monitor, and then went out completely, hitting the wall.

– Cool! – Alina smiled to herself. – Invisible fire is an original thing, isn’t it?

Two days ago she would not have started making such jokes, but now she had no time for that. Well, at least someone would have noticed and understood that she was alive, but no: her brother is killed and thinks that she is no longer in the world.

The girl was offended and went into her room through the wall. What’s wrong with that? If slippers do not fit on your feet, then why not overcome fifteen centimeters of concrete rock? She imagined that the wall was parting in front of her, and… she succeeded!

When Alina was five years old, she kept asking her mother: what was there in the thick walls. Mom answered that the brownies lived there, and there was no point in disturbing them. Now, when she grew up, she saw with her own eyes – nothing special: grayness, dust and not a single poltergeist.

It’s good to be dead. From time to time. You go wherever you want. But how terrible it is when no one sees you, and you cannot turn on the light in the room, put on your shoes and simply pick up a telephone receiver or an automatic pencil.

The girl, looking doomedly at the writing utensils, sank into her favorite chair, covered with terracotta leatherette, and lay her head on the glass of the desk. Solid, which means that if she wants objects to be impassable for her incorporeal form, they will become so. It turns out that slippers can be made to fit on your feet.

And then the girl’s gaze stopped on an object that she did not leave on the table when she left for work on the day of her death. No, it wasn’t a deck of cards, or a half-written gel pen, or even a notebook with notes in the «family accounting» style, which she hid in a drawer under lock and key. Alina could not afford this item because of its high cost.

In front of her lay a bright green plane ticket. She looked at him questioningly for a long time, until finally she dared to extend her hand to him and… take it! Strange but true! She managed to hold the ticket in her hands, which, by the way, is heavier than a pen! She forced him to submit to her will! Progress in disembodied life!

Having overcome her shock, the girl finally turned away the cover and looked at her own name printed as a red carbon copy. Airplane ticket from Novosibirsk to Moscow, business class. Someone wealthy was waiting for Alina in the capital. In Sheremetyevo. If this unknown person paid that kind of money and slipped a ticket, then it was necessary. One logical question arose – how to get on the plane if no one sees you with a ticket at check-in.

It’s good that the girl noticed this sign of attention to her person in time. Departure is in three hours. We urgently need to go to the airport. She folded the ticket in half and put it in the back pocket of her skirt, because there was nowhere else to go, because a jacket or jacket would hardly have given in to the girl’s will, which had not yet strengthened after the shock.

There’s nothing you can do – Kostya will have to suffer. He had already realized the fact that his beloved sister was no more. Of course, my brother will be incredibly happy if Alina returns. But how can she establish this? Perhaps the mysterious stranger who placed the ticket on the girl’s table will be able to take her back to the world of the living. Therefore, you need to go towards your destiny and what cannot be avoided.

The girl tried to take something writing to scribble a short note on paper for her twin brother. The pen even obeyed her will, but as soon as she tried to write the first letter, it became clear that she would not succeed. No matter how much she tried to concentrate, the text she had written immediately disappeared from the page. And after the third attempt, instead of her scribbles, a strange note in broken Russian appeared on the paper:

Alina, don’t try to write your brother. Alina reject the first layer. Alina should be on the second layer. Alina should try. I’m waiting for Alina in Moscow. Sheremetyevo. Terminal number two.

What would that mean? The girl stared attentively at the scribbles. Nothing other than fate. You need to go to understand all these first and second layers. Something told her that no one took her life, and what happened to her was not death at all, but, most likely, a banal departure to another world in the best traditions of fantastic fairy tales.

Although she lived in the center of Novosibirsk, it was still far from the airport. The girl, of course, did not want to walk down the street barefoot, so she began to hypnotize the shoes so that they would fit on her feet.

Oddly enough, Alina’s witchcraft abilities, which Alina spent only on everyday fireballs, did not fail, and within ten minutes a satisfied girl, wearing two different shoes, was leaving the entrance of her house. Yes, yes, the shoes that nevertheless obeyed the will of the deceased turned out to be from completely different pairs: the left red sandal with a low heel was put on the right foot, and the right black autumn boot with a five-centimeter stiletto heel was put on the left.

Walking like this turned out to be not very comfortable, but the shoes did not want to come off in order to change places. After the unsuccessful trick, the girl completely refused to wear the jacket, afraid that she would have to walk around the city in fifteen degrees of heat in a sheepskin coat or a down jacket with a rabbit collar.

How unusual it turns out to be, to be out of this world and walk through the city. The sensations are completely indescribable – the wind passes through you, and you absorb its chill with every internal organ: your heart, liver, lungs… You can never feel this in the normal state of a living person. The rustling of leaves now caresses not only the ear, but the whole body, but this makes it restless and uncomfortable. Probably, in winter the organs also freeze, Alina thought.

The girl easily jumped into the minibus moving at full speed. It must be so interesting to live among those who don’t notice you. People are sitting in armchairs, looking out the windows, admiring the same cityscapes for the hundredth time, and she stands right in front of them, straightening her skirt, as if someone would examine the color of an invisible woman’s underwear. She was about to put her hand in her pocket to get the money for the fare, but then she realized: after all, now she is a hare in law! An idiot’s dream come true!

But invisible ones can also cause her legs to become numb, especially when she is wearing shoes with different heels. All she could think about was how to conjure the same shoes that were put on correctly. The girl could barely wait until she was able to get out of the minibus. The legs, although deprived of the opportunity to be visible to everyone, refused to obey and constantly ached. Pain is good, they hurt, that means they exist.

Alina stood in front of the entrance to the airport and wondered how she would be allowed on the plane with an invisible ticket. And anyway, where is the logic of the inviter? If she can walk through a wall, then she can find herself on a plane without an expensive ticket. Why spend so much money? Or did the caller buy it while she was alive, that is, visible?

She took the ticket out of her pocket and walked up to the metal detector at the entrance and began to carefully examine what was printed on the document for a living person named Alinka.

– Why do I need him? – the girl muttered under her breath. – For what?

And she suddenly realized that she wanted to become visible again. Something seemed to click at the girl’s temples; the surroundings lost their color for a moment, but soon the whole range of bright colors returned to their proper places.

– The hares are on their way to the zoo! – the old man laughed, coming up to her from behind. – And you can’t go anywhere without a ticket!

His appearance seemed unusual and somehow familiar to the girl, as if the intellectual, dressed in a strange fashion: in a long red coat and a wide-brimmed hat, was a character in a popular film. It looks strange for modern life, and does not fit into the monotonous crowd at all. But the suit is not everything. The old man smiled and bared his long fangs, which is why the girl just squeezed out:

– A vampire?

«Yes,» he smiled.

Alina shook her head and stared at the old man again. He saw her! Those red eyes, from under those yellow round glasses. He stood two meters from her and could easily touch her by taking two or three steps towards her. Realizing this turned out to be more difficult than believing in grandfather’s vampirism. It seems like nothing happened. Just now no living creature could see Alina, and suddenly a suspicious person appeared. Grandfather’s glasses aren’t magic! People walked around the vampire and the young lady standing opposite each other. But at the airport, nothing seemed to have changed, but the girl felt that something was wrong in Tolmachevo.

Alina did not know the Novosibirsk airport at all. She and her relatives couldn’t afford plane tickets. But that’s not even the point: for example, the policeman at the metal detector, after she wanted to become visible and her grandfather noticed her, for some reason he turned green and stopped looking like a person. «Goblin,» she thought for some reason.

«You pass, madam,» the vampire nodded towards the metal detector.

– Can you see me? – Alina finally asked the question that most worried her.

The girl examined the elderly man even more carefully: he was at least five hundred years old. Although, no, this is too harshly said, they don’t live that long, but one hundred and fifty is quite possible!

– Come on, come in, battle magician, don’t torment the old vampire!

After this phrase, she stepped back and almost tripped out of the blue, but grabbed the metal detector stand in time. Not only did this, so to speak, honest vampire somehow know her status (although she never considered herself a battle mage), but he was not going to bite and drink liters of blood from her young body. Alina took a deep breath and walked under the arch.


«Welcome, combatant,» the goblin policeman suddenly said to her, saluting.

If only all law enforcement officers were so polite, it doesn’t matter that they are green and pimply, and, in addition, they are non-humans.

And then it dawned on the girl that the gates at the airport were not intended to look for bombs and other terrorist problems, but to scan the passenger’s status. On the goblin’s monitor Alin’s name was shining, and next to it was a «battle magician».

Surprised, as it turned out, the sorceress moved out of the way and looked at how the status of the old man following her was determined. After him, two alchemist girls, three demons, a chimera man and several sorcerers passed under the scanner. They look like ordinary people, but in reality they all have paranormal abilities.

Alina did not observe further. And so it is clear – she is in Novosibirsk, which was suddenly inhabited by magical creatures, the city was transformed, and again took her into his life, made her visible, began to reckon with the presence of her body. But life turned out to be completely different, fabulous, the kind she dreamed of while reading science fiction novels.

Interesting, but true – the same airport, the same flights, but completely different creatures around. And there was no trace of the life that the girl left: full of banality, dust and soot.

After walking a few meters to the reception desk, she found that she was no longer limping and walking was much more comfortable. Imagine Alina’s surprise when, looking at her feet, she noticed that she was wearing two identical brown boots with thick soles. When did she manage to conjure them? Or did someone else decide to help her and change her shoes?

«Boarding begins for the Samoletina flight to Moscow,» a melodious female voice announced through the speaker.

Hearing the name of the carrier, the girl involuntarily burst into her fist.

If all the creatures here are magical, then this pleasant-to-hear voice belongs to some disgusting lady of inhuman appearance, she thought for some reason. Alina had never thought about the voice of the announcers even once in her twenty-three years of life. But after meeting the goblin guard and the vampire passenger, the mysterious announcer became an object of curiosity.

Check-in and waiting for boarding went too quickly for the newly minted sorceress. A charming skeleton woman, covering her empty eye sockets with black glasses and her bald skull with a wig, gave the young magician a boarding pass: an ordinary one, no different from its counterpart in the non-magical world.

The girl looked at the servants for a long time, but didn’t get the chance to speak to the living skeleton. Therefore, all that she had time to think about Olga the skeleton from the reception desk was regret that her friends, who wanted to lose weight in every possible way, had not seen the skinniest woman in the world. After this you will want to be chubby and forget about all diets.

The entire time Alina was waiting to board, she wandered between the aisles and carefully studied the fantastic society into which, by someone’s grace, she had found herself. Among the short, bearded gnomes and long-eared elves, there were many ordinary people, magicians of various specializations. One stocky man explained to his neighbor that he had checked his son in as an animal because he didn’t have enough money for a ticket. A werewolf, no less. A normal person would not allow himself to do this.

As the newly minted sorceress managed to understand, those who were more like people belonged to the highest caste and were very wealthy, but the more a creature resembled a monster, the less it was valued. For example, there were no skeletons or goblins among the passengers.

What amused the girl most was the scene when three giant trolls were dragging a box of food onto the plane. She was standing at the window next to the gate door, and monsters vaguely reminiscent of Shrek, dressed in colorful red-and-black skins, were operating on the take-off platform. Well, the real «Swan, Crayfish and Pike’.

– Was it really impossible to take the car on the first layer? – the young man who was watching the same trolls was indignant.

Alina’s memory flipped through the pages of the books she had read at great speed and she recalled frames from the films she had watched: judging by the bluish tint of her skin, this man was a total freak. The girl looked back at him, and then continued observing the careless trolls. The monsters, deciding that the food box was too heavy for their pumped up muscles, tore off the nailed lid and began to eat the contents of their burden along with the wrappers. Seeing this, Alina grinned. Pitchman muttered something to her about «This is not fun» and walked away to another window.

Meanwhile, two tall skeletons in orange vests with the words «Tolmachevo’ on their backs ran up to the trolls and began beating the monsters with glowing batons. Funny. From the outside. This is absolutely boring, he’s been seeing things like this for decades. And to her, Alina, this kind of production sabotage in magical Novosibirsk is a novelty.

When the ashamed trolls put the lid back in place and ran away from harm into their kennel, an elderly woman in the same orange vest as the skeletons approached the box. With one wave of her hand, she made him fly to the required compartment of the plane.

It’s strange why airport workers didn’t immediately use the services of a teleportation specialist. Really, like Russians from the non-magical world, Russian sorcerers hoped to get by with cheap labor? Or did you want to feed the trolls so that they wouldn’t die of hunger?

Alina didn’t even have time to think about this topic when she began boarding the plane. And half an hour later, the battle magician and two hundred more magical creatures were flying high in the sky towards the capital of the Russian state.

When Alina was little, she flew on a plane with her mother and brother to the south, but this was not yet in Novosibirsk, where the family moved twelve years ago. Now her childhood memories were returning, but she did not feel the difference between flying in her homeland and in the magical world.

If you sit comfortably in your seat and immerse yourself in reading a magazine published by Samoletina Airlines, occasionally being distracted by the flight attendants offering food and juices, then you will not be able to distinguish the flight from a non-magical one. But the magicians had skeleton girls working on the plane, on whose bony bodies the uniforms sagged like low-quality mannequins. Alina was afraid to even imagine who the pilot was: a troll or a goblin! What if a fearless zombie? But the non-human was not inferior to the human in his skill: the plane did not sway in turbulent flows. What if this Boeing, filled with magicians, flies at the behest of a spell without fuel or engines. What then will happen if the magical powers of the wizards controlling the ship are not enough to pull the colossus to the capital? The latter scared the girl a little, so she decided to take a break from her dark thoughts and stared at the glossy magazine «Let’s fly!» in a pocket on the chair in front of her.

They didn’t write anything interesting there: the airline advertised its newfangled planes with reliable magical protection, which were actually purchased in Europe and written off there from the balance sheet. What kind of magic armor this was, Alina had no idea yet, and therefore she delved into reading – a magic plane cannot be rammed with a rocket, a dragon cannot shoot it down with one blow, and birds and small magical creatures could not fly closer than a hundred meters to the liner. This would be true in a non-magical world, otherwise there would be plane crashes, so many people would die. I was daydreaming.

Such a truth of life would not have been written in a philistine aircraft publication. The magical layer of the world is too sensitive to lies, which is why the magazine was full of interesting and sometimes cheesy jokes like: «Fun, quickly and without worries, our airline will bury you!» Anti-advertising, fear-mongering, was it really impossible to simply not display such pessimistic magazines? The reader’s nerves may fail. Consider the article about a crow that made a nest in the turbine of an old TU-134, which sat in Irkutsk for a whole year and did not fly anywhere; or a double-page advertisement – «Kukuruznik – the airliner of the future, a full-page advertisement – "…in the turbine of an old technical specification, which stood on the airfield in Irkutsk for a whole year and never flew anywhere. mi type.»

But the food, which the voracious trolls from Novosibirsk did not have time to gobble up, turned out to be very tasty – not semi-finished shortbreads of the non-magical world, but almost restaurant-quality food. After this, the spoiled mood from reading the article «Necromancers will bring back to life everyone who died in a plane crash if they pay the magicians ten million dollars» is forgotten. And after a delicious lunch, Alina decided to tune in to thoughts about the capital.

She has never been to Moscow. This city had always remained somewhat unattainable for her… but now what awaited her was not just an ordinary dream, but a capital full of magic and other paranormal phenomena. This fact did not frighten the girl at all, and during the four-hour flight, without closing her eyes, she waited until she finally encountered the capital’s witchcraft and remembered all the possible combat spells that she had read about in science fiction novels. As always, you know a lot, but only a few are extracted from memory, and not the most original ones.

And now my ears are getting unpleasantly stuffy again. Like taking off. The plane decreases altitude.

Of course, as a child, the girl imagined Moscow simply and clearly: the plane lands on Red Square, and happy October students Alinochka and Kostenka run to the mausoleum to admire grandfather Lenin, and then put a bold dot in the center of the square with a bright felt-tip pen. In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic – a typical airport, a banal stop, ordinary white and green Lipetsk buses and orc taxi drivers, impostors. It’s still a long way to get to the city center.

However, the newly minted sorceress remembered the text of the note; she did not need to go to the square at all, that she was not brought here from Siberia in order to look at the eternally sleeping Leader of the World Proletariat. They were waiting for her at the second, international terminal. She imagined a tall blond foreigner like «Ordinary Brad Pitt» smiling at her with sparkling snow-white teeth, walking with her arm and treating her to hamburgers at McDonald’s. Alina was never lucky in love. Either she lost her head over a man who had a girlfriend, or her lover turned out to be a female, or, oh, horror, perverts who wanted nothing more than erotic pleasures were interested in her. But why is life so unfair to her? She is an ordinary girl, no worse or better than her friends, half of whom lived with the most wonderful husbands. Fate didn’t like her. And so she dreamed: about Superman, a prince on a white horse, or just a strong defender. And when the girl fell into the magical layer of this world, her matrimonial dreams filled her head in double volume.

At the wheel of the bus sat a strange creature that could easily be dubbed an alien – red, with a large egg-shaped head and one single eye. The creature had no nose or mouth at all. The driver’s torso was much smaller than his head, and his three-fingered hands, like suction cups replacing nails, dug into the steering wheel.

«The fare is 15 rubles, buy a ticket from the bus driver,» Alina read and handed the money to the mysterious creature. The silent alien took the coins with the help of a thin string-tail and in the same way returned the change and ticket to the girl, and she, having punched her travel document, went into the cabin and sat down in an empty seat.

She leaned her forehead against the glass and sadly looked at the landscapes – ordinary Russia: both in the provinces and in the capital. Clouds no different from Siberian ones floated across the same blue sky. Nothing special, as if the non-magical world had returned to her life again. Alina was sad. It was like she was replaying in her memory the circumstances of leaving for another, as they called here, the second layer, and still could not understand: whether she had died or been reborn in a new capacity.

The girl was torn from such thoughts by noise… A fight? She shuddered and looked out the window – she had already arrived. She jumped out of her chair and ran out of the bus.

At the exit from the arrivals hall at Sheremetyevo-2 stood a tall young man with blond hair, who looked like a foreigner, wearing a blue robe up to his hips, tight leather trousers and platform boots. The same one that the girl saw at the moment of departure, rebirth, death, or whatever you call what happened to her. Alina wanted to jump back on the bus and go away from this terminal and the person she saw. She moved back, but when she wanted to put her hand on the railing of the bus, she found that she was grabbing an empty space. Too late.

The face of the man from the dying vision was more likely to be unhappy than angry, and did not at all resemble a collector of the souls of innocent girls, an evil demon of hell, and others like them. In his hand the guy held a leash with a black dragon. The animal grabbed the notebook on a beautiful plastic spring with its front paws and looked at the attackers with a pleading look. It was obvious that this pet furry did not intend to attack.

The asphalt between the guy and the attackers was torn up. In all likelihood, the stranger defended himself with earthen magic. Is it really a shaman? The magician’s first attack against the three hooligans ended in his favor, but what will happen next?

The guy was attacked by three orcs wearing taxi driver jackets. The dispute, most likely, was over which of them would take the foreign guest to the city center. Although an inner voice whispered to Alina: «This is not so!» Intervene! He’s the reason you’re here!»

Fascinating geography

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