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Book One. The Inheritance
11. Uncertainty


Ensuring the corridor was empty, at precisely 10pm., she left the castle. He was standing in the same spot as always, waiting for her. Black trousers and a black shirt made him almost invisible in the dark. Megan was unaccustomed to seeing Derek dressed like this; he always wore a kilt before.

“You look great in that style. I like it,” she said admiringly.

“Thanks for the compliment, you look great too.”

Derek embraced her and they began climbing the hill to the restaurant.

“How was your day? What did you do?”

“We went to the Orkney Islands. Such a beautiful place. Scotland is full of surprises. In just a few days, I've come to love this country. I don't understand why I hadn’t visited earlier. You’ve been to the islands, right?”

“Yes, several times. I like it there too. I think those places have a special allure, even magic: tranquil silence, enchanting nature, and powerful energy from the ancient stone giants,” his eyes lit up with the warm glow of memories.

“And what about you? Have you traveled a lot?” asked Derek.

“Yes, quite a bit. My mom loved warm countries, so we often traveled in winter, sometimes in summer, to lie on the beach and bask in the sunshine. So, you could call me a holiday expert,” she said with feigned seriousness. “We spent a lot of time in Cuba, flew to Thailand, but Italy has touched my soul the most. Oh, the emotions, passion…rhythm! And all that coexists with tranquility.”

Megan's face lit by a tender smile, as she became lost in thought. “And how do you feel about traveling?”

“I have visited all the capitals of Europe. So, I understand your feelings about Italy, even though I'm not a big fan of it.”

“To be honest, I'm terribly afraid of flying; I always feel more comfortable on the ground than in the sky or on water. That's why I don't really like long-distance travel. Our flights to Thailand and Cuba were tough for me. Aren't you afraid of flying?” Megan asked.

“No, not at all. Actually, you could even say I rather enjoy the process of flying.”

“Lucky you!” Megan said with a hint of envy.

“Indeed,” he remarked with a slight note of sarcasm.

They entered a small but cozy establishment. The place was furnished with lacquered tables covered with white-and red-checkered tablecloths, and massive chairs upholstered in rich mahogany fabric. Warm, subdued light filled the room, emanating from candlesticks attached to the wooden walls. Pleasant music played from the back of the hall, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort and charm. The few guests at the restaurant were mainly locals. They looked over the newcomers from head to toe and, taking them for tourists, quickly lost interest.

A friendly waiter greeted the couple. He led them to a small table by the window, where they could enjoy each other's company without interruption.

“Could I recommend something to you?” the waiter asked?

Megan and Derek exchanged glances and understood each other without words. The girl happily left the management of the evening to her companion.

“Bring us a bottle of your best red wine,” replied Derek.

The waiter took the order and left the guests, returning a few minutes later with a bottle of exquisite Italian Barolo.

The lovers continued their conversation.

“I still don’t know the most important thing about you!” Derek suddenly exclaimed. With silence as a response, he continued, “I don't know your food preferences. Being a pro in the restaurant business, I assume it's not easy to please you.”

“Actually, no. I'm not picky about food. At my establishment, I usually eat whatever the chef prepares. When on vacation with my mom, we always tried local dishes. And having arrived at Castle Mal and getting acquainted with the local customs, I've become a real fan of your cuisine. The way they prepare game and fish here is wonderful; I really liked it. And what about you? What do you like?”

“In that aspect, we're alike; I'm also not very fussy about food.”

At that moment, the waiter returned. He quickly but carefully filled their glasses with rich red liquid. After arranging the meat dishes with a side of potatoes and vegetables, he wished them a pleasant meal and left.

“To our first dinner together?” Derek proposed, with a raised glass at Megan.

“To our first real date!” she added.

After taking a sip of wine, they noted the waiter's excellent choice and started their meal.

“How was your day?” she asked Derek.

“Quite ordinary, nothing special. Who did you go to the islands with?” he unexpectedly asked, changing the subject.

“With my cousins, Glenn – Warren's wife, and his friend.”

“What friend?” Derek asked a bit tensely.

The girl shrugged, “I don't know, a long-time friend of Warren. He happened to be at the restaurant where we had our family dinner. That's where we were introduced. Are you jealous?” Megan asked teasingly.

“No, just curious,” he smiled back.

“His name is Craig, and he works for a shipping company. When he found out we were going to the islands, he decided to join us. Quite an interesting guy, easy to talk to.”

“Interesting…” Derek slowly repeated, cocking his right eyebrow.

“Why do you look like that? He's interesting to talk to, nothing more,” Megan laughed, pleasantly flattered by Derek's slight jealousy.

“I'm glad it's nothing more,” he said with a smile, looking straight into her eyes.

There was an awkward pause between them for a moment.

“Have you had any serious relationships with women before? Like, a long-term commitment or marriage?” Megan calmly asked, trying to hide her inner turmoil.

He paused before answering, his face once again becoming an impenetrable mask, making it impossible to read any emotions.

“I’ve had a serious and long-term relationship…” he continued to look into her eyes as he spoke.

Derek was hesitant, afraid to accidentally hurt Megan's feelings. He chose his words with utmost care. However, the pace at which she asked her questions threw him off balance.

“How long ago did this relationship end?”

“A long time ago.”

“Did it cause you pain and suffering?”

“Not the relationship itself, but the consequences.”

“Do you feel better now?”

“Definitely,” he replied, now smiling.

“Do you still love her?”

He watched Megan closely, noticing a flicker of fear in her eyes. She feared his answer to this question, afraid he might say “yes,” and he understood that.

“Too many years have passed…” he said slowly. “Let's leave the past behind and talk about us instead. I feel like I've known you all my life. Do you feel the same?” he asked calmly, with a slight smile and a squint in his eyes.

“I do,” she replied, satisfied with his answers.

Derek raised his glass, “Then let's drink to that.”

The tension at their table eased, allowing them to comfortably continue their dinner.

“Madam, now that you've extracted all my secrets, it's your turn to answer my questions. Tell me about your personal life. I'm eager to hear,” he said with a smile.

“There's not much to tell. I was in a relationship for several years, but it didn't feel like the sincere and true love portrayed in movies and novels. We parted ways and remained friends. And now there's you in my life, and I'm very happy about it.”

“I'm also very happy we met,” Derek said.

Taking a sip of drink, he added, “This wine is delightful! If it weren't for this decor, I'd believe I was in Italy! But we'll talk about that later. Have you decided on the fate of the factory and the castle?”

“Yes, I've made my decision known to the family. Warren will manage everything, after all he has experience in this business and he’s a McKenzie. Honestly, managing such a large and unfamiliar production was never of interest to me. I understand that my grandfather probably hadn’t foreseen this scenario. He wanted me to take full control and devote my life to the ancient family business. Unfortunately, I don't feel the same passion and enthusiasm for the distillery that I do for the London restaurant. It’s just not my cup of tea.”

“If that's what you really want, then it's probably the best solution. When are you leaving for London?” Derek asked casually, taking another sip of wine to dull his anxiety as he awaited her answer.

“I think I'll extend my summer vacation here a bit longer. It's been a while since I had a holiday. It's the perfect opportunity to make up for lost time.”

Derek breathed a sigh of relief and said, “So, we'll have more time to spend together.”

“Yes, I’ll have a chance to learn more about you,” Megan smiled.

“I thought you knew enough about me,” Derek said with feigned surprise, before revealing a genuine smile.

“On the one hand, yes, but on the other, it seems I know almost nothing about you. You still remain a mystery to me.”

“Does that frighten you?”

“Not anymore, but curiosity prevails,” laughed Megan.

“Everything in its own time. I think you'll find the answers to your questions soon.”

“I hope so.”

After dinner, they went for a walk to the sea. This had become their favorite spot, where they would sit on a large boulder, embracing each other, and talking the night away. As always, she returned to the castle just before dawn, first alone, and now with her beloved.

Weeks passed, and Derek spent the night in Megan’s room more and more frequently, where they passionately made love. Sometimes, without warning, he would appear in her bedroom in the middle of the night. Megan couldn't understand these strange appearances and disappearances, but she gave herself to him with all her soul, body, and heart. Their love for each other grew stronger by the day, and the girl could no longer imagine her life without him. Before dawn, her lover always left, leaving her alone with heavy thoughts about how time passed but nothing changed. He remained just as mysterious and enigmatic as ever, yet at the same time, he was the dearest and most beloved person in the world to her.

* * *

Three months had passed since Megan arrived at Castle Mal. As a perfectionist, she always required clear direction on how to proceed with her life and what actions to take. The situation she found herself in threw her off rhythm. Derek, occupied with his confidential job, wasn't ready to accompany her to London, and no one could say when his commitments would end. Megan realized that she needed to return home, yet she couldn't leave her loved one behind. Every day, she convinced herself that tomorrow she would find a way out of this loop and make a decision about her future. However, each new «tomorrow» passed without resolution. Megan waited for Derek to suggest something, to take some responsibility for their relationship and future, but he remained silent. Then one day, her phone rang.

“Honey, how are you? Are you in London yet?”

“Hi, Mom, I'm still at Castle Mal.”

“What are you doing there for so long? Did you like it so much that you decided to stay forever?”

“No, I just took a long vacation. I’m enjoying northern Scotland, it's very beautiful here, and I want to stay a bit longer,” the girl answered.

“Dear, you've been there for three months. What more is there to see? You can explore the entire north from end to end in just a few days. I can't understand you. It's a godforsaken place, where life has stopped, and there's no development. In my opinion, there's nothing to do there for more than a week,” Arline said, puzzled, unaware of what was really happening with her daughter.

“Everyone has their own opinion. Tell me how you're doing instead,” Megan decided to change the subject.

“Honey, I've missed you. You haven't visited us for a long time, and I really want to see you. Come back to London. Ted and I will be there in five days.”

Megan was stunned listening to her mother. Leave Derek and go to London in five days? She wasn't ready for that.

“Have you already bought the tickets?” she asked nervously.

“Yes, dear, we have,” Arline's voice was filled with genuine joy.

“Mom why don’t you come here to Castle Mal? It's your home, after all.”

“Megan, I have unpleasant memories of that house. I don't want to go back there. And your grandfather would turn in his grave if I stepped foot in Castle Mal,” Arline sighed heavily.

“But what happened between the two of you in the past? He didn't even want to reconcile with his only daughter before he died. There must have been a good reason.”

There was a brief silence on the line.

“Mom, can you hear me?”

“Baby, this isn't a conversation for over the phone. We'll talk when we meet.”

Megan suggested enthusiastically, “I have an idea! Let's meet in Edinburgh? I plan to return to London a bit later. Sam keeps in touch with me daily; everything’s fine at the restaurant and there’s no need for me to be there all the time. You know that over the years we've streamlined operations so much that now, for the first time in my life, I can afford to take a longer break.”

“Well, if that’s how you feel, I have no objections. I’m very fond of Edinburgh and I wouldn’t mind spending a few days there. I think Ted will like this idea. We could stop in London for a day first. I'll check in with Sam and see how things are going there. And the next day, we'll take a train to Scotland,” Arline clearly liked the plan.

“Great! I’d really appreciate it if you popped into the restaurant to check how things are going.”

“Megan, are you sure everything's okay? Or is there something I don't know about? This whole story with your extended holiday seems very strange to me. Have you met a man there? Are you in love? Be honest with me,” Arline asked anxiously, terrified at the thought of her only daughter staying forever away from civilization because of some Highlander.

“Don’t worry, Mum. I just like it here. I need a little rest and relaxation after all the hustle and bustle of London,” Megan convincingly answered.

“But I know you! You wouldn’t be able to sit still for even a day without something to do. And here we’re talking about months,” Arline disapproved.

“I guess I’m just very tired. Working non-stop caught up with me in the end. You know, I hadn’t taken a real break in ages. Well, the time has finally come to make up for all those missed holidays.”

“Okay, whatever you say. I'll look for apartments in Edinburgh today and give you the address. We'll talk in a couple of days. Love you, sweetie, and can't wait to see you.”

“Love you too. Hugs. Say hi to Ted.”

“Will do!”

The trip to Edinburgh appealed more to Megan than returning to London. Going to London meant leaving Scotland for a while and resuming her usual routine, but the time for that hadn’t come yet. She would have to tell Derek, as well as Glenn and Warren, that she would be leaving for a short while. She saw her friend from the hall window and headed outside.

“Megan! Look at how beautifully the roses have grown, they are even more beautiful this year than the last,” her friend admired, gazing at her own garden.

“Glenn, everything you plant grows beautifully! You have green fingers.”

“Thank you. I really enjoy the process when you plant a seed and watch it grow stronger day by day. Eventually, it turns into a work of art,” Glenn said passionately.

Megan shrugged, as she couldn’t quite appreciate the full joy of watching a seed or root sprout. She had never planted anything in her life.

“I just spoke to my mother. I’m going to Edinburgh on Saturday, and she’s coming there with her husband for a few days. I’ll be with them for five days then I’ll come back.”

“I’m glad you’ll see your mom! She wouldn’t like to come to Castle Mal, would she? That would be great!”

“No, she doesn’t like this place at all.”

“Pity, I don’t know how it’s possible not to love it. I’ve grown so attached to you, Megan, that I find it hard to imagine you being away for five days,” Glenn said, hugging her friend.

“But sooner or later the day will come when I’ll have to return to London and resume my usual life,” Megan said with a sad smile.

“I'm not even ready to think about that yet. I’ll be visiting you often then,” laughed Glenn.

“Come over, you're always welcome.”

“Let’s cut these roses and take them to Malcolm’s crypt.”

“Right now?” Megan asked, startled.

“Why not?”

“I'm scared to go there without male accompaniment. Warren has escorted me a couple of times, but even with him, I was frightened. And you're suggesting we go there, just the two of us?”

“Let's call Gregor.”

“He left for the distillery an hour ago.”

“Did he? I didn't even notice he was gone.”

“The main quality of Gregor is his inconspicuousness. He never seems to be around even when he is, making him always seem absent,” Megan laughed.

Glenn also laughed and said, “You're absolutely right. Oh, look, Warren is coming, he's early today.”

Warren didn't come alone; he was with his friend.

Craig greeted both women with a friendly kiss in turn, “Hello there, happy to see you both!”

Since their introduction, he had invited Megan to the movies and dinner twice. And twice she had declined. She felt very awkward around him. She knew about his clear interest in her, but she didn't want to conflict with Derek, or give Craig false hope.

“Hi, Craig. What an unexpected but pleasant surprise,” Megan sincerely said.

“I ran into him in Thurso and suggested he join us for dinner,” Warren joined the conversation.

“Good thinking. Megan and I have been quite bored these last few days. You're always at work, and we have no one else to talk to. Just each other, day in, day out,” Glenn jokingly told her husband.

“I'm always ready to keep you company. We can get together again and go somewhere, like the last time we went to the islands,” Craig suggested.

“I'm leaving for Edinburgh on Saturday for a few days. My mom is coming and I'm going to meet her.”

“You'll come back here afterward, right?” Craig asked hopefully.

“Yes, I'll come back. I've decided to spend some more time here.”

“We won't let her go to London for long,” Warren cheerfully said. “We've become so close living under the same roof that it's hard to imagine what Glenn and I will do without her.”

“Let's go inside; I'll hurry the cook with dinner and we can start earlier today,” Megan suggested.

“Sure. We can start with a glass of whiskey by the fireplace,” Warren proposed.

“Let's do that,” Glenn agreed.

While Megan went to the kitchen, they settled in the living room. Glenn and Warren in armchairs, and Craig on the sofa. Megan returned and sat next to him.

“Craig, how are you? How’s work? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you,” Megan asked with interest.

“Nothing new. Work's the same as always. Everything's fine with the family, thank God! I've just been a bit bored with the monotony of life. But tell me, what do you do here all day?”

“In the morning, I'm almost always on the phone with London. Solving various issues; basically working. Then Glenn and I chat, and afterwards, I go to the library to read. It's pretty much the same routine every day. It's the first time my life has been like this. But I'm not complaining. The main thing is that there's something to do,” she said with a smile.

“A day packed with activity,” Craig chuckled.

“Indeed! I'm really looking forward to this trip to Edinburgh; It’ll give me a chance to unwind completely.”

“I've been to Edinburgh a few times. It's a very beautiful city. You’d want to return again and again.”

“That's true, it's so unique, amazing, I would say. My grandfather and I met there a few times when I was a teenager. Mom would see me off to the train in London, and Grandpa would pick me up at the railway station in Edinburgh. I feel like you can never get tired of that city.”

“I think everyone would agree with that,” said Craig.

“By the way, Megan, I saw Duncan today,” Warren joined the conversation. “He sends his regards and asked when you will finally come to visit them. He and Grandfather would be delighted to see you. I suggest we organize a family dinner at their place as soon as you return from your trip.”

Megan was pleased that her relationship with the family had developed in such a warm way. Over these months, she has grown fond of Alaric, who reminded her of her grandfather, and the lively Duncan, with whom it was always fun. Therefore, she responded very positively to her cousin's suggestion, “That's a great idea! Send them my warm regards.”

Warren smiled, “I also told my brother not to worry about your infrequent visits, and explained that as soon as you finish reading the entire Castle Mal library, you'll move to the Castle Raven library. Given the rate at which you devour books, I think that's about to happen. How many have you read during this time? Two hundred?”

“No, about twenty-five, I think,” Megan laughed.

“That's some speed! I don't read half that in a year,” Craig was amazed.

“Of course, Craig, you work all day. You're not going to read in the office in front of your colleagues. And I'm on vacation, so I have time,” she said with a smile.

“By the way, I also have a large library at home. Once you're done with these two, you can move to mine,” Craig offered cheerfully.

“Thank you. I think that might happen in a couple of decades. If I stay here until retirement and do nothing else, I could manage two libraries, reading twelve hours a day,” Megan reasoned with laughter.

“I'd be happy if you stayed here for a couple more decades. By the way, how's your interaction with the birds going? Still as successful? Warren mentioned that one of the ravens has become your companion and follows you everywhere.”

“Yes, it's true! At first, I was afraid of it, but then I got used to it. I feed it occasionally, so it looks for me everywhere. If I'm in the study, it sits by the window; if I'm in the bedroom, it's by another window. Well, not always, of course. But it definitely spends a couple of hours a day around me. It's quite funny,” Megan said, surprising herself that she had become friends with a bird.

“It’s her biggest fan,” Warren said, laughing. “Don’t forget, Megan: we’re responsible for those we’ve tamed.”

“Wise words, indeed. I’ll go see if dinner is ready,” she said, getting up from the couch.

“Don’t get up, Megan; I'll go hurry Finella along. I’m already hungry,” Glenn said, quickly standing up and heading to the kitchen.

At that moment, the phone rang. Warren excused himself and walked over to the grand staircase to answer it. Meanwhile, Craig turned to Megan and, seizing the opportunity to be alone with her, asked, “Are you avoiding me?”

“Of course not!”

“I've asked you out twice, and you turned me down.”

“I'm sorry, it was just bad timing,” Megan said, at a loss for how to properly respond to his question without hurting his feelings.

“So, you're saying there's still a chance? I just need to pick the right time?” he asked hopefully.

As they were sitting close, Craig tenderly brushed a strand of hair from her face, much like Derek often did. He leaned in closely, intending to kiss her. Megan quickly leaned her head back to avoid the kiss.

“Craig, I'm sorry, we're not alone… I'm just not ready…” she began to explain hurriedly, unsure of how to defuse this awkward situation.

“Sorry. I understand. I won't rush you,” he replied.

Glenn returned to the room, not noticing the tension that had lingered between Megan and Craig. Her appearance helped to ease the atmosphere.

Over dinner, both the girl and the young man tried to avoid eye contact. They were both upset by the uncomfortable situation that had occurred in the room, but tried their best to act naturally, as if nothing had happened. Without waiting for dessert, Craig excused himself by saying he had promised a friend to help with something, said goodbye to everyone and swiftly left.

“Meg, is everything all right? It seemed to me that Craig was upset about something,” Warren asked with concern.

“I don't know. I didn't notice. Maybe he has some personal problems; who knows! I'm going to my room; I want to have an early night tonight, you don’t mind?”

"Good night."

After saying goodbye to her relatives, Megan walked up to her room. She was tormented by a sense of guilt towards Craig, for possibly leading him on and giving false hope. She imagined how rejected he must now be feeling. Reason told her that it wasn't her fault. But to feel and to understand are two different things, and at that moment, they were battling inside her. The girl wanted to be alone as soon as possible to think over the day’s events: the call from her mother, preparations for Edinburgh, Craig…

Entering her room, she was greatly surprised to find Derek there. He sat in the chair by the window, legs crossed, arms folded over his chest. He was once again wearing his trousers and shirt, all in black.

“Derek!? You scared me! I didn't expect to see you so early.”

“Who were you expecting to see here? Craig?” he remarked, unable to contain his sarcasm.

“Did you see him? He joined us for dinner tonight.”

“Yes, I saw him; he just left, we passed each other a couple of meters apart. Why did he come?” Derek inquired.

“I told you before, he's Warren's friend, and he just came over for a friendly dinner.”

“I see. I think he's very interested in you.”

“What gives you that idea?”

“I don't know… male intuition.”

Megan had never seen Derek so agitated and tense, as if something was tormenting him inside. She decided to change the subject to find out what was really happening with him.

“Why did you come so early? It's only 9:20.”

He was staring into space, lost in his thoughts, not hearing the question.


"Yes, Megan?” he looked at her as if he had just woken up.

“You've never come this early before. Is everything okay?"

“I got off work at 5 today and couldn’t wait to see you,” he replied calmly.

“I'm really happy you’re here. I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” he said, getting up and putting his arms around her before kissing her gently.

“My mom called today. She and Ted are coming, we’ve arranged to spend a few days together in Edinburgh. I'm going there on Saturday.”

“And then?” he asked tensely.

“I’ll come back.”

Each evening he spent with her, he feared hearing about her return to London. Today, he especially didn't want to broach the subject. He tried to steer the conversation away from it, but now realized it was inevitable.

“Okay, I’ll be waiting for you. What are your plans for tomorrow, and what did you do today?” he tried to guide the conversation in a direction he deemed appropriate.

“Same as usual. Work, Glenn, reading. Honestly, I'm starting to get bored with this lifestyle. My life in England was always so eventful and dynamic. I miss that. I don't know what to do with myself here. How long will this continue?! More precisely, how much longer can I take it?” Megan was depressed. She didn’t want to rake over all this again, but it was imperative for her to set her limits; she couldn’t wait in uncertainty forever.

Derek closed his eyes and sighed heavily, “Megan, I completely understand what you're waiting for from me. And I too want us to spend more time together. Not only at night but also during the day. But I can't give you that right now. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't, due to…certain circumstances.

“Derek, you say you love me, but we don’t go out. We don’t go anywhere together because everything is closed at night. You never call me. You don’t have days off. We’ve been together for more than three months, but nothing has changed. There's no development in the relationship. It’s all very strange and I’m plagued by various doubts and anxiety. Please understand I can’t stay here forever. Sooner or later, I’ll have to go back to London. What will happen to us then?” Megan was filled with despair and hopelessness as she laid these grievances on Derek.

“I’m sorry I’m causing you such discomfort. I understand perfectly well how you feel. You’ve got every reason to be angry with me. I need to know, in spite of all this, do you love me?”

“Of course, I do, but what does that change?”

“You've never told me that before.”

“I’m afraid – afraid of uncertainty and that you might hurt me.”

“The last thing I want to do is hurt you, Megan. I love you. Give me a little time. Just one or two months, no more. I promise you everything will change. You’ll get answers to all your questions.”

His eyes were filled with so much sadness that Megan's heart clenched in pain.

“Fine,” she said with a note of resignation.

Derek hugged her tightly, feeling burdened himself by all the half-truths and deceit in which he has lived these past months. That night, he was the most passionate and tender lover in the world. Megan felt so good and peaceful because he was there. In such moments, she forgot all her fears concerning him. Beside her, was the most faithful and loving of all men. She believed in the sincerity of his feelings and knew that he truly loved her as deeply as she loved him. But she needed to wait another a little longer, as Derek had asked her to. They lay in bed, embracing. Megan looked at the clock – dawn was near, and it was time for him to leave again. Where? And why exactly at this time? These questions remained unanswered.

The Magic Ring of Brodgar

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