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Chapter 2: A jar of honey


Nick the Bee continued his cheerful stroll through the town on that magical Christmas Day, something shiny caught his eye. Hovering over the cobblestone path, he spotted a glimmering jar nestled amongst a bed of fallen leaves.

Curiosity piqued, Nick fluttered down to investigate, his antennae twitching with excitement. With delicate care, he landed beside the jar and peered inside. To his delight, he discovered that it was filled to the brim with golden, glistening honey – the sweetest treasure he had ever laid eyes on.

With a gentle buzz of excitement, Nick dipped his tiny bee tongue into the jar and savored the delicious nectar. Oh, how the honey tickled his taste buds and warmed his heart with its sweetness! It was like tasting a little bit of sunshine on a chilly winter’s day.

But as Nick indulged in his impromptu feast, a thought tugged at the back of his mind. This honey didn’t belong here, lying abandoned on the ground. Someone must have lost it or forgotten it in their haste.

Feeling a pang of concern for whoever had lost their precious jar of honey, Nick decided to take action. With determination in his heart, he gently grasped the edge of the jar with his tiny bee legs and prepared to lift it off the ground.

But just as he was about to take flight, a soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

– Excuse me, Mr. Bee, but that jar belongs to me.

Startled, Nick turned to see a fellow bee hovering nearby, her wings shimmering in the sunlight. It was Amberley, a bee he had never met before, but whose presence filled him with a sense of warmth and familiarity.

– Hello there, – Nick greeted with a friendly buzz, setting the jar back down on the ground.

– I’m Nick. I found this jar of honey lying here, and I was just about to return it to its rightful owner.

Amberley’s eyes widened in surprise and gratitude.

– Oh, thank you, Nick! That honey is very special to me. I must have dropped it while I was out delivering jars to the market.

Nick nodded understandingly, a smile spreading across his tiny bee face.

– Well, I’m glad I could help. And if you ever need assistance with your honey deliveries, you can count on me!

With a grateful buzz, Amberley reached out and retrieved the jar of honey, cradling it gently in her tiny bee arms. – Thank you, Nick. You’re a true friend indeed.-

Honeymoon for Bees at Christmas

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