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Chapter 1: The owl near the school


Nestled snugly amidst the towering trees near the children’s school, there stood a quaint little house. It wasn’t like any ordinary house you might find in the bustling city; it was the home of Amalia the owl. Her house was a charming little nook, crafted from branches, leaves, and a sprinkle of magic.

Every morning, as the first rays of the sun danced through the forest canopy, Amalia would flutter her wings and peer out from her cozy abode. She loved this time of day – the air was crisp, and the world around her was just waking up. But most of all, she loved watching the children as they made their way to school.

Amalia had a favorite perch – a sturdy branch just outside her front door. From there, she had the perfect view of the path that wound its way through the woods to the school gates. With eyes as bright as the stars, she would sit and watch, her heart filled with warmth and curiosity.

She saw children of all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique stride and style. Some walked hand in hand with their parents, chatting and laughing along the way. Others skipped and hopped, their backpacks bouncing with each joyful step. And then there were those who trudged along, dragging their feet as if the weight of the world rested upon their shoulders.

But no matter how they traveled, Amalia greeted each passing child with a gentle hoot and a flick of her feathers. She may have been a silent observer, but her presence brought comfort to those who noticed her perched in the trees.

As the morning sun rose higher in the sky, casting dappled shadows across the forest floor, Amalia knew it was time to retreat to the warmth of her cozy corner. But she would return again tomorrow, eager to watch over her beloved school and the children who made it come alive. For Amalia the owl, there was no greater joy than being a silent guardian of this magical place.

Big-eyed Librarian

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