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Chapter 4. Secrets of the Midnighters


I tried to digest this information. I honestly tried, but even after what I had already learned and seen, I didn’t expect to hear something like that.

Simply because vampires are not superheroes at all. This is a pale, bony likeness of a person, living in a crypt, sleeping in a coffin and not knowing what toothpaste, solarium and manicure are.

“My mother is not a vampire,” I objected, having recovered from the first shock.

Smiling indulgently, Nirel corrected me:

– Not such a vampire as you used to think. Almost none of us have fangs anymore, because the need to drink blood has simply disappeared over the centuries. They don't grow anymore, see? – He showed me his even white teeth. – Now we take away unnecessary emotions from people in a different way.

– Do you take away unnecessary emotions? How? For what? – she asked, even more amazed.

So far everything has only become more confusing. Vampires without fangs and the need to drink blood are some kind of toothless vegetarians.

– It’s simple: people with an unstable psyche have moments in life when emotions take over them so much that they lose reason. Then they do things that affect the rest of the world. With their emotions they change the lives of other people, and mostly exclusively for the bad. For example, they commit a crime or become the cause of a series of accidents that lead to someone’s death. We – vampires – take away these “extra” emotions from them, thereby maintaining balance in the human world. Moreover, various emotions may turn out to be “superfluous” – even happiness.

– And before this you had to drink blood? – I clarified, grimacing.

My imagination quickly painted the entire procedure in the most vivid colors, including the nasty taste of metal in my mouth. I definitely wouldn’t agree to such an abomination, because…

What if a person is sick with something? Or haven't washed for a week?

I shuddered with disgust.

“It happened, but not for the last three generations,” Nirel confirmed. – Now, fortunately, this is not required. We have learned to do without this procedure. Now we take away dangerous emotions with the help of touch. Prolonged touch and slight hypnosis. If such emotions are not drawn out, then a skew will constantly occur, first in one direction, then in the other. Of course, problems happen despite the existing protocol of actions, but it’s better to do at least something than to do nothing, right?

I nodded, agreeing with the guy. If he was telling the truth, then the matter smacked of a fair amount of pessimism, because something out of the ordinary was happening in the world every day.

But on the other hand, I briefly imagined what the Earth would look like now if vampires had never existed. Probably, we would all simply die out and everything would go from scratch: bacteria, fish, monkeys, dinosaurs, cavemen. Maybe nature learned from its mistakes and therefore created vampires in the next round?

Actually, I asked the third-year student exactly this question.

“Maybe,” he answered slyly. – In any case, we are the protectors and balance of this world. And not only us. All Midnighters.

– Is there anyone else? Spiders? – I guessed.

But it turned out to be wrong. I'm not feeling good today. It’s understandable, there are so many new discoveries in less than a day, so much contradictory and at the same time incredible information that it’s time to go to bed as soon as possible with dreams that tomorrow will be different – normal.

– Not spiders. Transformation is Percy's special gift. Each vampire has his own special gift, but not all of them reveal it right away. For example, it hasn’t shown up for me yet.

Smiling with slight sadness, the guy quickly returned to our main topic:

– In addition to vampires, Midnighters also include werewolves, witches and hunters.

Having caught on to the most important word, I fidgeted on the bench with impatience.

– Hunters? Everything about the rest is more or less clear. Witches can cast spells, werewolves turn into animals, and hunters? Who is this anyway?

Nirel sighed heavily.

– Those for whom our existence does not allow us to live in peace. They consider us monsters and are trying in every possible way to rid the world of our presence. But don't get scared ahead of time. Let's just say that no one has seen them on this side of the border for a long time – since they crossed into the human world, so there is nothing interesting about them. Maybe they degenerated a long time ago.

Hearing the last phrase, with which the guy probably wanted to cheer me up, I smiled wryly. Because now I knew for sure that one annoying hunter still existed in the human world. Mom herself told me about this today, and I just didn’t know what to do with this information now.

How dangerous were they? Have they really degenerated or are they still hiding to hunt down vampires one by one? And my mother? Is she a vampire, a witch or a werewolf?

– Nirel, if I’m still a Midnighter, then who am I? Vampire or witch?

“Vampire,” he answered without a shadow of doubt.

– Why did you decide that? – I became stubborn.

It's not that I want to be a witch. In principle, I would prefer to remain a purebred person, but if I have to choose…

– Because Madame Pelisay named you Salaman Dragon. Your family is the oldest and largest among all vampire families.

– So I have many relatives? – I was puzzled.

Accustomed to the fact that my only family member was my mother, I did not expect such a catch. On the one hand, this news made me immensely happy, because I always wanted to have grandparents, brothers and sisters, and all these noisy, cheerful holidays when large families gather and give many, many gifts. But on the other hand…

Relatives could end up with foulbrood.

The third-year student brought me down to earth again:

– Not sure. Dragon is the common name of the genus, but from the first Dragon, according to history, many branches came. If I'm not mistaken, he had fourteen sons. There were also daughters, but each got married and received a new clan name. It’s better to ask your mother about your relatives when the opportunity arises.

“If it turns up,” I sighed, remembering how I had been waiting for answers for eighteen years, and how I still haven’t received some.

But I still had some clue. Madame Pelisay said that I am Dragon on my father's side. I wonder if he's still alive? And if so, why have I never seen him? Even if their relationship with his mother was truly accidental and for one night, had he really not been overcome by curiosity over all the years to find out who was born to him?

Or did his mother simply not tell him that she was pregnant?

– Listen, but it turns out that vampires can have children? – this fact perhaps struck me most of all.

This is the complete opposite of what was described in books and films!

Fun sparkled in Nirel's eyes.

– Naturally. We need to reproduce somehow. Any questions?

– But of course!

Sitting more comfortably, I turned my whole body to the guy.

– When we entered the library, it was daytime, but we left here at night. What's going on here? Are time zones different?

In response, he rolled his eyes, as if I had said complete nonsense. But I decided not to be offended, because it’s interesting.

– You could also say time zones. It is immediately obvious that you are one of the Coming Ones. It's always night on the Dark Side, Sally. All day long and at any time – and this has been the case for more than two centuries. It was the witches who cast witchcraft because those who were born exactly at midnight – at the junction between the days – do not feel well in the light of day. But vampires react to the sun more sharply than others. Our concentration decreases, drowsiness, loss of strength, and vulnerability appear. We are weakening before our eyes. And, by the way, about the eyes: they are sensitive to the sun. I heard that our people on the other side wear dark glasses or special hard lenses.

Lenses… I almost jumped on the spot with realization, because the guy told the absolute truth. Since childhood, my eyes would water and hurt terribly just by looking at the sun. I didn’t even remember when I first put on lenses: I was too small, but since then I haven’t gone outside without them.

The first thing I did in the morning was wash my face and insert my lenses. But even with them, our windows were always covered with thick curtains.

Nirel was right about everything. Even though these lenses were made of hard matter. They felt somewhere between glass and plastic.

Twitching, I wanted to show him the lenses, peacefully waiting in the wings in the pocket of my overalls, but I stopped myself in time. If I wanted everyone around me to consider me an ordinary person and let me go on all four sides in peace, then I shouldn’t show off my features.

Because any of these features already made me a vampire, and therefore a prisoner of the Midnighter Academy.

Since my guide turned out to be so talkative, chewing his lower lip, I nevertheless decided to ask a frank question:

– Nirel, are we monsters?

Thoughts about hunters haunted me. It’s not for nothing that they decided to exterminate vampires? Maybe there was something in history for which toothless vegetarians still felt ashamed?

– Sally, do I look like a monster? – they asked me unexpectedly softly, but quite seriously.

I defiantly looked him up and down.

– You? You are not.

– And you don't. So we are not monsters. Your mother said it right: we maintain balance in the human world. We help those who are on the verge of disaster, you know?

Taking my hand gently, he lightly stroked the back of my hand with his thumb. I froze in shock, afraid to even take another breath.

“Are you taking my emotions away now?” – she squeezed out, listening to her own body.

– What? No. Of course not. I just took your hand to support you. It must be difficult for you right now.

The third year student smiled humorously.

Instantly taking my hand away from him, I turned away and ruffled my feathers. All I needed right now was a guy who understood everything. I suddenly felt like I was at an appointment with a psychoanalyst, although I had no idea how they actually do all this, and not in a television show.

Taking a deep breath, she slowly exhaled. I needed to calm down and clear my head from unnecessary thoughts. After all, this guy had nothing to do with my problems, but rather was trying to help, so being angry at him made me act like an idiot.

“It’s not difficult for me,” I admitted, looking at the porch, because it turned out to be easier to talk that way. – I get used to new places pretty quickly, but the problem is that I don’t want to be here. And I don’t want to be a Midnighter either. My mother… She left now. And I can only guess where. At the same time, I don’t know what’s on her mind, will we see each other again, you know? I'm worried about her and…

Feeling other people's hands on my shoulders, I immediately tensed. I really didn’t expect Nirel to suddenly hug me and gently pull me towards her. His jacket, turtleneck and leather smelled deliciously of something woody, which made you want to run your nose over the exposed part of his neck.

He scared me. My reaction to him and his hugs scared me. The last tickling sensation in my chest also excited me at the same time, but at the same time I felt warm. In his strong hands it felt good and cozy, reliable and comfortable, as if we had already known each other for a thousand years.

I wonder how long vampires live? Here you will inadvertently believe in the transmigration of souls.

He gently stroked my back.

– Everything will be fine, Sally. Like I said, I'm sure your mom had good reasons for leaving you here. But look at it this way: you, like other students, need to develop your abilities. So do just this and by your next meeting you will be able to convince her that you have already learned everything and you have nothing to do here.

Pulling away from the guy, I looked into his emerald eyes and honestly admitted:

“I feel like a boy with a scar.”

– Pf-f-f! – he said mockingly. “You’re much cooler, believe me.” Could he do that?

A moment, and the guy was not on the bench. Turning my head, I saw him already standing on the porch of the freshman building.

– Or so? – he shouted, instantly moving to the fountain.

I even stood up from the bench, my mouth parted in amazement. I definitely saw this for the first time.

– Or so?

Now the guy stood on a thick branch of the tree closest to the bench, relaxing with one hand on the mighty trunk. All this time he moved so quickly that my eyes did not have time to catch anything at all. I stood there, hit on the head like a dust bag, sincerely admiring the abilities of others.

Abilities that brought Nirel straight to me. The last time he stopped a breath away from me – so that I felt his warm breath on my lips.

– Or so? – he whispered, looking first into my eyes, then at my lips.

– Salaman Dragon! – a commanding female voice suddenly called out to me.

Having jumped away from the brunette a good half meter, I looked at the dissatisfied one. She stood right on the porch of the freshman building and held the front door ajar.

– How long will it take to wait for you? You should have come for bed linen an hour ago!

“I’m coming,” I muttered, briefly looking at my guide. – I went. Thank you for telling me so much.

– Dragon! – they hurried me impatiently.

– In general, thank you.

As I climbed the steps to the porch, I allowed myself to turn around at the very door. Nirel continued to stand under the tree right next to the bench. His gaze was fixed on my face, which probably reflected regret and annoyance.

Not because I seem to have lost the kiss. That's exactly what I didn't want to think about right now. But because she didn’t find out anything about the “Recorder”.

When talking with Madame Pelisey, my mother asked her not to let me near this unknown thing, so that I would not suddenly find out who my father was.

But why? Why shouldn't I know this?

This was the second question she never answered.

Midnight Academy. Born at midnight

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