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To: Alexander Eduardovich Pergament

From: Edward Pergament-Cepeda

I saw rain!

And the silence was ringing…

A harsh light fell on the window.

One day the war will end

And the March Sun will be ours!

And the day will be soft and gloomy,

And we will understand the Victory’s meaninglessness.

And one thought from our different thoughts

Will make us holy like Vedas made Ramakrishna!

And Light, painted in Fire,

Will call us from the blue-eyed Far & Away…

And we will rapturously understand

Our Sun and the Alien Sun;

And the demon of troubles and calamities

Will have celebrated enough;

And he will tell us: “Here is your road!”

And our Faith, the sweet whore,

Will reconfirm and affirm us & shall become our truth.

February 10, 2022, Florham Park.

Манускрипт. Кандалы Времени

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