Читать книгу Silver Bullets Toolkit - Константин Константинович Берлинский, Konstantin Berlinskii - Страница 5



Thus, here are the persons who influenced my growth much and whom I bless for this:

– My parents, they gave me birth; -) I prefer not to live in the times when the world terrorism is victorious, but there’s nothing to be done.

– My sister for support.

– Technical University of Moldova – for higher technical education not to be very good, but better among others in the Republic. In the book [15] the author says that you should set yourself an object, get the education as good as it is possible, and then for God’s sake do something!

– Stratan Victor for excellent explanation of theory and help in practice of design patterns, OOP and etc. Thanks to him for the first version of Rational Rose 98.

– Serdtsev Vitaly – after watching his “magic” with assembly programs, С++, low-level programming, I took a great interest in my own profession and have not been regretting still. I recall the words of our department manager V. Beshliu: “You came here in the University with different aims, but in the case of graduation you will be fervent patriots of your profession”.

– Smolov Alexander – when the balance between joys and sorrows of a profession moves in favor of the last (idea from the book [6]), I sit down to my computer and struggle against aliens in my old kind XCOM (see website [15]), whom Alexander brought me on 3 diskettes with little elephants. Thanks to it all sad thoughts disappear, but you keep dreaming about little green men for a long time.; -)

– Dragoner V.V. – my thesis tutor. I set a pride aim to create an analogue of Rational Rose. I wrote a compiler of incoming C++ texts, Serdtsev – graphics for browser of objects and diagrams, Smolov – Russian sounds for insonification analysis results of texts through MSTextToSpeech. This project happily failed (by the thesis presentation only 50% of requirements were fulfilled), but sometimes misfortunes are more fruitful than success. I gained an experience in working with Rose, read a lot of materials concerning Rose and s. o.

– Paprotskii I.B. and Starashuk A.I. – my work in government enterprise Registru (see the article [1]) under their direction had a great impact on my professional activity and career growth.

– Zolotuhina E.B. for brilliant course of system analysis and information system development.

– Edward Durleshteanu (BitGenerator Company) – it was difficult but quite interesting to work together. I regret that difficulty outweighed interest.

And finally, Igor Toporet, by the present my direct boss and a real professional in his field. Many of my aims I could achieve faster thanks to him. I also hope that I helped him to achieve his aims.

Silver Bullets Toolkit

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