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The Basic Rules

Basketball rules are designed to make the game run smoothly and safely so that everyone can enjoy and compete in a safe manner. The rules are set for fair play. Players should be familiar with the basic rules to ensure fair and safe play.

Game Length

A game consists of four quarters of 10 minutes. There is an interval of 2 minutes between first and second quarter, and between third and fourth quarter. Usually, there is a longer interval at half time (10–15 minutes) before the third quarter begins. Timing rules may vary depending on the level of competition. There is a pregame on court warm-up period of around 15 minutes before the start of the game. If the score is tied at the end of the fourth quarter, the game shall continue with as many overtimes of 5 minutes duration each as necessary to break the tie.

Starting the Game

For all games, the first team named in the schedule (home team) shall have the team bench and its own basket on the left side of the scorer’s table, facing the playing court. However, if the two teams agree, they may interchange the team benches and/or baskets. Before the first and third quarter, teams are entitled to warm-up in the half of the playing court in which their opponents’ basket is located. Teams shall exchange baskets for the second half. In all overtimes, the teams shall continue to play towards the same baskets as in the fourth quarter.

The match starts with five players from each team on the court.

The game will start off with a jump ball at the centre court, usually between the team’s centres (or anyone from the team). The other eight players must stand outside the circle until one or both players tap the ball. Neither jumper may catch the ball or tap it more than twice until it has touched one of the non-jumpers or the floor. If the ball is not tapped by at least one of the jumpers, the jump ball shall be repeated. The “jumper” cannot catch the ball.

Possession Arrow

When two players from the opposing teams have possession of the ball simultaneously and cannot get free, a “jump ball” may be called by the referee. In this case, teams alternate possession. The “possession arrow” can be found at the scorer’s table. The possession arrow changes every time when a jump ball situation is called by the referee. The team that did not win the first jump ball takes the ball out of bounds in the next jump ball situation. The team entitled to the next alternating possession at the end of any quarter or overtime shall begin the next quarter or overtime with a throw-in from the centre line extended, opposite the scorer’s table, unless there are further free throws and a possession penalty to be administered. If a player(s) move(s) to out-of-bounds or to his backcourt during a held ball, a jump ball situation occurs.

Out of Court

The ball is considered out of court when it touches on the sideline, baseline, or outside of the court. The throw (in bound) is taken from where the ball is out of play.

The ball is out-of-bounds when it touches:

1.A player or any other person who is out-of-bounds.

2.The floor or any object above, on or outside the boundary line.

3.The backboard supports, the back of the backboards, or any object above the playing court.

Field Goal

A field goal is any basket scored by throwing the ball through the ring/basket during the course of play. If the ball is scored inside the 3-point perimeter, the goal is worth 2 points. Otherwise, it will be 3 points if the shot is successful.

After a successful field goal, the defending team must throw the ball back into play (in bound) behind any part of the baseline of their opponent’s basket (within 5 seconds upon holding the ball).

Free Throw or Foul Shots

A player committed a foul while trying to stop his opponent from scoring a field goal illegally. Under such situation, two/three free throws will be awarded to the opponent to be taken behind the free throw line. Only the player who was fouled can take the shots (however, if the player who was fouled cannot attempt the free throw(s) due to injury, the substitution for him shall attempt the free throw(s) on his behalf). Each foul shot is worth one point. If the last shot taken is missed, the game continues as if the player had taken shot in normal play. If the last free throw is scored, the opposing team will start the play from behind the baseline.


Deliberate contact to disrupt an opposition player is called a personal foul. Generally, (1) the first player to establish position on the court has priority to that position, (2) a body part cannot be extended into the path of an opponent, and (3) the player who moves into the opponent’s path and created a contact is illegal.

Each personal foul will contribute to a team foul. In a regular game, if a team accumulated four team fouls in a quarter, two free throws will be awarded to the opposition team for the subsequent foul(s) committed.

In a 40-minute game, a player can accumulate up to five personal fouls before being disqualified (fouled out) from the game. A substitute is allowed to replace the player who fouled out of the game. A player shall be disqualified for the remainder of the game when he is charged with 2 technical fouls, or 2 unsportsmanlike fouls, or with 1 unsportsmanlike foul and 1 technical foul.


Substitution can be made in the following instances:

1.any time a foul is called,

2.any time the team has sideline possession,

3.a jump ball,

4.at time-outs,

5.when the opposition substitutes on their sideline possession,

6.if a player is injured,

7.half-time or quarter time.


A coach can call two time-outs during first half and three time-outs during the second half of a 40-minute game. Unused time-outs may not be carried over to the next half or overtime. A time-out can be requested by the coach from the scorer’s table any time the referee blows the whistle or when the opposition scores a basket. One minute is allowed for a time-out.

Each team may be granted:

1.Two time-outs during the first half.

2.Three time-outs during the second half with a maximum of two of these time-outs when the game clock shows 2:00 minutes or less in the fourth quarter.

3.One time-out during each overtime.

Inbound the Ball

Whenever the play is stopped due to a violation, foul or ball landed outside the court, the team getting the ball throws it inbounds (restart the play) behind the line of the court nearest to where the violation occurred. When a team scores a basket, the opposing team inbounds the ball from anywhere behind the baseline.


A player in possession of the ball must keep one foot intact on the floor, unless he is dribbling, passing or shooting. This foot is usually the first foot that landed on the floor after catching a mid-air ball. It is also a pivot foot.

If landed on both feet at the same time, a player can decide the pivot. If the player moves the pivot foot off the floor, he is not allowed to dribble. He can only pass or shoot the ball before returning the pivot foot back to the ground. Any of these infringement would mean that he has committed a travelling violation.

Double Dribble

A player uses passing or dribbling skills to advance the ball forward for attack. If he dribbles the ball and picks it up with both hands (or at any point of time while dribbling, the ball rest is seen rested on the hand), he is not allowed to dribble the ball again beside passing or shooting. Otherwise, a violation called “double dribble” will be imposed against him and opposition takes the ball from the nearest side or baseline and change possession.

Back Court

The offensive team has to advance the ball to the front court (attacking end) and attempts to make a shot within 24 seconds of the shot clock. Once the ball is past the half-way line to the front court, it cannot be passed back to defensive end (back court), otherwise, the team is said to have violated the “back court” rule, resulting in a change of possession at the side line nearer to where the violation is committed.

Officiating (Taken from www.fiba.com)


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