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Many thanks are due to the usual suspects, who are all unusual in the very best ways.

The Purples—Gayle Callen, Christine Wenger, Molly Compton Herwood and Carol Pontello Lombardo—who continue to be my lifeline to sanity in a world filled with kids, deadlines and those school activities that always seem to expand to three times as much time as I projected.

Renee Kloecker, World’s Best Hostess, who so generously allows the Purples to take over her country home during our retreats. And Elisa Koniezcko, who so generously answers our many many medical questions (and keeps us howling with laughter) when she joins us on retreat.

The folks at Priceline for cheap hotels—so essential during deadlines. And my husband, Larry, for making sure there is still a parent in the house when I announce I must disappear for a weekend or twelve.

Jessica Faust, Uber-Agent,

for making me believe I could do this.

Piya Campana, Editor Extraordinaire, for the fresh eyes, the amazing insights and the smilies. And especially for catching my mistakes before they get sent to the world.

And, as always, to the writers of Galaxy Quest, who gave me the ultimate words to write by: Never give up. Never surrender!

Now You See Me

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