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Оглавлениеcsl conventions
macron, except that for initial vowels in sandhi we use a circumflex to indicate that originally the vowel was short, or the shorter of two possibilities (e rather than ai, o rather than au).
When we print initial a, before sandhi that vowel was a
i or e, i
u or o, u
ai, e
au, o
a, a
i, i
u, u
e, i
o, u
ai, ai
au, au
’, before sandhi there was a vowel a
When a final short vowel (a, i, or u) has merged into a following vowel, we print ’ at the end of the word, and when a final long vowel (a, i, or u) has merged into a following vowel we print ” at the end of the word. The vast majority of these cases will concern a final a or a. See, for instance, the following examples:
What before sandhi was atra asti is represented as atr’ asti
atra aste atr’ aste
kanya asti kany” asti
kanya aste kany” aste
atra iti atr’ eti
kanya iti kany” eti
kanya ipsita kany” epsita
Finally, three other points concerning the initial letter of the second word:
(1) A word that before sandhi begins with r (vowel), after sandhi begins with r followed by a consonant: yatha” rtu represents pre-sandhi yatha rtu.
(2) When before sandhi the previous word ends in t and the following word begins with s, after sandhi the last letter of the previous word is c ________