Читать книгу In The Arms Of A Stranger - Kristen Robinette - Страница 2

“Just say my name,” she interrupted. “I’ll know your voice.”


Luke nodded and disappeared through the doorway, leaving Dana alone. What she’d said was true. She could pick that deep, captivating voice out of a crowded room. Maybe it was the tense circumstances, but that voice had the power to soothe her and, if she was honest with herself, to make her want to crawl into the shelter of his arms.

Power. The word stuck in her brain as she pointed Luke’s gun toward the empty door frame as he’d directed. Hadn’t she learned a thing or two about giving up her power? But this was hardly the same as her marriage had been. Luke had just given her the power of his weapon and, with barely a word of instruction, his trust.

Time passed. Five minutes? Ten?


“Yes,” she responded, lowering the gun and, with it, her defenses.

In The Arms Of A Stranger

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