Читать книгу The Woman Who Fed The Dogs - Kristien Hemmerechts - Страница 5




‘Many people have asked me why I wrote this novel. “Think of me as an anthropologist,” I reply. I study human behavior, I want to understand its ins and outs, which does not imply approval. Of course I don’t approve of what she did or failed to do. Who would? But I think I now understand how it came to pass.’


‘The Woman Who Fed the Dogs is an uncompromising, uncomfortable yet moving narrative, in which a moral-distorting mirror is held up to the reader. The principal challenge for me as a translator was to find an equivalent in English for the voice of the much-abused protagonist, which the author sustains throughout with such grim effectiveness.’


‘Kristien Hemmerechts is a very brave author. In this book she did the hardest thing a writer can impose upon herself by looking evil in the eye and entering the mind of a woman despised by everyone. The result is totally convincing and mind-blowing.’

The Woman Who Fed The Dogs

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