Читать книгу An Heir For The Texan - KRISTI GOLD - Страница 10



Georgie startled at the sound of Austin’s voice, so much so she physically jumped. “We were talking about...uh... We were playing a game.”

He tossed the beer can in the recycle bin and frowned. “What kind of game?”

“A guessing game,” Paris said. “Georgie tells me a story from your childhood, and I have to guess which brother did what.”

Georgie thanked her lucky stars Paris had such a sharp mind. “That’s right. I just mentioned the time someone was doing donuts in the Parkers’ pasture. I told her everyone thought it was Dallas, when it was really you, and she thought I should tell you to confess to Dallas to clear the air.” And that had to be the lamest fabrication ever to leave her mouth.

He strolled farther into the kitchen and frowned. “Yep, that was me doing the donuts on the night after I found out I got accepted into college. And FYI, Dallas already knows. He took the blame because he knew Dad would come down harder on me.”

Georgie recalled that fateful day when Austin had informed her about his college acceptance, and she had assumed he would be out of her life forever. Now just the opposite would be true, if she told him about Chance.

She did a quick check of her watch and saw an excuse to escape both Austin’s and Paris’s questions. “It’s time for me to go. I have to be up very early in the morning to make my rounds.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Austin said.

“Thanks, but I can make it to the truck on my own. Finish your visit with the family.”

An Heir For The Texan

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