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Dear Reader,

Welcome back to the world of SEX & THE SUPPER CLUB. Nothing but the Best is Cilla’s book, and boy, was it a blast to write. Years ago I read an interview with Larry McMurtry in which he described his characters as though they were real people with minds of their own, people he just tracked and listened to as they went through their lives. I thought it was fanciful at the time—then I started writing novels and discovered that it was absolutely true. Cilla knows exactly who she is and what should happen to her. It’s when she runs into a stubborn, sexy guy named Rand that she gets into trouble.

Cilla’s a feisty heroine who’s great fun. I’d love to hear what you think of her. Drop me a line at kristin@kristinhardy.com. Look for more of SEX & THE SUPPER CLUB coming in the future—we still have to follow the stories of Paige, Thea and, best of all, Delaney. To keep track, sign up for my newsletter at www.kristinhardy.com for contests, recipes and updates on my recent and upcoming releases.

Have fun,

Kristin Hardy

Nothing But The Best

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