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“Things could get really complicated really fast...”

Jaime handed Emmett the shovel. “Then we uncomplicate it. I think I’ve already proven I’m a much better planner than actual renovator. I’m turning in my shovel and hammer.”

He flicked the brim of her ball cap with his thumb and index finger. “That will definitely speed things up.”

She batted her eyelashes at him. “And here I thought you wanted to take things slowly.”

“Well, there is twenty-first century slow and then there is 1920s slow.” A twinkle lit his blue eyes. There was still something he wasn’t telling her—something she didn’t know—but Jaime pushed that thought out of her head. There was time to figure all of it out.

And maybe, just this once, it would be okay if she didn’t examine things so closely.

Maybe, it would be okay to just see where this took them. She leaned forward and brushed her lips across his.

“I definitely think twenty-first century slow is the way to go...”

First Love Again

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