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Dear Reader,

I’m so happy to be writing again! I took some time off from my computer to plan weddings, experience the thrill of being an adoring grandmother, travel and learn to play the violin. I even went to Blue Grass Camp! I also sewed twenty-eight quilts (but who’s counting?).

The Husband School was inspired by a stop in a small Montana town during one of my husband’s and my annual cross-country road trips. Combine our love of small Western towns with the memory of running a café ourselves plus the many “what if” questions a writer naturally generates, and with a little luck and a whole lot of time, a story was born. This story. About a little town trying to save itself and its way of life.

I once lived in a town so small that when I went to a yard sale, the woman running the sale knew what I was going to buy before I got there. She was right!

I hope you enjoy Willing, Montana, and the people who live there. The world needs more love stories, good neighbors and happily-ever-after romance.


Kristine Rolofson



The Husband School

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