Читать книгу Secrets of Outstanding Persons - Kudo Ph.D Eresia-Eke - Страница 5



When the water flows through the tap, for our benefit, it cannot claim to be the source of the water.

The microphone may magnify and relay messages, but it cannot claim to be the source of the sound.

The newspaper may bear the news of the day, but it cannot claim to own the imprint that sells it.

So it is with purveyors of the inner wisdom which bestow happiness, influence and excellence as we may find in the pages of this book.

To whom then does the credit for this book belong? It is difficult to say, except to confess that chapters have been written in conversational form in order to reflect the inner discussion from where this book is born.

Clearly, conversations imply exchange of ideas between more than one source; in this case between the author, who for the most part acts simply as a conveyor belt, and the voices within.

But to whom do these inner voices belong? Tough question. Let us just say they are voices of benevolent ones dedicated to the betterment and ultimate improvement of all; benevolent ones whose whole lives and existence are dedicated to our good as individuals and collectives.

You may notice from the tones and nuances of the conversations in these pages that there are numerous different “voices” which feature here. But varied as they may be, united, however they are by the common goal of helping us, to greater happiness, love, success, influence and excellence.

They wish to support us, as they have all outstanding ones before. Welcome to the movies of your own imagination as you enjoy the deep discussions that follow.

Enjoy the journey.

Secrets of Outstanding Persons

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